第二十二章长风远翔【汉英双语】 - 别鹤年鉴- toriton - 和讯博客
第二十二章 长风远翔【汉英双语】 [原创 2010-07-02 18:54:53]   
第二十二章  长风远翔









































Twenty chapters changfeng far

JingLei! Lightning!

The haze, storm, a loud noise, cloud skyshatter open. XuanYu cranes flying in from spirit and bang lit up the earth, the view it all over the earth, like silver twilight in general the north border. XuanYu mistress, as LiJing mountains, snow, ice MaYi has come down.

"General lee from the foot of it, you are old wounds, ice and snow here." If the orchid concerns. "Just as well, the princess 'GongFuNv' when it is, I this foot care has been good!" LiJing smiled, he NianJinHuaJia, sound like a horn, "now, I will bring evil in the raid, 3,000 clay, straight from XiangCheng organization.the set. The princess, you immediately to the road, borrow ashdod to north of dingxiang well-rested, were the cross-court breaks,". "Three clay? Alone, general deep barrens." "Don't worry, you put the cooked seeds to turkic, received the effect, the two places, where some grass, and other tribes turkic, has LiXinLiDe. I only take 3,000 clay, such as potential in ShenBingTianJiang, suddenly, the dragon is sure turkic behind me, otherwise, how I 100,000 reinforcements going into Sunday? Can, cannot unite, the war, turks dingxiang collapse will!" LiJing emphatically.

"Well, snow, and in order to contact, I XuanYu crane to borrow, general spirit at any time." If landor. "Thanks," the princess! LiJing specifically drew forth double sword, wind, "shouted the battlefield! Ahead of us, is the han dynasty WeiQing huo qu bing, further, the battlefield! SuWu for us is the han dynasty the day of 19 years since China! Five casually, dead brother, discrete compatriots, you forget?" "Don't forget, didn't forget!" Tens of thousands of qi, sound broken sky. "Make strong the han, though, you must forget?" "Don't forget, didn't forget!" Thunder and lightning, with a double sword drew tens of thousands of theology. "Good! The spirits in this one, and the 9th revenge, 3,000!" ", moving!" XiongBing LiJing non-stop, along with three straight, distance. ZhuReLan also bay mare.

Indeed, three years ago in WeiShui received the effect, the princess saw hurriedly, yalian worship, open road, ZhuReLan rate army were directly. Here, the vast desert camping, if the orchid baisha rolling, after all, without rest. Turn The soldiers had to her beauty, and saw her tonight, god will not etc, more honourable, before she army knife pierced the arm with stranger together, blood, and shouted: jilt baisha fight for datang, fight for landai princess!" If the orchid gratified nodded. Suddenly see attaching to quote hou, j li, x, breaks the dingxiang attacking at night, and fled to 100,000 crumbled, only five miles away.

If the orchid, even, this is a minimum of 5,000 millions of self-belief, she did not like that, but LiJing impassioned walk to the first cut the arm, him before the soldiers enveloped against lovingly. The soldiers ShiBuDe reverential awe: "princess, my body dirty smelly... princess, sister..." All the soldiers were at the scene touched, smoke, the teacher has to ease breaks. "For the orchid sister, and Abram sister!" WuQianBa theology stands in the night, the sword as granite surrounded the volcano, in the mind jumps out, like a thunderbolt heave under the same magma breaks into 100,000 army.

This battle is very bitter. Each datang, and twenty SiLi adventurous, tired soldiers turkic ZhuReLan also force are hypodynamic, however, always unexpected every two or three members jump with flesh, for she blocking enemy scimitars. "Brothers, datang, for Syria died, the elder sister!" When the soldiers datang, the first cut the soldier arm hoarse throat, and shouted to all flesh come again. The ZhanBa overnight, breaks the khan 100,000 exhausted soldiers only 1000 people, cut to yinshan. But if the orchid also because outnumbered, lordaeron, two sleeve has filled her for a sword against each of the blood. But, after all, 5,000 soldiers kill nearly 100,000 enemy, how is this power? If the orchid looked everywhere, a mixture of: "brothers, you are here to take a rest, and some days you can return home for the victory. My sister will bring you will."

