如何吃木瓜? « Live in China 混在中国


2,热镬加1 / 3杯炒葱,姜,炒金,直到冰糖炒成黄色,棕色皮肤再入的晁道小排。


1材料:木瓜150克,牛奶200CC沙滩。 (约1大杯),香草冰淇淋(1小盒),糖1茶匙(可添加的时间增加)




材料:木瓜1 / 2,牛奶250cc组,蜂蜜,1汤匙椰奶摩托车,碎冰1 / 2杯。

做法:木瓜去皮{dy}号种子,清洗切碎,粉碎果汁立场。 ,然后把橙子和柠檬,挤与穆Guazhi混合汁,搅匀即成。




做法:清水洗净木瓜。木瓜皮刨去瓤,切片。进入壶木瓜,添加适量的水。 。锅改用中火,轧后煮沸30分钟。推迟蜂蜜的味道。搅拌糖浆,你可以喝。

复合材料:木瓜100克,香蕉1 / 3,橙半粒,牛奶,沙滩车,冷水(Cool-Water)排量50CC,冰


材料:青木瓜200克(约1 / 4),胡萝卜30克,碎花生粒10克,香菜,大蒜一点。
做法:1。青木瓜,红罗逋锲丝,与盐有关。 2。用冷水(Cool-Water)冲洗3。香菜,大蒜,肉青木瓜混合,加入香油,醋,糖,调味料,你可以装盘。

材料;木瓜1(约1公斤),约1.2公斤鲜草鱼,干百合1 2,1个胡萝卜,杏8钱,党参1 2,2片姜






How to eat papaya?

a friend sent me two papayas, I have never tasted, do not know how to eat?

papaya stewed pork ribs
Material: papaya half, small ribs 800 grams, 2 onion, ginger 2
Seasoning: soy sauce, a little wine, 1 tablespoon rock sugar, 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 tsp
1, papaya peeled, seeds, wash cut pieces hob, small ribs cut back box.
2, Heat wok add 1 / 3 cup fried shallot, ginger, stir-fry until golden rock sugar into the yellow, brown skin re-entry of small row of Chao Dao.
3, pot by adding appropriate amount of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon wine, 1 tablespoon rock sugar and Health Papaya fry, and add water, overshadowed by all the material, cover and cook over low heat 45 minutes after the stew, then thicken with cornstarch and trickle-down can be clean wok with some sesame oil.

papaya milk:

1 Ingredients: 150 grams of papaya, milk 200cc. (about 1 large cup), vanilla ice cream (1 small box), sugar 1 tsp (can be added from time increases)

practices: Papaya peeled, diced. Into the juice machine by adding 200cc. Milk, sugar, ice cream, moderate, with medium-speed stirring a few minutes. From fresh papaya. Milk is made, absolutely fresh and fragrant, on the spot for drinking, For outer zone, the placement of not more than 30 minutes (winter) and 20 minutes (summer), in order to maintain the best flavor. The calcium in milk, papaya of vitamin C, are nutrients required in the human body, suitable for everyday drinking. Fresh papaya slightly bitter taste when the winter is normal behavior, are safe to eat.
2 Material: papaya half, egg yolk, 1, 1 tablespoon honey, milk, 200做爱, half a lemon.
practice: papaya cut into pieces, together with the milk, egg yolk, beaten with the juice, then add lemon juice and honey,
to make the juice more entrance. This product, if coupled with a little whiskey, taste better. Can be used as food is being used.
3 Materials: 360 grams papaya, fresh milk, two cups of white sugar right amount, amount of broken ice.
practice: 1. Choose fresh ripe papaya, peeled, go nuclear, cut into large lumps, spare.
2. the papaya pieces, fresh milk, white sugar and the amount of ice into the blender together, by breaking into the gravy, you can drink.
Effects: moisturizing beauty.

wooden fruit plate:

to Bacheng ripe papaya and cut more than the number of flap, peeled, scraping flesh, cut fresh fruit plate. Texture soft, smooth, juicy, fragrant and sweet. If one can not eat it, and the remaining part of the best not to peel, scrape flesh, can be wrapped into the refrigerator on a few days, as soon as finished. Do not freeze preservation, so as not to taste good. After some cold winter s papaya might be slightly bitter taste, is a normal phenomenon, please feel safe to eat.

papaya milk, coconut milk
Material: papaya 1 / 2, milk 250cc, honey, 1 tablespoon coconut milk 50cc, crushed ice 1 / 2 cup.
practice: right profile control papaya peeled, seeded, diced, will mix all ingredients into a blender for about 30 seconds, can be poured drink.
Effects: rich in vitamin C, carotene, can effectively restore fatigue, were also useful for indigestion.

papaya milk Lu
Material: papaya 600g, milk 1 cup half a cup coconut milk, sugar 200g, corn flour 3 tablespoons.
practice: to go nuclear to pitche papaya tablets. Sugar with two cups of water boil, then add papaya tablets, then add milk, coconut milk, with simmered boil. Opened with a small half glass of water absorption of corn flour, gradually adding milk, dew, the boil into a thick-shaped can.
Effects: regular consumption of papaya production of food can smooth skin.
papaya orange juice
Ingredients: papaya 1, oranges 130g, lemon 50g.
practice: first papaya peeled seeded, cleaned chopped, smashed juice stand. And then cut oranges and lemons, squeeze the juice mixed with Mu Guazhi, stir well Serve.

