New Year's Day 2009, further adjustments to the Import and Export ...

by the State Council approval, January 1, 2009 from China will further adjust the import and export customs tariffs, the general tariff level is still 9.8%, import and export tariff headings to 7868, so far China has basically finished WTO tariff reduction commitments to fulfill.

It is reported, mainly involving the MFN rate, annual provisional tax rates, the agreement rates, preferential tax rates and tax tariff lines and so on.

order to effectively play the role of tariff policy of the economic levers to promote economic restructuring and change in development mode, and further expansion of advanced technology, equipment, key parts and components imports, to meet the needs of the domestic economic and social development, promote resource conservation and environmental protection, improve people’s living standard, next year will be more than 670 kinds of goods the import tentative implementation of the lower tax rate, mainly including coal, fuel oil, stone and other resources and energy products, ammonia, epoxy resin, liquid crystal display panel using polarizers, air-conditioning use variable speed compressor, large Wrecker chassis and other important raw materials and key components, air-jet looms, automatic winders, large horsepower tractors, harvesters and other advanced large-scale industrial and agricultural equipment, vaccines, barrier-free lifts, ceramics etc. and public health-related products and some household appliances. To continue to import natural rubber implementation options tax.

Meanwhile, to further limit the high energy consumption, high pollution exports next year, will continue to provisional tax manner coke, crude oil, metal ores, ferro alloys, billets and other products imposing export tariffs on fertilizer and other fertilizers, and to continue to its collection of special export tariffs on raw materials and lower tax rates. In addition, continue to urea, ammonium phosphate, heavy superphosphate fertilizer such as seasonal collection of export tariffs on export tariffs on fertilizer off-season to continue to take the post tax system.

to expand bilateral and multilateral economic and trade cooperation and promote regional economic development, China will be based on China - ASEAN, China - Chile, China - Pakistan, China - New Zealand, China - Singapore Free Trade Agreement as well as the “Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement” , originating from the ten ASEAN countries, Chile, Pakistan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries in the implementation of some of the imported goods more favorable than the MFN rate agreement rate. In the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement under the framework to continue originating from Hong Kong and Macao and has developed standard products of origin preferential zero tariff. Continue to 4 originating in Laos and other Southeast Asian countries, Sudan, Africa’s 31 countries, Yemen and other six countries, a total of 41 least developed countries, the implementation of preferential tariffs for certain commodities.

tariffs as an important lever to regulate the economy will further strengthen its presence in maintaining the steady growth of foreign trade, optimize the import and export commodity structure, change the mode of economic development and industrial restructuring and the expansion of domestic demand in areas such as in vitro.

In order to further implement the relevant tax and industrial policies to adapt to scientific and technological progress and the strengthening of import and export management needs, in compliance with the World Customs Organization on the column heading under the premise of the principle of import and export tariff in the part of the tariff lines have been adjusted, China 2009 edition of the total number of import and export tariff lines by 2008, 7758 to 7868.









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