齐塔人之声2010 年6月19日NING网站谈话(2)_妙音_新浪博客

Based on my reading on the upcoming changes in the Lawrence Seaway, I wanted to ask if the Lake Champlain area in Vermont will be part of the these changes . I read on Zeta Talk that Vermont is expected to rise up, however I wonder if the changes will have opposite effect on the Lake Champlain area itself, since it is a large body of water. Will areas currently located in elevation under 400 ft. be pulled down with the possible sinking of Lake Champlain? [and from another] Lake Champlain is situated in the Lake Champlain Valley between the Green Mountains of Vermont and the Adirondack Mountains of New York, drained northward by the 106 miles (171 km) long Richelieu River into the St. Lawrence River.

基于我读到的有关劳伦斯海道即将发生的变化,我想问问佛蒙特州的尚普兰湖地区是否被包含在了这些变化当中。我从齐塔人之声读到,预期佛蒙特州会上升,然而我想知道这些变化是否会对尚普兰湖地区本身有反面的影响,因为它是一大团湖水。随着尚普兰湖的可能下沉,目前位于海拔400英尺以下的地区会被拉低吗? 。尚普兰湖位于佛蒙特州的“绿山”和纽约阿尔岗金山之间的“尚普兰湖山谷”,北面106英里(171千米)长的Richelieu河里的流水流进了圣劳伦斯河。
齐塔人之声2010 <wbr>年6月19日NING网站谈话(2)

As with the development of the Finger Lakes in New York State, Lake Champlain is evidence of the lift in this area as the Seaway splits open. You will not be inundated, though your lake and river draining it may widen.


Due to the increase in the sinkholes here in Canada and China would part of the problem be due to a rise of the 'water tables' underneath the surface of the ground? Like many cities (Edmonton and Calgary included) in Alberta and elsewhere in Canada the buildings (cities) and residential areas are built in the river valleys and on flood plains. In talking to a person recently who does commercial real estate in Calgary, a few condo projects have been halted because of a miscalculation in the water table under the ground and the presence of sinkholes have halted the building process and now they are just empty land. One would think that this has been more common in the last few years in many more areas of the globe. Could an increase in the amount of rain (through a drought/deluge cycle that you have mentioned will more commonly occur as PX draws near) in any given time, contribute to the number of sinkholes arising in Canada and China?

加拿大和中国的地陷增加的部分原因是地面之下的“水位”上升吗?就像阿尔伯达(加拿大西部的一省)的许多城市(包括Edmonton 和Calgary )和加拿大的其它地方一样,建筑物(城市)和居民区是修建在河谷以及泛洪平原上的。最近与在Calgary做商业房地产生意的某人谈话时,(我听到)因为错误计算了地下水位,几座公寓大楼项目中止了,而地陷的出现中止了建筑过程,现在它们是一片空地。有人会认为,在过去几年里这种现象在全球的许多地方是很普遍的。是否在任何特定时刻里雨量的增加(随着行星X的靠近,你们所提及的干旱和洪水将会变得更加常见)会导致加拿大和中国地陷数量的增多呢?

Sinkholes do not develop because the water table is rising. They develop in areas subject to rock layers being pulled in different directions, primarily in stretch zones or where a plate is bending. The large sinkhole near Toronto was clearly a stretch zone drop because the Seaway is being pulled apart. In China, the plate is being pulled down at the tongue housing Indonesia, so there is snapping rock where the plate is breaking and bending. This is likewise true for the large number of sinkholes in Pennsylvania, as the N American continent is being pulled down south of this point, but rising as the Seaway pulls apart north of this point. The bow in the N American continent is likewise pulling rock layers across each other, as the sinkhole in Tennessee shows. This point, as we explained, is directly in a line from San Diego across the continent, and includes the area of the Utah mining disaster a couple years ago.


So what happens when sinkholes develop, and why are they so often perfectly round? When rock layers pull apart, lose soil around or between them will either become more compressed or have more freedom to move. If a cavern opens up, the soil will drop. Often subsequent movement just creates more compression of soil in some areas and a larger and larger cavern. This provides less support for any rock or soil above the cavern, and eventually, depending upon the pressure from above (such as a building or roadway) fragile and already fracturing rock layers above the cavern will break. It should be noted that the rock layer above the cavern has been involved in the pulling apart process, so is itself fracturing, thus weakened. The point where the cavern's ceiling starts to fracture is the center point, and by dropping or drooping, all points in a circle around that point have less and less support and likewise begin to drop or droop. This, the stunningly circular appearance of many of these sinkholes.