The khan worm, breaks the MoBei XueYanTuo west-to-east raised such tribes, QiJiang submitted to tang emperor. Li shi-mm exultation, vibration, light clothing pushed the door. He BiZhi LiJing: "LiLing to step away, but he 5,000 desert, he came to power in hsiungnu ZhuBo book is to ride. DieXie 3,000, jing, hence take lead generation, ancient dingxiang had enough WeiShui our disgrace newspaper do!" LiJing were attributed to retreat, li shi-mm landai princess saw a letter, afraid of what mishap, princess, inadequate breaks already agreed healing.

A talented leaders, not every decision is all right, but the wicked, lies in the side of the wicked is usually send civil servants WuJiang art, such as cloud "will not royal prince". In their enforcement, can according to actual condition, make the decision to overall flexibility. LiJingDao: "I material that breaks away from the ZhaJiang is complicated and west-to-east. Chang, he dragged 靑 grass to bounce back. Now, horse fat if you don't, future mehsud shots,!" Asked if the orchid. If the orchid meditation, he came up with a matter sent envoys to mind: the healing time, long, while LiJing rate, raid, thoroughly rev-up west-to-east breaks down, the eastern turkic perish.

LiJing gladly hear, and sent his son to go. If the orchid check way: "how can I, or general risk." "Princess cannot go, whom king qi qi, break the negotiations, Li rump gave birth to pan, in case the princess mishap, how can I afford? Or a bear NaZha go." Don't let a few comments, if the orchid impatient.actually, j li, x detect her secrets, a promise, added: "princess with a NaZha, a little care. Besides, the emperor of general to risk, but also in the rear, the LiJing my shame." The princess had an idea, laughingly agrees.

If the orchid and NaZha came, and the levites west-to-east breaks healing negotiations. Business is completed, the levites, for promotion breaks privately will give her ten cars. If you knew that is past five hu spoil, hate, surface have behaved very happy, EEr way: "I have not rare, smell you got a treasure, can let middle-earth I open horizon?" "Of course, I will honour princess." The PeiXiao breaks a wave, a the wood box. The princess, is a white silk, but half of skirt, ink, read, wang LAN sets out in the preface to! However, it is not that if the orchid familiar. At the end of the article and some words, wang is a memoir --

The eastern mountain, summer, fell into the water has five hu. Wang xizhi heard that there is HanWu request, the emperor of LiYun datong, beating heart, silently. Summer arrived, the mountain of water came, at the mountain cliff carving LiYun datong, hurriedly to copy, but hear HuBing check, busy hid in the valley, but by replacing ink spilt into the water. Wang xizhi last summer, the water was confused, see a white river near. He came to shechem, inspiration, dip in with the blue water, put in the white wall, copy. After writing, wang xizhi suddenly found asleep on a colourful away, there is a woman, flurried pull, it was torn, white is in the woman's unofficially engaged in riverside drag on writing! And that's half rays leave word, not off unofficially engaged, his torn down is another half of blank! Wang xizhi feeling, unconscious by a head... After wake up, wang has been good to the eastern, oneself also remember that in women of any one word on garments, and HuBing extermination, will be the words on the walls, the ruins without trace. He was in hand by msn.i, knitting, this white on the LAN sets leaps and preface and this memoirs.