Effects: Drink the FDA make the skin smooth, also helps digestion, Runchang is young and old Safe beverages.

papaya juice, milk, cereals
Material: peeled papaya half, whole milk 400 做爱, cereal 1 tablespoon, sugar proportionally.
practices: papaya pelletizing, and whole milk Jiaocheng juice, add instant oatmeal, and then increased slightly, whilst sugar.

papaya stew steak
Material: papaya 1, 200 grams steak, minced garlic, a little pepper, oyster sauce, stock, rice wine appropriate.
practices: salt, maize flour and eggs, will be the first marinate steak taste 4 hours, and then steak cut into strips. The papaya cut into strips, first low heat the oil. With minced garlic, pepper to the pan until fragrant, it will beef pot then add oyster sauce, vegetable soup and a little rice wine. Finally, thicken with cornstarch, then add papaya and fry click.
Effects: papaya stew steak-binding proteins and vitamins. Beef, warm in nature, so along with fruits and vegetables into the air than can be free from dry and hot. Beef is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A, etc., papaya and there are a lot of vitamin C, the two together make nutritionally balanced food.

papaya and honey syrup
Ingredients: papaya 1, honey amount, water amount
practices: water washed papaya. Papaya skin planing to go to pith and slice. The papaya into the pot, add the appropriate amount of water. . Pot over medium fire, after rolling boil for 30 minutes. Put off the honey flavor. Stir the syrup, you can drink.
Effects: Papaya Sweet, slightly cold flat, functions to help digestion, spleen and stomach, lungs, cough, thirst-quenching Enjoy your holidays. Honey gives life and be able to heat; cooked is warm in nature, can fill in, Gansu and calm, able to detoxify; softness and moisten Ze, can Runzao. Shujin desiccant, moisture five internal organs, and for duodenal ulcer, cough, vomiting and diarrhea will have a therapeutic effect.

papaya milk, fruit juice
Composite Materials: papaya 100g, banana 1 / 3, orange half a tablet, milk, 150CC, cold water 50CC, ice
appropriate practices: papaya seeded uncovered flesh; banana peeling; Oranges were cut skin, remove seeds and reserve. To be ready
of fruit juice into the machine, add milk, cold water, stir into the fight immediately after smoothing of the cup with ice
Effects: papaya in the β carotene, combined with banana vitamin E, help detoxify, relieve headaches, improve eyesight, skin itching, hair loss and other annoying problems, than they would taking a more natural and healthy, not any side-effects .

Tremella stewed papaya
Ingredients: Tremella 15 grams, papaya (medium large, the best natural smoked cooked) 1, North almond 10 grams, South apricots 12 grams, amount of crystal sugar.
way: The white fungus with water soaked hair open, Wash; papaya peeled seeded, cut into small pieces; South almonds to clothing, wash, together with the white fungus, along with rock sugar into the stew pot, the added amount of water stew 20 minutes after edible.
Effects: moisturizing beauty. Regular consumption can be Yin lungs, so that the skin to be moist and prevent premature wrinkles appear, to keep their skin these young, anti-aging. Can still be dry and hot treatment of cough, dry cough without phlegm, sputum with blood embolism.

green papaya salad - years Evergreen (4 copies)
Ingredients: Green Papaya 200 grams (about 1 / 4), carrots 30 grams, Saika Health tablets 10 grams, coriander, garlic a little.
Seasoning: salt, sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, appropriate
practices: 1. Green Papaya, Red Luo Buqie filaments, with salt about. 2. Rinse with cold water 3. Coriander, garlic, mince mix of Green Papaya, add sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, seasoning, you can transfer to a plate.

papaya Xianyu Tang
materials; papaya 1 (about 1 kg weight), about 1.2 kg of fresh grass carp, dried lily 1 2, 1 carrot, Apricot 8 money, Codonopsis 1 2, 2 slices ginger
approach: first of all raw materials wash, papaya, cut into pieces to go nuclear until after the water boiling all the ingredients into the pot, and then use the text Huodun can drink for two hours.

and eating other fruits, as it can wash clean, then peeled and eaten.

less trouble, cut it to put out seeds with a spoon to eat directly on it.
if a little health, put the seed out, which put the meat and some spices, put pot on it.
skin beauty can also be used to directly paint on the face can be

we eat papaya Bai
1 best way to put it in wine and add crystal sugar bubbles out of the wine sweet and sour Papaya Preserves

2 do not say you have only two
3 peeled stick salt to eat because of papaya sour astringent

to eat fried05-01-11

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