Just a quick question, could a fire storm be sparked off by a powerful storm in the gulf due to the volume of oil that has spewed into the waters? Guess I am asking if rain drops can become flammable.


During the hour of the pole shift, when the tail of Planet X is licking the Earth as Planet X is so very close to the Earth, there can be firestorms. We have reported that this will happen , or very close to that hour, but not at other times. Why is this? The petrochemical components found in the tail of Planet X are normally disbursed, but in that portion of the tail closer to Planet X itself, are prevalent enough that the heat from exploding volcanoes can create chemical chains that result in oil, and thus the oil begins to drop in the atmosphere. Firestorms, at this time, occur because lightning sets this newly formed oil ablaze, when there is sufficient oxygen in the atmosphere to support such a blaze. Often, the blanket of new oil will drop close to the ground before setting afire, as the oxygen is thin in the upper atmosphere. When not set ablaze, this oil will seep into cracks in the ground, as it has in the past and thus the oil pools discovered and tapped by man today. Will the oil and petrol fumes released into the air over the Gulf accumulate to the degree that such a firestorm might occur today? Not a chance. It is far too disbursed to do so.


Several times in the past, right before I had fallen asleep, when I'm in the "in between stage" and that familiar stupor starts to overcome my brain, I've heard voices calling me by my first name. Once it was my deceased mother's voice, without a doubt. But I had also recognized voices from people that are alive, mainly from my family, and sometimes people that are dear to me, but not related. Sometimes it is my name followed by some garbled message that I don't understand, like the message gets truncated when I start coming back to my senses. Is this some sort of echo from beyond? An encounter that just happened and my subconscious is relating to me? A call to a meeting? A trick from my brain perhaps?


We have mentioned that ghosts can communicate with humans by taking the appearance of the person they were. They do this not by changing the air, to effect a hologram, but by affecting the brain chemistry of the human they are attempting to communicate with. They activate parts of that brain that hold the chemical impression of what the ghost used to look like, when a human. If not someone the ghost knew, then the ghost will use similar pathways in the human where a visual image of a small child, or a thin blond woman, or a hunch-backed man might lie. The ghost moves into the brain of the human they wish to communicate with to do this, a type of temporary invasion of the incarnating space, and can do so only with the permission of the incarnating soul.


Spirits do not have the power to do much in the physical world, but when incarnated, they can affect a great deal by influencing brain chemistry. Moving a truck or lifting a train off its track, for instance, is something they cannot do. We have mentioned that spirits can influence heat particles to the extent that a human feels the room go cold, when realizing a ghost is present. If spirits beyond your own soul are trying to communicate with you, this is often best done while you are in a sleep state. There, your brain is not occupied with all the matters that your day requires, and the spirit can get center stage.


We know how liquefaction will occur on sediment along the Mississippi when the NM fault releases tension. I cannot find anywhere though: how will the Karst topography along hillsides of the Appalachians behave during the New Madrid release? Many states have long strips of land over what seems now to be like dry sponge, and we've seen on the press recent sinkholes appear at I-24 near Chattanooga, downtown Atlanta; will this be the case for areas like this when the NM fault reacts to the current tension? Some of these areas are included in Safe Locations listing, but I have these nagging questions, sorry. [and from another] Karst Topography in the Appalachian Plateau Karst topography, which is characterized by limestone rocks and caves,is not widely distributed. However, near the escarpments of the Cumberland Plateau, evidence of solution of carbonates beneath clastic rocks becomes apparent. In a few places, deep sinkholes have formed with walls of clastic rock, apparently resulting from collapse of underlying voids formed by dissolving of the underlying carbonates. Even more common are cave entrances along the escarpments, owing to the cropping out of carbonate units.