If the orchid see enthralled. In her mind, suddenly appeared, her past series to remember the details, and feeling the waist a tight, by turkic chained tied up. If the orchid uninformed, breaks the great anger: "good you landai princess, just ask you, no answer. You are sincerely to NaJiang? I just got a twilight, you have spent, from the attack than 100!" "She wanted to hurt us, kill her!" The National People's Congress that breaks main-canal side. "Today, I breaks are holding will die of heart, if you see, then quickly. I only have one request, let me not bleed to death." If the orchid mysteriously smile. "Well, we turkic, you are treated, datang princess is not bled to death,", "to the grinning breaks, tie a pillar, burned her praying Wolf!" "P", and praying Wolf! Turks call a first, and firewood, wang LAN sets the preface authentic throw into the fire. "With your Chinese, called" reckless waste of grain, ha ha!" The destruction of JiangZuo breaks, laughing.

"NaZha, you go, tell general lee, breaks the north, quickly escaped iron mountain intercept!" NaZha not hesitate to abandon the princess pegasus. Breaks out the head and stared fiercely Abram: "if we only escape the princess to calculate the direction, we must also hard. However, rushing iron mountain. Please go ahead." Personally, YiCunCun flametongue engulfed her...

When LiJing came and saw cold gray, through several silks residual roots are the bone. "Father, SuDingFang XuMaoGong handsome, already in iron mountain, eastern turkic captured breaks out kingdom!" NaZha to most news, j li, x is light way: "know". Piteously. Mount

This is ZhuReLan strategy. Li shi-mm to oneself, if the free expression straight ponder, etc, and how to LongXin found unharmed. Always filled with dreams atlas, and the whole heart, she wade, just like tai-zong of her life in a passer-by. The northern expedition, if he turkic looking for opportunities to "feign death", thus, to tang emperor, down to the people, that XunGuo princess landai. If the orchid that fear, common day Wolf turkic, and remember to noble stake in her left Europe qin rated features QiuKe sable before the fire ", "whispered in the squad, before the qin dynasty, will give yourself rated as thin as that of sable cicada Joel wear inside. After Abram, if the turks escape injury, not for Tuesday, with the illusion caused a horse, a few wisps unofficially engaged, easily genuine.

If the orchid preeminent memory, the LAN sets, authentic, but wang destroyed along with all the houses in the mind a memoir,. She determined to find TianJi reality, driving the spirit to cover the features crane. Let the cat out of the bag, but ShiFu into a green steel swords hover only in walls. If the orchid look familiar, suddenly eyes a blind and his LianWu... Watched a servant, and to tell TianJi real was escorted to the mage piece, we are BaiYunXia preparation, qin wang also either herbalism went back, half a year. If the orchid asked BaiYunXia position, hurriedly seek.

BaiYunXia scenes, if the orchid and greeted deja vu, just beginning, there is a miserable, implicit seem what life, and a growing gratified. If the loss, aner between two people see right ahead, it is near, sun simiao and Buddhism. Surprise, they asked if the orchid, if 510 jochebed, wang said.

"So, that the king had the right army is luo." TianJi human caresses fine beard. "Luo?" "Well, I return yuan, is the most mahayana code to see through here, but still owe temperature. As far as I know, ZhuanXu huang di, after WaFuLeiMing; Rong dogs, broke out after the western shore of the valley, and to the ravines. Avenue, to Germany, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, torture, and sleeping, luo." "When awakening?" "Unity, luo luo waking waking day. Is she the white, the LiYun datong above the sky". Chinese emperor, and ran like sometimes." "What is the unity of?" "A benefactor, last time, remember the poor monks' general" in Tibetan LaiYe since general said?" Buddhism. If the orchid put last, carefully say again.

"Good, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, hide helping-heroes in general, life and death, to make its people alone, the heart of self-knowledge." Sun simiao smiled. "I was just right, the mage with each other understanding. Zhu girl, so-called human land and method, and seeds are also learning, fume the surname. Million people are also, the national flower of ancestors, is also. When the foundation, the history of the party, the customs, where the slightly from the vertical integration method, one of the five beauty, is that true unity of man."

