如何做{zh0}吃狗肉? « Live in China 混在中国


狗是人们最喜爱的佳肴,而且营养药体能好处。 “狗卷第3卷,童话肯定的立场,”这是一个xx的狗广东话谚语。由于狗闻气味醇厚,芳香四溢,所以狗所谓狗肉。










xx通络古鲁汤块茎30克,肉桂30克,八角10克,生姜150克,1500克的狗将狗洗切块,加姜,桂皮,茴香,附子及数量的米酒,盐,添加文本Huodun 2小时淡水xx,硬皮病。

党参附子古鲁汤党参30克,与1片20克,500狗肉,生姜9克克。狗肉洗净,切小块与党参,附片,生姜,在同一把沙锅,加入适量的水,煮狗熟透,以附页,另加盐调味,分少量吨食肉尹他嗯。补中xx齐罚嗯党参,附页中阳的温度;狗补中xx,杨温诜帮助。脾肾阳虚足够体力Suozhi脱垂,都在黎明前池塘腹泻,发冷,四肢发冷的消耗。 (从麦搏健康信息)














1。 Biaofeitizhuang选择,为疾病的健康狗免费的。
4。酸洗系统咸菜:水坛洗净干燥,在温水中放入二五〇 〇克,150克盐,胡椒25克,八角5,白葡萄酒100克,糖50克,黄醋50克一起,然后洗蔬菜需要浸泡干,盛入坛密封浸泡12天,服务腌菜。



①制造到清水中浸泡1小时狗的皮肤,直到起飞后要净xxTiqu肋骨的味道。然后,发生了对皮肤已经烧红的烙铁烧板烤一个由放置在火上铁串(烤炭火烤猪肉,也可以品牌),到烧焦的外观狗皮时。然后,把温水软,轻轻地用刀子刮黑色外观,皮肤颜色发黄时湿透。然后,用清水冲洗干净,放入开水锅减少红色(血)的股票上涨。 ②改变犬分成12块肉刀,每平方米8分,并与卷入的“X”形,刀深至三分之二狗肉三分之二两把刀刀皮肤,备用。 ⑧红辣椒,青椒种子,切碎,班浩,备用。 ④选择合适的沙锅,在竹锅垫垫笼的底部,然后把刀,肉块将重新皮肤垫了笼子,肉类,高于冬季河的莱清洗,加入姜放在(电影歌曲),葱(打结),料酒,糖,盐,酱油,辣椒,八角,桂皮,再加上水,对狗,直到所有被淹没三分之二。然后,盖砂锅盖子。把煮沸的火,然后一小烤2小时左右。然后,取出,并打开一个覆盖,删除冬天传丽,姜,葱,辣椒,八角,肉桂等。 ⑤沙锅离火,螺原汤内后,将砂锅沥净。狗的皮肤,然后向上,在盆地整齐,成钻石。封闭厚腌料然后火,加味精,在肉的表面浇,两个边Banhao蓝,红辣椒,你可以吃。







How to do the best to eat dog meat?

I have the meat with water and then Fangbing Xiang Guo Zhuo, and my husband wanted to give him special thin ton of dog meat are particularly tasty, do we have any good ideas?

dog is that people are favorite delicacies, but also physical fitness benefits of nutritious medicine. “Dog roll 3 roll, fairy stand Well surely,” This is a Cantonese acclaimed dog proverbs. As the dog smell smell mellow, aromatic lovers, and so dog called dog meat.

dog meat, sweet, salty, sour, warm in nature, rich in protein and fats, amino acids, minerals and other nutrients, have an important nutritional value and medicinal value. People eat dog meat, the body can generate high heat, so that strong metabolism, enhance cold cold tolerance, therefore, most people have “food of the dog does not cover bedding do.” Dog is not only correcting weak, thick stomach, strength and other beneficial effects, but also can be used for treatment of impotence and so on. Therefore, one of the best winter diet supplements.

great medical scientist Li Shi Zhen Ming Dynasty, the “Compendium of Materia Medica,” said: “The dog has an eating five viscera, Qingshenjianfei, Qi, preferably kidney, should the stomach, waist and knee Zhuang warm air force, make up five workers and injured seven, make up blood” and other effects, to dog meat with ginger, large fennel, dried tangerine peel stew served, functional warm stomach pain, can cure type stomach hepatogastric Deficiency; familiar with traditional Chinese medicine attached to films, Gui technology, ginger, dog meat stew warm clothes, the effectiveness of Qu cold pain, can cure limb joint pain; the dog with the black beans Tongzhu, adjusting salt, ginger and other food condiments for treating kidney deafness, tinnitus, enuresis; long illness qi and blood deficiency, physical weakness, can be used with dog meat lotus seeds, red ginseng stew suits; women post-partum dizziness, fatigue, lack of qi and blood can be used Rehmannia, Astragalus with milk dogs (just weaned puppies) consommé warm clothes; with the male dog’s penis and testicles with dry meat essence, Chinese wolfberry, locks Yang and other Chinese medicine Jianfu, functional impotence Yijing Wenshen fill marrow can cure male impotence, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation; dog brain and sugar Tongzhu, can cure the brain hypoplasia, neurasthenia, insomnia, forgetfulness.

