




Seems to be blessed by the author’s inspiration, the twelve Chinese zodiacs of animals begin to develop a fashionable career. The conceptual replacement from dog to Dalmatian turns the traditional totem of Chinese folk culture to a propitious denotation. Combining Chinese traditional culture and the classical visual symbol of Disneyland Cartoon character, the sculpture quivers with sparkling vigor of cartoon’s fairy colors in our daily lives. With a flavor of humor and fashion, the work takes in the characteristics of the tradition and national acknowledgement by integrating print painting techniques to the sculpture for stressed visual effect, and demonstrates a modern taste to mysterious games. Chen’s work finds out an interesting connection between traditional values and modern life.



From artist Chen Changwei:

Chinese have a deep-rooted notion of Animal Zodiacs. Each animal has a beautiful legend behind itself. Chinese zodiacs of animals reflected a cultural imagination embedded in the depths of the Chinese culture. I have replaced the traditional twelve animals with another twelve animals which are: Zebra (as corresponding to Horse), Spotted Deer (Sheep), Dolphin (Monkey), Eagle (Chicken), Dalmatian (Dog), Elephant (Pig), Kangaroo (Rat), Bear (Cattle), Leopard (Tiger), Giraffe (Rabbit), Dinosaur (Dragon), Alligator (Snake). There is, more or less, a certain association between each pair of animals. This year is the year of Dog, so the design is a public facility out of the image of Dalmatians (dog), hoping by this chance to soup up the public facilities which always wear serious uniform, and bring different experience to its users.




The sculpture is designed by using tree roots to show the simplified industrialization features. It reflects the artist’s focus on China's urbanization progress problems which need attention urgently than ever, and exhibits the man-nature contradiction due to the rapid expansion of cities. The inappropriateness of natural ecological environment caused by urbanization has spoken out the huge cost the severe consequences suffered by man for pursuing the economic growth unilaterally. The huge root made from bronze, crossed and covering the whole surface of the work, which just resembles author’s impossible fantasy of covering the globe. It is his deep concern and reflection for social problems that grows such a anti-Utopian dream about future on him. The work is a environmental monument for this age of constant changes. It is and will witness the course of China city development and people’s relations to city.  




From artist Chen Ke: 

Based on the theme of “Humanistic Shan-shui”, preconditioned upon thinking about the society, state of human existence and contemporary culture, the sculpture is an expression of my reflections on humanity. Standing in meaning on the consideration of the interactive relationship of man, nature and society, this work echoes through several points the humanistic value of ecologic environment.

By extracting the typical and philosophical message from the existing natural phenomena, the work implies a concern for man and nature. And in the same time, it presents in the most direct way the relationship of state, material and feelings. From the perspective of geographical space, the sculpture steers our attention to our living environment and condition. Its way of direct linking of modeling with natural philosophy reinforced the artist's stress on examining human living state and the need to strengthen the awareness and understanding of us. In this world of steel and concrete, the work reveals the relation between man and nature, tradition and modern, and reminds us to always keep sober.




Like a surrealistic melting stone, the sculpture blows up, exaggerates, and even overthrows the communicative relationship of the nature and its subjective. The roof of the pavilion is like a big mountain stone, the bottom a melting ice, and the middle the dropping rain. The melting image represents the departure or transition of memory and perception, which lets us savor the variability of time. The smooth surface and lines of stainless steel material speaks of the cold sense of force and order of modern industrial civilization. The sculpture involves fantasy and real forms together harmoniously and beholds an interactive openness. The viewers could sense the illusive light and shadow, right away when they stand by, being reflected upon by the surface. In this way people are reminded to compare and reexamine their daily surrounding environment and to realize the exquisite changes and transitions. 





From artist Chen Wenling: 

Humanistic spirit is the fundamental value of its exclusive mother culture, and it equals the highest pursue for the significance of life. “The mindset reaches the endless with no boundary”. Why could a pile of hills or a drop and water not be? This work seeks to find a critical point and strives to open the half-hidden spiritual space and provide a media of humanistic resources communication.