I saw a boy, TianJi real ask: "boy, is the son of the great river north and south, to roam?" Close watch is MaZhou: "boon male, I have TianJi in human form, bynum when busy summer, when leisure and assisted teaching to." If the orchid. MaZhou added: "teacher, this line of tai-zong's five beauty, all the foundation. The ZhouKong, cut, after only TangYu since emperor han, tang, HanWu heavy shine HuangXue rejection of Confucianism. Now a second release three, each with respect to everybody, however, this is the rock, this one also." "Go," said. TianJi real laughed.

"The custom of literature, music, dance, painting, words materia curved iron wire, tea, this new porcelain chess, even the length measured and meridian. I dare say hundred, excessive, become the millennium." "Well, continue." "The history of JunTian, rent, slightly count. Now more clear and officials from the Lord, the royal family, was the most Hua wu hao, dare to invade. Business fraud fine wild times, no thief, bars, make the last often only 29 people. And frequency of FengRen, three money, horse fight wild oxen, the household cloth does not shut, since capital for ridge travelled from shandong, as the sea, not Ji grain, QuGei in shandong province, the village. Do guest, will pass to add thick, or for the gift has not left. GuXi are also."

If LanYu to hearten: "my comrades in the northern expedition, where yi's experience, the clan. MaZhou disorderly," three hundred years, for a supervisory youdao, armies; there is refers to the county government, state, dig and drinks, and food, dili plough and I have HeZai? 'the three hundred years of township, subduction." Say to dig and drinks, plow and two sentences, if again remind of what, eyes a cliff. A few comments MaZhou interrupted thoughts, if the orchid qian smile, added: "the imperial examinations, RuGou elites, the YuWu. Now, I destroyed eastern turkic, known to your boasting four yi says, ' 'days khan, and all the nations ChangHe nine palace in open. If efforts, a royal turban worship, west of the hundred gaochang and tubo, four, the north and west turkic guinea, iron, XueYanTuo, east of Japan, Korean, and all will be for shumo, in summer, or to stick. And the south of Yangtze river branch chiyou, nearly has cast as a furnace, which is also cut."

"ZhuanXu huangdi, after the. I also had a customer master with qiu vast amounts of prophecy, he realized. TianJi reality, "murmured vertical integration method of how?" "Yin and Yang, and Daniel SOP." So, ZhuReLan horse weeks, "feudal, MenFa, will be passed. Three provinces, the examination and supervision department, who was the home is especially for countries. I esteem, but the law", han tai-zong chapter 9, beginning to tang for the integration, except that, not." "JiZhou and cultural relics under the instrument, the chapter, prepare to tang." Buddhism close folded.

If the orchid suddenly feel their clothes some strange, her head, a look slightly green. If the Atlantic, busy, please excuse me to change rooms and looked, and behold, knowing when white appear blue pen handwriting! She carefully read:

Road trip, the public,
Able, honoring promises.
Those not close its close, not only son,
That old end in,
There young director, the CDC oligosaccharides, loneliness is a waste,
There are male, female.
Goods abandoned in the land are evil, don't hide yourself,
Its not evil force of body, also for ourselves.
Is it seeks the closed and interest, and not a thief stealing disorderly,
So jehu and not outside, you are closed.

Read to the end, leave for the LiYun datong ".

ZhuReLan been good.too, she pinched refers to one, and for six years. Since LongXin back to force for animal husbandry, had been saved dream atlas, today is six continual agreed period... What? Actually, not a ground to get up! The residents of the needle that 1,000 years, in which the poisonous LiYun datong, after the feeling extremely, this is ChenKe? Why? This is how?

If LanXinRu frenzy, deer, she forgot discourteous running, crane, to day up outside the straw mushrooms until done ShiFu machine fly battle. A long time to calm down, she returned the usual manner, light way: "two predecessors, horse, see you. Maybe XunGuo princess landai, already pneumatic confrontations with three, please don't mention anyone, for datang, for if the orchid." And balaam answered, if three unlimited, riding crane far xiang...