我知道,当新马德里断层带开始释放压力时,沿密西西比的沉积处会怎样发生液化作用.。虽然我到处都找不到:在新马德里断层带释放压力期间,沿着阿巴拉契亚山区山坡的卡斯特地形会怎么样?许多州具有目前看起来像是干海绵之上的长条状陆地,我们最近在在媒体上看到了亚特拉大商业区和查塔努加市(美国田纳西州)I-24附近出现了天坑。当新马德里断层带最当前的压力作出反应时,类似这样的地区会出现此种情况吗?一些这样的地区已经被包括在“安全地点”列表里了,但我还是利利索索地提这样的问题,抱歉。《阿巴拉契亚高原的卡斯特地形》 。卡斯特地形的特点是石灰岩和洞穴,其分布并不广泛。然而,靠近坎伯兰高原的陡坡悬崖处,碎屑状的岩石下面很明显有碳酸盐溶液的迹象。在几个地方形成了很深的带有碎屑状岩壁的天坑,这很明显是由下面溶解了的碳酸盐形成的。甚至由于碳酸盐成分的腐蚀,沿着陡坡处的洞穴入口也是很常见的。齐塔人之声2010 <wbr>年6月19日NING网站谈话(2)



Karst topography, resulting from the erosion of limestone (which dissolves in water wash), creates caves and subsequent sinkholes when the area is distressed by fracturing of rock during earthquakes or the daily Earth wobble. The Appalachian area is riddled with such caves and escarpments. The predicted New Madrid adjustment will pull the N American continent at a diagonal so that rock adjustments will occur from the New England and Great Lakes regions all the way to southern Texas and thence to Mexico. Many new sinkholes will open up in those regions subject to limestone erosion. This does not alter the fact that the Appalachian mountains are high ground, fertile ground, and free from volcanic activity. Safety is a relative term. There is no "safe place".


When the earth rotation begins to stop, will cars, radio, telephones, TV, etc. stop working? Or will this be gradual too? I'm thinking about means to escape and to get communication, because working responsibilities and studies prevent us from living anywhere else by the moment.


Long before rotation stoppage the electronic communication devices that man has come to rely upon will cease to work. We have warned about this from the start of ZetaTalk, warning that satellites will be torn from the sky by the lashing of the charged tail and small debris in the tail. Communication difficulties are more than merely the lack of satellite support, however, it is electromagnetic static that will be the prime problem. Rock under pressure releases electromagnetic screech, which is in fact an earthquake predictor. Such screech creates static on the radio, and during the last weeks when the globe is pushed to and fro, there will be constant pressure on all rock layers, worldwide. Buried TV or DSL or phone lines may fare better, but the broken link phenomena will affect all, interrupting the service at key points. The severe wobble will interfere with satellite access, as satellites will increasingly not be where expected.

在地球自转停止之前很早的时候,人类所依赖的电子通讯设备会停止工作。从齐塔人之声一开始,我们已经对此发出过警告了:由于行星X带电荷的尾部和其尾部的小残核碎片,天空中的卫星会被撕裂;然而,通讯方面的困难不只是缺乏卫星支持,电磁静电会是主要的问题。承受了压力的岩石会释放出尖锐刺耳的电磁声,实际上这是地震的先兆。这种尖锐声造成收音机里的静电,在{zh1}几周的时候,地球被来回推动,全世界所有的岩层都会有持续不断的压力。埋下去了的电视线缆,DSL(Digital Subscriber Line,数字用户线),或者电话线或许会好些,但连接断裂的现象将影响所有的设备,中断关键点的服务。地球严重抖动将要妨碍卫星通讯,因为卫星会不断地偏离其位置。

Where the Internet is serviced by direct lines, not utilizing satellites as oversea communication frequently does, email will get through, but this will not be failsafe. Maintenance of equipment will falter when those responsible for maintenance are distracted and leave their posts. Thus, Internet servers will start going down and not be brought back up, and eventually the highly reliable Internet, which utilizes a web of routes so that if one route is blocked, another can be used, will fail too. Cars and buses and trains which do not rely upon computer parts for operation will of course continue to start up and run as long as fuel is available. Roadways and railways and bridges will be broken by the almost continuous earthquakes and stretch zone accidents expected during the last weeks, however. Are you planning to remain at school or your job throughout the last weeks, during the severe wobble, the 3 days of darkness, and the slowing rotation? Why?