It is noteworthy that dog meat for hot food, cold and fever are strong alter-ego, anger or less should wear clothes Shen.

dog food cooking can be used alone, but also a number of traditional Chinese medicine cooking into a medicated compatibility. For example:

dog meat, dog meat 250 grams of porridge, rice (or sticky rice) is reasonable or a little ginger. Wash the dog meat, cut into small pieces and put it into pot, add water boiled, add ginger, rice with Zhu Chengyu, early dinner warm clothes for the old and feeble, yang inadequate, nocturnal emission, impotence , premature ejaculation, malnutrition, child stunting, chills, cold extremities embolism. Porridge can be cooked dog meat by adding red beans, black beans, soybeans, mung bean and barley and so on, known as the Wu-fu dog meat porridge.

dog meat, dog meat simmered black beans 250 grams, 50 grams of black beans, ginger, salt, sugar, allspice the right amount. Qi, on the above-mentioned smell pot, stir the first boil, simmer slow fire cooked after the change, after rotten meat edible for enuresis, urinary frequency and other kidney disease treatment and tonic.

burning dog to take dog meat, sweet potato 500 grams, 500 grams sweet potatoes peeled and cut into pieces, plus amount of water, cook 2-3 hours, after seasoning eat, can cure deficiency, night polyuria.

Qi Huai yam stewed dog meat, 60 grams of drugs, Chinese wolfberry 60 grams, 1,000 grams of dog meat, ginger, cooking wine, salt amount. After the dog chopped fried with various flavor into the casserole to slow fire Dunzhi Shulan dog can be. For the frail, Kidney essence deficiency anemia Luo and a small gas embolism in nourishing and treatment.

Spiced dog dog meat 250 grams, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, 6 grams each, onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, cooking wine, the amount of sugar. Wash the dog and put it into pot, add water, boil. Add fennel, cinnamon, cloves and onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar cooked to the dog Sulan, remove the cut piece, into the soup can be flesh-eating soup, for lack of kidney-yang, waist and knee weak limbs not warm, impotence do not move embolism.

Huoxue Tongluo Gourou Tang tuber 30 grams, 30 grams of cinnamon, star anise 10 grams, ginger 150 grams, 1,500 grams dog will be dog wash cutting and slicing; Add ginger, cinnamon, fennel, monkshood and the amount of rice wine , salt, add fresh water with the text Huodun 2 hours for frostbite, scleroderma.

Codonopsis Codonopsis Monkshood Gourou Tang 30 grams, with a piece 20 grams, 500 grams of dog meat, ginger 9 grams. Wash the dog meat, cut small pieces and Codonopsis, attached to pieces, ginger, within the same into the casserole, add appropriate amount of water, cook the dog overripe, to attached sheet, plus a small amount of salt seasoning, sub-ton carnivorous Yin Tang. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Fang Codonopsis, attached sheet temperature in the yang; dog Bu Zhong Yi Qi, Yang Wenshen help. Spleen and kidney yang fit enough Suozhi prolapse, both just before dawn pond diarrhea, chills, cold extremities were consumed. (From Mai Bo health information)

mountain dog meat stew

Effects: Wenshen cold-dispelling, impotence Yijing
editor’s note: for aversion to cold, impotence lack of energy, Yaoxisuanruan so

Material: dog meat, 500 grams, 30 grams of red fermented bean curd, white fermented bean curd 30 grams, 100 grams of red wine, rapeseed oil 25 grams, 20 grams of crystal sugar, MSG, 15 grams, ginger 50 grams


1, dog meat chops back

2, Heat canola oil under the pot, the next ginger stir-fry the next red, white fermented bean curd crush saute, stir-fry the next dog golden brown appearance.

3, stir-fried dog meat under a good red wine, rock sugar, monosodium glutamate simmered about 90 minutes, until dog Shulan can.

