ChinaDaily晚报6.30_English News_百度空间

>Many Russian spies in US?
>Airline food a health risk?
>'Eclipse' underwhelms critics
>CNN mainstay Larry King quits
>The bald and the beautiful
>Programmable origami invented

【Cover Story】
>UN: Replace dollar as standard
The dollar is an unreliable international currency and should be replaced by a more stable system, the UN said in a report released Tuesday. The report is supporting a proposal long advocated by the IMF to create a standardized international system for liquidity transfer. Under the proposed system, countries would no longer have to buy up foreign currencies. Rather, they would accumulate the special drawing right to claim foreign currencies, which would be less susceptible to volatility in any one currency.

【Top News】
>Many Russian spies in US?
Oleg Gordievsky, one of the Cold War's most famous Soviet defectors, said Russia may have as many as 40-50 deep-cover couples spying inside the US, based on his 9-year experience in Russian intelligence, the Daily Telegraph of London reported Wednesday. 71-year-old Gordievsky, a former deputy head of the KGB in London who defected in 1985, said Russian President Dmitry Medvedev would know the number of illegal operatives in each target country.

* 揭秘间谍身份及手段:
The FBI announced Monday the arrests of 10 alleged deep-cover Russian agents after tracking the suspects for years. The court papers allege that some of the ring's members were husband-and-wife teams and that the spies used invisible ink, coded radio transmissions and encrypted data, and employed Hollywood methods such as swapping bags at a train station.

--Anna Chapman, the red-haired woman at the center of the transatlantic probe into spy allegations, previously worked in Britain and was married to a British citizen. The 28-year-old claims to speak Russian, English, German and French and has a master's degree in economics from a Russian university.

>Airline food a health risk?
Some of the world's biggest in-flight meals suppliers, including Gate Gourmet, LSG Sky Chefs, and Flying Food Group, have been slammed by the US Food and Drug Administration for unsanitary conditions at some of their catering premises, USA Today reported. Documents revealed disgusting kitchens, workers with poor hygiene, and even rats, flies and cockroaches in food preparation areas.

--LSG Sky Chefs, a branch of Lufthansa Airlines, has become one of the biggest in-flight meal companies in China.
--LSG Sky Chefs founded its Beijing branch in 1980.
--LSG Sky Chefs provides 100,000 in-flight meals for 410 flights of 38 airline companies everyday in China.

>F1 in carbon-cuts drive
The notoriously gas-guzzling sport of Formula One is on track to curb its carbon footprint, BBC reported Wednesday. The Formula One Teams Association is unveiling an analysis that projects an emission cut of 15% in 3 years. Further ambitions may include doubling energy efficiency in engines, which manufacturers hope would promote their use in road cars.

>'Eclipse' underwhelms critics
One of the most eagerly anticipated films of the year hits the big screen in North America Wednesday. "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," the latest in the Twilight saga, drew mixed reviews as fans waiting for hours Tuesday outside theater to be among the first to see the debut.

Here's what the critics are saying:
*The Los Angeles Times: "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is back with all of the lethal and loving bite it was meant to have: The kiss of the vampire is cooler, the werewolf is hotter, the battles are bigger and the choices are, as everyone with a pulse knows by now, life-changing.
*The Chicago Sun-Times: For most of its languorous running time, it listens to conversations between Bella and Edward, Bella and Jacob, Edward and Jacob, and Edward and Bella and Jacob.

【In Brief】
>China's 6th naval escort flotilla departed Wednesday for the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters, relieving the 5th flotilla.
>Shanghai shares extended losses Wednesday, plunging 1.18% to 2398.37 points, sinking below the 2400 mark. The benchmark index is on course to post a nearly 27% decline for the first half of the year, which ends today.
>South Korean actor and singer Park Yong-ha, 33, was found dead Wednesday in his home in Seoul, after apparently hanging himself, Yonhap news agency reported. Park debuted in the late 1990s and starred in the 2002 television drama "Winter Sonata."

【Quotable Quote】
由安吉丽娜·朱莉主演的《特务间谍》(Salt) 将于7月23日在北美上映,美国媒体称朱莉xx胜任片中高难度的动作戏。英国性格男演员奇维托·艾吉佛在影片中饰演一位举止温文尔雅的内勤人员,他说他很满意自己一直作为旁观者,由朱莉来完成各种特技:
The gender gap in action movies was always artificial, anyway.

>CNN mainstay Larry King quits
Larry King, 76, CNN's mainstay TV host, said Tuesday he will step down this fall from his nightly show "Larry King Live", US media reported. "Larry King Live", a prime-time talk show, is in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest running show with the same host in the same time slot. Having been on air for 25 years, it has seen a sharp fall-off in its audience this year.

* Larry King the man
Unlike many interviewers, King has a direct, non-confrontational approach. His interview style is plain-spoken, but with occasional bursts of irreverence and humor. He is good at making his guests feel comfortable and ready to talk. King has conducted some 50,000 interviews during a 53-year broadcasting career with politicians, athletes, entertainers, and other newsmakers.

>The bald and the beautiful
A girl who suffers from alopecia areata that led to complete baldness is out to prove that beauty comes in many packages. Kayla Martell, 21, became the beauty queen of the 2010 Miss Delaware pageant. "It was one of the best decisions I've ever made," she said. "Miss America needs to be someone who's relatable and approachable and I think that helped me to fit the needs of the job." Martell said her dream is to promote awareness of alopecia.(See photo)

>Programmable origami invented
Scientists at Harvard and MIT have invented self-folding sheets of composite material that can flex themselves into toy boats, tents and even paper airplanes. Based on the art of origami, the sheets are edged by foil actuators that contract or expand when they receive an electric current from flexible electronic circuits embedded in them. After they achieve their preprogrammed shape, the sheets are held in place by tiny magnets on the edges of the folds.

【Word Power】
disallowed goal
England captain Steven Gerrard admits the disallowed goal in the loss to Germany did affect the team.

(本期英文内容由美籍编辑Linda Gibson润色。)

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