
圆弧齿轮泵依靠泵缸与啮合齿轮间所形成的工作容积变化和移动来输送液体或使之增压的反转展转泵。 外啮合双齿轮泵的结构。一对相互啮合的齿轮和泵缸把吸入腔和排出腔隔开。齿轮转一下时,吸入腔侧轮齿相互脱开处的齿间容积逐渐增大,压力降低,液体在压差作用下进入齿间。随着齿轮的转一下,一个个齿间的液体被带至排出腔。这时排出腔侧轮齿啮合处的齿间容积逐渐缩小,而将液体排出。齿轮泵适用于输送不含固体颗粒、无腐蚀性、粘度范围较大的润滑性液体。泵的流量可至300米3/时,压力可达3×107帕。它通常用作液压泵和输送各类油品。齿轮泵结构简单紧凑,打造容易,维护方便,有自吸能力,但流量、压力脉动较大且噪声大。齿轮泵必需配带安全阀,以防止由于某种原因如排出管堵塞使泵的出口压力跨越容许值而损坏泵或原动机 圆弧齿轮泵是容积泵的一种,由两个齿轮、泵体与前后盖组成两个封闭空间,当齿轮转一下时,齿轮脱开侧的空间的体积自小变大,形成真空,将液体吸入,齿轮啮合侧的空间的体积从大变小,而将液体挤入管路中去。吸入腔与排出腔是靠两个齿轮的啮合线来隔开的。 圆弧齿轮泵的排出口的压力xx取决于泵出处阻力的大小。 圆弧齿轮泵的运行维护 (1)开始工作前检查全部管路法兰,接头的密封性。 (2)盘动联轴器,无摩擦及碰撞声音。 (3)初次开始工作应向泵内注入输送液体。 (4)开始工作前应整张纸吸入和排出管路中的阀门,严禁闭阀开始工作。 (5)验证电机转一下方向后,开始工作电机。  

“ Arc gear pump description ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Arc gear pump to rely on the pump cylinder and the gear between the formation of the work of the volume change and the move to transport liquids or so pressurized reverse Zhanzhuan pump. External mesh double gear pump structure. A pair of mutually meshing gears and the pump cylinder to inhalation chamber and discharge chamber separated. Gears turn about, the inhalation chamber side of the tooth mutual disengagement Department interdental volume increases, pressure is reduced, the liquid in the pressure difference into the interdental. As the gears turn about a month between teeth of the liquid was brought to the discharge chamber. Then discharge chamber side of the tooth contact Department of interdental volume shrinking, while the liquid effluent. Gear pump for conveying solid particles, non-corrosive, viscosity range greater lubricity liquids. Pump flow rate can be up to 300 m3 / h, pressure up to 3 × 107 Pa. It is usually used to pump and transport various types of oil. Gear pump is compact in structure, to create easy, convenient maintenance, with self-absorption capacity, but flow, pressure pulsation large and noisy. Gear pump must be equipped with safety valves to prevent some reason, such as exhaust pipe plug to the pump outlet pressure across the allowed value of damage to pump or prime mover Arc gear pump is the volume pump one of two gears, pump and front cover composed of two enclosed space, when the gears turn about, the gear torn off the side of the space the size of a young age become larger, forming a vacuum, will liquid inhalation, gear mesh side space of the size from big to small, while the liquid to squeeze into the pipe to go. Inhalation chamber and discharge chamber is by two gears meshing lines separated. Arc gear pump outlet pressure depends entirely on the pump source of resistance size. Arc gear pump operation and maintenance (1) before starting work check all the pipe flange, joint sealing. (2) disk dynamic coupling, without friction, and collision sounds. (3) first began work should pump into the transmission fluid. (4) start work before the entire piece of paper suction and discharge pipe valves, non-closing valves to work. (5) verify the motor switch to what direction they start working motor.

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