Hot and sour dog
[owned cuisine]

[dishes taste] hot and sour

[related ingredients] Chicken

[Features] dish rich flavor, soft rotten meat is tender, qian thick thick juice, spicy with a tart.

fresh dog meat 1500 grams, coriander 200 grams, 100 grams of pickled vegetables, dried red peppers 5, winter bamboo shoots 50 grams, Shao liquor 50 grams, 15 grams of red pepper, salt 5 grams, 50 grams of garlic, soy sauce 25 grams, monosodium glutamate 1.5 grams, 15 grams of vinegar, pepper, 1 g, wet starch 25 grams, 10 grams cinnamon, sesame oil 15 grams, onion 15 grams, Shuzhu You 100 grams, ginger 15 grams
[production process]
1 . will be dog meat boneless, soaked with warm water and scraping clean, the next pot cooked fish out into the cold water, washed two times with water, put in casserole, add beat broken onions, ginger, cinnamon, dried red peppers , Shao liquor 25 grams, and water, boiling troughs twelve months later, when rotten, cut into 5 cm long, 2 cm wide section. The kimchi, winter bamboo shoots, red pepper mince, leek cut flowers, coriander washed.
2. wok stir at home and put it into mature oil 50 grams, till the Bacheng hot dog when you burst into the scent of cooking Shao liquor, add soy sauce, salt and the original soup, boil and pour it in the casserole, the use simmer over low heat until Su Lan, to close stem juice, Sheng into the tray.
3. wok Shuzhu You put in, till the Bacheng hot, the next into the winter bamboo shoots, pickles and red pepper stir-several times, poured into dog meat soup boil, add MSG, garlic, transfer balance with warm starch starch, Lin Ru sesame oil and vinegar, pouring in the dog on the cover, surrounded by parsley Serve on the fight.

[craft key]

1. Biaofeitizhuang selected, healthy dogs for the disease-free.
2. dog has dry smell, just wash with warm water when the smell of slaughter.
3. simmer system for low heat, half-way can not add soup, time 2 hours.
4. acid wash system pickles: Wash the water altar dry, placed in warm water 2500 grams, together with 150 grams of salt, pepper 25 grams, 5 grams of star anise, white wine 100 grams, sugar 50 grams, 50 grams of yellow vinegar, Then wash the vegetables will need to soak dried, Sheng sealed into the altar soak 12 days, Serve pickles.

Dongpo dog

raw materials within the sub-thick skin, fat 7-8 dog rib meat 1250 grams, 75 grams Chuan Dong Lai, red peppers, green peppers each 75 grams, 50 grams of cooking wine, sugar, color, sugar, ginger, onions, star anise, soy sauce, salt, the amount of monosodium glutamate, pepper 10, a small piece of cinnamon.

① the dog for making the skin into the清水中浸泡1 hour, until the net after going off-flavor removed Tiqu ribs. Then, place skin down on the already red-hot branding iron grill plate grill (grilled pork on a skewer with iron from the fire placed on the charcoal grill can also be branded), to the charred appearance dogskin pm. Then, put warm water soaked until soft, gently scrape with a knife black appearance to skin color yellowish pm. Then, rinse clean with water and put in boiling water pot to cut red (blood) picked up. ② change the dog flesh knife into 12 blocks, 8 points each square, and the skin with a knife drawn two knives into the “X”-shaped, knife-deep-to two-thirds of dog meat, stand-by. ⑧ the red pepper, green peppers seeded, shred, Ban Hao, stand-by. ④ choose a suitable casserole, bottom of the pot mat mat bamboo cage, and then a knife, Meat Loaf will be re-skin mat down behind the cage, meat, placed above the winter cleaning of the River Lay, add ginger (film song), onions (tie a knot ), cooking wine, sugar, salt, soy sauce, pepper, star anise, cinnamon, plus Sheung Shui, to the dog until all the submerged two-thirds. Then, covered casserole lid. Bring to a boil on the fire, and then a small roast 2 hours or so. Then, take out, and open a cover, remove the winter Chuan Lai, ginger, onions, pepper, star anise, cinnamon and so on. ⑤ casserole from the fire, Decanter out of the original soup, after a net into the casserole Lek. Dog skin and then upward, neat rows in the basin, into a diamond. Closed thick marinade then fire, add MSG, pouring in the meat surface, two bordered Banhao blue, red peppers, you can eat.

characteristics of meat Su Lan, shape, appearance, color dark red, sweet and salty, sweet mellow, pure and delicious.



Do not eat the
to protect animals is our bounden duty of human beings and human
dogs the animals closest to the heart of the
how do you eat it, then forget last year’s SARS
This is the nature of human punishment
launched her friends not to harm small animals
we are to protect They
start from the side bar

those who are more cruel to eat dog meat animals, is not it? Dogs and humans closest animals to go abroad to see, you know where the people say that some areas of our country to eat dog meat is simply inconceivable.04-12-10

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