ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器:

AON Active Optical Network 有源光网络:

APON ATM Passive Optical Network ATM无源光网络:

ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线:

AA Adaptive Antenna 自适应天线:

ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉冲编码调制:

ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer自适应判决反馈均衡器:

AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 信号交替反转码:

AON All Optical Net 全光网

AOWC All Optical Wave Converter 全光波长转换器:

ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控:

ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control自动发信功率控制:

AWF All Wave Fiber 全波光纤:

AU Administrative Unit 管理单元:

AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组:

APD Avalanche Diode 雪崩光电二极管 :

BA Booster(power) Amplifier 光功率放大器:

BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比:

BR Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入:

Bluetooth 蓝牙:

C Band C波带:

Chirp 啁啾:

C Container C 容器:

CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波侦听多址接入/碰撞检测协议:

CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 载波侦听多址接入/避免冲撞协议:

CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比:

CP Cross polarization 交叉极化:

DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber色散补偿单模光纤

DFF Dispersion-flattened Fiber色散平坦光纤:

DR Diversity Receiver 分集接收

DPT Dynamic Packet Transport动态包传输技术:

ODM Optical Division ltiplexer 光分用器:

DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散移位光纤:

DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode 动态同步传送模式:

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用:

DLC Digital loop carrier 数字环路载波 :

DXC Digital cross connect equipment 数字交叉连接器:

EA Electricity Absorb Modulation电吸收调制器:

EB Error Block 误块:

ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入控制通路:

EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器

EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser掺铒光纤激光器:

ES Errored Second 误块秒:

ESR Errored Second Ratio 误块秒比:

FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错:

FWM Four-wave Mixing 四波混频:

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址:

FTTB Fiber to the Building 光纤到大楼:

FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纤到路边

FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纤到户:

FA Frequency agility 频率捷变:

CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤:

DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散位移光纤:

GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网技术:

GIF Graded Index Fiber 渐变型多模光纤:

GS-EDFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier增益平移掺饵光纤放大器:

GVD Group Velocity Dispersion 群速度色散:

HPF High Pass Filter 高通滤波器:

HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段:

IDLC Integrated DLC 综合数字环路载波:

IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks 数字集群调度专网:

IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD局域网,即以太网标准。

IEEE 802.11 无线局域网标准:

Jitter 抖动 :

K Band K波段:

Ku Band Ku波段:


LA Line Amplifier 光线路放大器:

LEAF Large Effective Area Fiber 大有效面积光:

LANE LAN Emulation 局域网仿真:

LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service 本地多点分配业务:

LOF Loss of Frame 帧丢失:

LOS Loss of Signal 光信号丢失:

LOP Loss of Pointer 指针丢失:

MI Modulation Instability调制不稳定性:

MLCM Multi-Level Coded Modulation 多电平编码调制:

MMF Multi Mode Fiber 多模光纤:

MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service 多信道多点分配业务:

MVDS Multipoint Video Distribution Service 多点视频分配业务:

MQAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 多进制正交幅度调制:

MSOH Multiplex Section Overhead 复用段开销:

MSP Multiplexer Section Protection 复用段保护:

MZ Mach-Zehnder 马赫曾德尔调制器:

NA Numerical Aperture 数值孔径 :

NC Network Connection 网络连接:

NEL Network Element Layer 网元层:

NML Network Management Layer 网络管理层:

NE Network Element 网络单元:

NZDSF Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber非零色散位移光纤:

NNI Network Node Interface 网络节点接口:

OADM Optical Add Drop Multiplexe 光波分插复用器:

OA&M Operations , Administration and Maintenance 操作、管理和维护:

OFA Optical Fiber Amplifier光纤放大器:

OAN Optical Access Network 光接入网:

OBD Optical Branching Device 光分路器:

OLT Optical Line Terminal 光线路终端:

ONU Optical Network Unit 光网络单元:

OFS Out of Frame Second 帧失步秒:

OM Optical Multiplex光复用:

OMSP Optical Multiplex Section Protect 光复用段保护

OOF Out of Frame 帧失步:

OSC Optical Supervisory Channel 监控信道:

O-SNCP Optical Subnetwork Connection Protection 光子网连接保护:

OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio 光信噪比

OTDM Optical Time Division Multiplexing 光时分复用:

OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectmeter 光时域反射器:

OTN Optical Transmission Net 光传送网:

OMN Optical Transport Network 光传送网管理网:

OTU Optical Transform Unit 光转化单元:

OXC Optical Cross Connect 光交叉连接:

PA Pre Amplifier 光前置放大器:

PMR Private Mobile Radio 专用集群移动通信网:

PON Passive O ptical Network 无源光网络:

PAMR Public Access Mobile Radio 共用调度集群移动通信网:

Paylo ad 净负荷:

PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉码调制:

PDH Plesi ochr onous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字体系:

PJE Pointer Justification Count 指针调整事件:

PMD Polarisation Mode Dispersion 偏振模色散:

POH Path Overhead 通道开销:

PON Passive Optical Network 无源光网络:

PRC Primary Resource Clock:

QOS Quality of Service 服务质量:

Raman Effect 喇曼效应:

REG Regenerator 再生器:

RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead 再生段开销:

RTS/CTS Request to Send/ Clear to Send 请求发送/允许发送协议:

3R Regenration ,Reshaping ,Retiming 再生、重整形和重定时:

SBS Stimulated Brillouin Scattering 受激布里渊散射:

SCP Service Control Point 业务控制点:

SD Signal Degrade 信号劣化:

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字传输体系:

SHR Self-healing Hybrid Ring SDH自愈环:

SDM Space Division Multiplex 空分复用:

SDXC Synchronous Digital Cross Connector 同步数字交叉连接器:

SES Severely Errored Second 严重误块秒:

SESR Severely Errored Second 严重误块秒比:

SIF Step Index Fiber 突变型多模光纤:

SMF Single Mode Fibre 单模光纤:

SMN SDH Management Network 同步数字体系管理网:

SMS SDH Management Subnetwork SDH管理子网:

Soliton 光孤子:

STM Synchronous transfer mode 同步传送模块:

SNC Subnetwork Connection 子网连接:

SNI Service Network Interface 业务节点接口:

SOH Section Overhead 段开销:

SONET Synchronous Optical Network 同步光网络:

SPM Self-healing Network 自相位调制:

SRP S pace Recycle Protocol 空 间 再 利 用 协 议:

SRS Simulated Raman Scattering 受激喇曼散射:

SPM Self-phase Modulation 自相位调制:

TCM Trellis Coded Modulation 网格编码调制:

TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用:

TM Terminal Multiplexing 终端复用器:

TWF True Wave Fiber 真波光纤:

TU Tributary Unit 支路单元:

TUG Tributary Unit Group 支路单元组:

VC Virtual Container 虚容器:

Wander 漂动:

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing 波分复用:

WLL Wireless Local Loop 无线本地环路:

WRS Wavelength Router Switch 波长选路开关:

WXC Wavelength Cross Connect 波长交叉连接:

XPIC Cross-polarisation Interference counteracter 交叉极化干扰抵消器:

XPM Cross-phase Modulation 交叉相位调制:

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