商务部预计,在未来几个月内,猪肉价格将继续高涨« oursolo.net





Ministry of Commerce estimated that in the next few months the price of pork will continue to run high

China Ministry of Commerce spokesman Wang Xinpei on the 13th at a regular press conference that by the cost-push and demand pull of the double impact of the next few months the price of pork will continue to run high.

Wang Xinpei said that the recent prices of live pigs and pork following reasons: First, feed and product oil prices, pig farming and a marked increase in transportation costs; Second, pork consumption has entered the peak season, demand has increased.

According to the briefing, December 9, the national average price of live pigs to 15.27 yuan / kg, than the August 5 the historical high of 0.24 yuan rose; the national average wholesale price of pork wolteri 20 .52 yuan / kg, than the August 5 rose 0.32 yuan.

Wang Xinpei said that the current, with the country to support the production of live pigs and pork market of the gradual implementation of control measures, pig production is steadily recovering. The competent authorities at all levels of business will continue to closely follow the market price of live pigs and pork changes, timely release of pork market supply and demand information, to further improve production and marketing of convergence and market supply, New Year’s Day and Spring Festival pork market supply is guaranteed. (07-12-14)

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