结核病患者应留意什么饮食« Live in China 混在中国











1高蛋白高热量饮食:30 - 40kcal /千克热,1.2 - 1 .5g/kg蛋白质,优质蛋白质,肉类,家禽,蛋,奶和豆制品。



TB patients should pay attention to what the diet

What to eat right conditions favorable, it is best practice, successful and delicious

TB patients, please observe the following points:

1. Patients are advised eating light, a small amount of more meals, it may spur of the moment, noodles, milk, broth and so on.

2. summer, eat watermelon duck soup, fish ball soup, tomato beef soup, etc.; in winter it is desirable that more meat.

3. to add protein and calcium will help the organization of repair parts tuberculosis every day should be 2 to 3 cups of milk to drink.

4. eat more vitamin A, C-rich fruits and vegetables such as carrots, spinach, citrus, strawberry and so on.

5. have coughed up blood and symptoms, it is necessary to add iron, can eat raisins, edible fungus, dates, beans, liver and so on.

6. in patients taking the drugs, often loss of the body s vitamin B group. Therefore, it is necessary to take supplements of vitamin B group, or eat brown rice, wheat germ and other foods containing vitamin B group.

7. bogey drinking, due to the reception to make blood vessels expand, leading to hemorrhage; and is not to smoke.

8. tuberculosis predispose patients to poor appetite, diet diversification as far as possible, emphasis on color, smell and taste in order to enhance appetite.

1 high-protein high-calorie diet :30-40kcal / kg heat ,1.2-1 .5g/kg protein, high-quality protein, meat, poultry, eggs, milk and soy-based.
2 salts of calcium is to promote lesion calcification of raw materials, supplies should be adequate. Are milk, green leafy vegetables, soy products, seafood and so on.
3 iron is to create an important raw material science red protein, hemoptysis, the patient should be added. Animal offal and blood and so on. If necessary, can add iron.
4 vitamin A can enhance the body s immune system, vitamin C is conducive to lesion healing and synthesis of hemoglobin, B vitamins to improve appetite. Therefore, should eat plenty of dark green vegetables, lean meat, liver, and so on with the above-rich food.
5 Eat small meals often is to increase the nutrient intake methods.

Tuberculosis is a wasting disease, usually given to high-calorie, high protein, high fat, high-vitamin diet, calories 3000 kcal per day more than can be divided into chicken, duck, fish, meat, shrimp, soft-shelled turtles, eels, fruit, fresh vegetables, beans and related products such as the swap recipes, pay attention to color, the smell and stimulate the appetite.

ban tobacco and alcohol, less greedy spicy food, to reduce coughing.


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