
BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- With the momentum of remarkable growth in recent years, China's sports goods industry giant LI-NING unveiled revitalization here on Wednesday by changing its logo and slogan.

北京,6月30日(新华社)     随着这几年的显著成长,中国体育产品业界的老大——李宁,在周三正式向公众发布了,新的logo和标语,以示其再次崛起。

The LI-NING brand, founded in 1990 in the name of Chinese famous Gymnast Prince Li Ning, has become an accomplished leader in sports brands in China with rapid development. It ranked No. 2 nationwide in sports good selling in 2009.


Li, three-time Olympic champion in 1984, said:"I have a dream that to make the real sport for real sport lovers. During my experience over the last 20 years, I realized it is good to make a change."


Taking reference with its in-depth research into the maturity cycle of the market, industry growth drivers, competition landscape analysis and positioning and consumption trends, the brand adopted a re-invention approach.


The new logo seems displays a modern interpretation of the iconic attributes of the original logo in a modern designed Chinese language. Not only has the new logo narrated the rich visual heritage of the classic "LN" symbol, it has also abstractly outlined the "Li Ning Cross" gymnastic posture invented by Li Ning.

新标志似乎向我们展示了中国汉字现代设计,对原始标志图标属性的现代解释。新logo不仅向我们阐释了经典“LN ”留给我们的视觉印象,并且从"Li Ning Cross"(李宁创造的体操姿态)中抽象出体操动作的线条,

The new slogan "Make The Change" is adapted from a new brand manifesto that speaks out the evolution from "dare to think" to "dare to do", encouraging everybody to embrace changes and breakthroughs.

新标语“"Make The Change” 从新标志发布宣言中提取出来。从 "dare to think"到"dare to do",激励每一个人心怀改变,创造突破。

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