手脚冰冷的原因是什么? « Live in China 混在中国







帕潘? ?绝食发冷吗?人体的热量来源,食物是很重要的哦!因此,xx毫米以上,饿了太远,或将因低血糖糖尿病患者,而手,脚冷的现象。





















微循环不好,多做运动,喜欢…我祝你健康,_ xxx_1_br>

Cold hands and feet What are the reasons?

cold hands and feet What is the reason?

cold hands and feet of the main reasons is because the autonomic nervous system function of regulation is not smooth, thinning caused by blood vessels. Together with toes, knees, shoulders, fingers and other joints are more exercise, fat little heat easily lost, blood vessels and fewer and easier to feel cold.

What kind of people tend to hand-foot cold?

thin women, Yi
with cold hands and feet, according to clinical experience, the more lean body, posing at the end of winter at the end of the women most likely to have cold hands and feet situation.
because most of the thin girls, poor peripheral blood circulation, easy to make the role of body temperature regulation disorder. Cold hands and feet mainly because of the autonomic nervous system function of regulation is not smooth, thinning caused by blood vessels. Together with toes, knees, shoulders, fingers and other joints are more exercise, fat little heat easily lost, blood vessels and fewer and easier to feel cold.

cold hands and feet warm is not enough that the average body temperature of the deployment problem. If you have more tim clothes, and are still hand-foot-cold, it should be noted that because many people s nerve receptors sense the body surface temperature and the cool spots are too inactive and did not know cold.

excessive pressure of work when
sense of responsibility, the pressure of time caused by the pressure of time, may cause hand, foot and shivering, cold fingers, but things had to warm slowly to resume.

low blood sugar or low blood pressure
Papan? ? The hunger-fat cold? The body heat source, food is very important to Oh! Therefore, the weight loss over MM, hungry too far, or will be diabetic patients because of low blood sugar while the phenomenon of hand, foot and cold.
the occurrence of hypotension, on behalf of the bad blood circulation, it is often fatigue, weakness also contributed to the winter cold hands and feet causes.

housewives do not ignore the
hand eczema hand eczema is a common skin disease, housewives, hand eczema, often associated with contact with soap, detergents, decontamination powder and hair dyes and other relevant. In the case of long-standing soaking wet, this disease-prone and the persistent recurrence.

hand eczema more in your hands and fingertips of the palm dorsal face, back and wrist, partial to infiltration, hypertrophy, and because of the activities can generate chapped fingers, and a swelling of the skin, irregular nail growth. A small number of skin rash may occur on the palm side of the edge of the rash is not clear-cut, partial rough skin, there is a small hill herpes, itching, occurred in winter due to dry and chapped. Material frequent contact with the outside world because of his hands, so housewives hand eczema regardless of the cause to tend to be more stubborn.

in the prevention and treatment, we should first identify the causes of the disease and to be avoided, temporarily little contact or no contact with soap, detergents, hair dyes and so on, to avoid scratching, avoid using hot water wash Department. Drugs that can be used with 1% hydrocortisone 10% urea cream, or cream with corticosteroids (such as Pi Yan Ping, Picao cream, skin new song) with 10% of the black bean distillate oil ointment used interchangeably, generally do not Oral corticosteroids needed. In addition, the use of Chinese medicine formulations outside the wash soak, the effect is also very good. Formula is as follows: Cacumen Platycladi, Sophora flavescens, 100, Su Ye, rhubarb, licorice each 15 grams ~ 30 g Jianshui, fried about 15 minutes after the opening to the residue, place Wenliang, soak your hands for 10 minutes every morning and evening 15 minutes.

hands and feet to prevent the loss of heat

nutritional supplements

eat the food to promote blood circulation sesame, spinach, peanuts, tofu, fresh fish, garlic, green onion, pepper, curry.

beef and mutton in the protein, fat, vitamins B1, B2, amino acids, iron cold hands and feet can also improve the situation.

usually more exercise

exercise can help blood circulation, especially for office workers who need to sedentary office if they can maintain the standard of weight, more exercise, appropriate body weight coupled with exercise can make the body a normal cycle.

bedtime bubble bath

bedtime bubble bath, on the one hand can promote blood circulation, let the body warm up, you can also relieve stress, help you sleep oh!

warm clothing should be adequate

suggest that you prepare in the office more than a thin coat, proper warm, often because of busy forgetting to add items of clothing.

be added if the winter cold weather gloves and socks to cold. Especially should pay attention to the feet warm when sleeping, because the feet warm, it is unlikely that sleep loss may, by a warm cotton socks to help keep warm.


Yam and the springs can be carried out against the mean pressure.

Yam foot fifth toe nail growth in the outer office.

springs in the soles of the feet near the toes of the Central Office, will bend the toes all the time, in the soles of the feet wrinkles formed by a central office person-shaped.

gentle pinch to the root of each toe, so that the feet will feel warm.

may wish to use lotion or 宝宝 oil to massage hands and feet, make your skin soft, but also promote the blood circulation outside.

Reference: want to help you

microcirculation is not good, do more exercise like … I wish you health, _ xxx_1_br>
winter, cold hands and feet is more common, I think there are several reasons: hands and feet sweating, warmth is not good, who seldom exercise.
For the love of sweating hands and feet of people, the winter we must pay attention to keep hands and feet dry, you can wear gloves, must be thick and warm, and ventilation is good, more than prepared a few pairs of dirty can also change the wear; for the feet, to more preparation of several pairs of cotton insole, before going to sleep at night, took out the insole, so that shoes and insoles are dry look. The next day, if the insole done, it softened and then into the go; if not dry, was turned over to a pair. Shoes to wear warm.
Next, the most important point is to exercise more, which I am very experienced, cold, time to go jogging, running 3 to 5 minutes you can, and do not trouble, really very effective.05-01-09

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