How will the "7 out of 10" event this year impact the ability of people to prep for the shift? Will this be the start of "we may not be able to buy the things we want for a price we want to pay" scenario as there will be a run on tools and supplies in the wake of a major wake up call?


Certainly delivery will start to be affected, and many people will be so alarmed that plate movement could occur to that degree, so will be starting to think about their personal safety. But in general the type of supplies that a survivalist want to buy will not be the type of supplies that the general populace will think of buying. A survivalist will want hand tools, off-grid electrical supplies, seed stock, dried or canned food stocks, and perhaps camping equipment. The general populace, finding they cannot get the variety of foods they were accustomed to, will join grocery clubs or make other arrangements to assure themselves of access. If fresh fruit is not available at the grocery store, then they will get this via the Internet and pay a bit more. Electric generators may be purchased in a flurry, as the fact that the grind can go down for an extended period of time will come home to those formerly complacent. But preparing to be off the grid permanently, with windmills or solar panels, will be something those preparing for the pole shift are mainly concerned with. The general populace will think short term, of generators run on petrol fuel.


Likewise with survival camp sites, which those preparing for the pole shift are trying to purchase or populate. Rural areas, without all the conveniences and comforts of city living, are not popular with the general populace, who tend to migrate from rural areas to the big city if only for the job opportunities, if not for dozens of opportunities. The general populace, stunned by the plate movements that bring the stage to a 7 of 10, will be thinking in terms of quake proofing cities and highways, retrofitting and ensuring that collapse cannot happen in the future. This type of talk will be coming from the talking heads representing the governments, as they still will not want to tell the populace the truth. Thus, the general populace won't be thinking of purchasing camping supplies as semi-permanent homes.


齐塔人之声2010 <wbr>年6月19日NING网站谈话(2)I have a question for the Zeta's. There seems to be something with a yellowish hue that is upwelling, and mixing with oil from the broken pipe in the Gulf. Many members feel that the yellowish hue are flames coming from the pipe. Could it be flames, or possibly some other type of chemical like sulfer mixing with the crude oil?


There is much coming up from the very deep bore hole that is not oil. The distance to the sea floor is a minor part of the distance, as the distance through rock and mud is further. What did the drill plow through, on its way to the suspected oil pool? More than rock. Lose soil, various layers of soil, of various compositions because it has been laid down over eons, even over millions of years, and trapped between rock layers as the Earth's crust heaved and slid about during pole shifts. It is known that crude oil is corrosive to pipes, especially when under pressure, operating like a sand blaster in this case. The bore pipe has developed holes, and is sweeping various soil deposits along with the soil.


If the person is object of influence of STS (advices from people or call to aliens), how I can help him?


This is a difficult operation as any change, any sincere change, must come from the soul. Those in the Service-to-Self are adapt at acting like chameleons, assuming the garb and behavior of those around them so their true agenda and nature are not exposed. They are adapt liars, putting on the face of a concerned individual, empathetic, and offering help. All this is an act to allow them to mingle in society without calling attention to themselves. If they would act as they wish they would grab items from others, shove the sick and helpless aside violently, kick their victims in the teeth when they are on the ground just to ensure they don't follow and make a fuss, and commit any crime they please. On a power surge, where they feel they cannot be challenged, they are supreme bullies, barking orders and snarling at any underling who does not meet their expectations, and executing those who attempt to argue otherwise summarily, no trial.


Most Service-to-Self do not show their true nature openly, and many go through their entire lives living quiety, as they do not feel they are in control sufficiently and fear being found out. A woman may bear and raise children only because her husband and her community expect this of her, yet be cold to her children and only tend to them when it is obvious they are bleeding or dirty or calling to their mother in some regard. She will coax gifts and help from her husband or others with all manner of ruse, claiming she is exhausted or weak from doing her duties. If one were to examine the record, she is ostensibly a good wife and mother! But if somehow given the opportunity to be on control of the community, her true nature would come out and utterly shock the community who thought they knew her. Should someone try to advise her, so that her Service-to-Self nature would change, they would find they are talking to the wind, ignored. Service-to-Self have seen the other path, and have rejected it. They have chosen, and only they can choose otherwise.


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