More than seven years time, like DianGuangShiHuo flashes in front. Since the little room, and dream after farewell peaks between the three: actually saw the oneself still is a poisonous, as "shaanxi governor", 2 god spider poison, remove from the battlefield, Three blind, that dream is to take care of vast kunlun... Then again, so far, dramatic storm how QianChen dreams. If the orchid unconsciously, already smile tears full lips, spirit is stopped, the original crane TianJi has reached ShiFu outside the straw mushrooms until done. Yes, this is the place.

If the orchid walk past, but didn't find a straw mushrooms until done. Besides, this is awake, but LongXin ", "still indefinitely. Don't six years in baoshan, returning empty-handed. Even so, dream atlas of the output shepherd said blunt "darkness", and will be blind. If the orchid turn for fear, or a cry aloud to the impulse. She cannot stand fast, but hear a voice came over, see a familiar figure.

Yes, li shi-mm. He stood on a tombstone, white hands six flower orchids. If the orchid stalked, see the tombstone written several characters "landai's princess." If the orchid some poignant, but has not made again. Only the people first, second, third, fourth star planted before the pillar of the wet TuDao: "if the orchid, I put you buried here, don't want others to disturb you. You see? This is our nianhao, we the foundation of our customs, where the yi. Today, jian has taken off, is this your love, I promise. Let it estimates the orchid all nations, honoring promises." And in the fifth and sixth flower way: "this is our vertical integration, it will protect all nations, able. This is our history, it makes the slightly, are all nations." The people into the sixth flower, it seems, before giving a kiss on the lips, and finally into the silence and happens decisively for long.

If the orchid see clearly, his eyes glittering and translucent, is not only the first two tears flow like, but ran, appear to appease the pain and helpless. "The people, you will cry out, and much better." If the orchid in my heart. The sounding And I saw a long silence, horse, Yang li shi-mm over high ShiYao HSS, a hoof JueChenErQu riding, if the orchid suddenly feel like an old friend farewell, not to mind. It seems to have tacit, li shi-mm flung back, but not see, nor see if the tombstone, but at the ShiFu outside the vast difference QiuHe mountains, xue yuan long way: "the road trip, the male is!" Did not return, driving away, leaving only the horse from nine word, in the midst of the valleys, whereas shows for...

"Able, honoring promises, a..." If the orchid along the nine words to go from there, the loyal said li shi-mm, this series of these three words, not just the voice and the LiYun datong "perfectly? Water replies, water replies, steady, steady! This is the LongXin above, white LiYun datong is 6 years, the LongXin o look!

ZhuReLan not issued the exclamation, cheered at first, ShiFu TianJi saw the green steel swords, "zither" fly a tombstone inserted in the earth, like a tombstone 6 to fly swiftly summon orchid, gathered in the sword hilt, have turned into a olay! If the orchid, the blade gazing under the great, crack, and the slump days by the tombstone unexpectedly, split into two halves, but became a valley between!

"We are under shaft yellow emperor is also ZhuReLan listen, has made." If the orchid smell the familiar words, zhi worship.

"Your BiLa have already, can go to LongXin dust, save YangMengHuan is also." "Thanks, if he has to go." Now of she, circles again, it is a red glow of happiness.

"After 6 years, and ye LongXin with all, but not be here. BiLa not only in a land, and to MiMi continuous end of  you must go with this YangMengHuan will LiYun datong displays of the world will again, for YangMengHuan darkness for light, and thy again after six years. And YangMengHuan together, to travel all the way to heaven, baiyun search between heaven and earth to circle, the everlasting truth springs, love." Changjie solemn, "now, from clough, crane, find your YangLang."

She, like the emperor, the force of animal husbandry always serious, but it has finally had feelings, ZhuReLan heard a momentary warmth, devoting to thank humbly. "I dream atlas, you know? Dream atlas..." Her sweet smile, clothing, buck, changfeng generally spirit crane far xiang...

(22, welcome the twentieth chapter three LaXia solitary inspired)."

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