The main body of the sculpture is an enlarged landscape bonsai. Stone with fluctuant surface is molded realistically from its original form, and flow of water drops on the stone softens the top. While the surface made by the polished stainless steel betrays its artificial feature, thus a fairly realistic illusion being created. When Chinese traditional landscapes turn to modern products of technical material, when stainless steel mirrors the surrounding environment, and when the reflected images develop to be misshaped and broken, you can feel the clue of tradition has lost its visibility, like the vague, dream-like past memories of one’s life. This work highlights that all the contrastive pairs - the conflict and interrogation between modern and traditional civilization, the deconstruction and construction, the passed and the present, the abstract and the concrete, the imagined and the real - coexist in this world. Rather than appreciated, it is an art work more of thinking and casting value upon. 

This is a design of “wind and rain” pavilion. The real rain drops echo with the sculpted one, and people’s shadows projected within the sculpture…This harmonious combination of art, people and nature finally contributes the holy enhancement of Humanism.




This is a great work of creativity on the essence of Chinese folk art. The originality of the botanic moppet seems to come from the folk fairy tale which believes that everything has a life. The association plants human identification and emotional features to the botanic tree, which extends to the purpose of content: The whole environment has its life. Material is copper, which is so thick and dense as to make the folklore character more naïve and joyful. The author has swayed his brush freely on the surface without any limitation, adopting unique flower patterns, bold lines and imaginative shapes, and besides the lively and bright colors, the work also sparks with his wisdom in transplanting the essence of folk art. Maybe it is through the visual enjoyment of this mascot-like moppet has wanted the author to fancy about a world of pleasure. By using artistic methods, the author makes it several faces of different facial expressions in one head, a sense of humor and a sense of dramatic impression.






From artist Hung Yi: 

This work combines Chinese traditional flowerpot and plant sculpture and has utilized the anthropopathic art concept and abundant totem tint, to demonstrate the important value and extensive possibility of life by comparing the life to the flowers and the trees. Both plants and life are growing in Nature, receiving nutrients and gestate various beautiful possibilities.  

Life is just like a plant. During the process of growing up, all men and things in the environment can be the variables which are influential to it. What's more, the influence will not disappear as time lapses; instead, it will become part of the nutrient in the tree and grow up with it.

So is life. A life will meet many variables in the course of becoming mature too. But that’s where more beautiful possibilities derive from, for better or worse. The most treasured values about life shall be that as time passes by, each variable would become one’s sweet memory and an indispensable factor in life. 

The tree from traditional flowerpot symbolizes possibilities in life, while its shining totems bloom out more beauties of uncertainties and hope for life itself.




The Bridge of Poems, replants the traditional culture represented by the arching bridges and Song poems into the contemporary sculpture language, and dresses itself to a new appearance. The iron Chinese characters on the surface of the bridges transform the nonmaterial culture to some real, visible, and touchable materials. The author drops the rain of humanism to the hard and on-earth sculpture and molds it to a direct media to inherit tradition and speak to the ancestors. “Bridge” and “poems” match each other traditionally in the public space, where the small bridges welcome kids stepping on poem lines and adults leaning beside. The practical bridge decorates the city with a romance rooted deeply in culture, and has reinforced mankind’s inhabitance ideal on “poetic living”.



历史上与惠州颇有渊源的诗人有苏轼和杨万里,他们都在惠州留下的xx诗句。苏轼的诗词代表了北宋文学的{zg}成就,他的xx词句“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟” 至今脍灸人口。宋哲宗邵圣元年(1094年)至邵圣三年他和爱妾朝云曾于惠州居住。曾有诗云:“罗浮山下四时春,卢橘黄梅次第新,日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。”此后,南宋大诗人杨万里曾于宋孝宗淳熙六年(1179年)至十一年间任职广东,先后在惠州写下诸多精彩的诗作。其中有一首咏惠州城湖地理的经典之作:“左瞰丰湖右瞰江,三山出没水中央,峰头寺寺楼楼月,清煞东坡锦绣肠。”


From artist Jiang Jie:

The West Lake in Huizhou has its six bridges: Yanxia, Gongbei, Yingxian, Xixin, Mingsheng and Yuantong. 

The great poets Su Shi and Yang Wanli of Song Dynasty both left well-known lines in Huizhou. Su Shi, the representative of ultimate literal accomplishment of Northern Song, whose line “I wish you longevity only in hope to always share the beauty of the moon with you” has won universal praise, lived in Huizhou with his wife in 1094. One of his poems said, “Spring seems to be all seasons in Luofu Mountain and around. Ripe oranges and plums tempt people one after another in woods. Three hundred litchi nuts a day can feed anyone to be addicted being a Southerner, and they would.” Shortly after, Yang Wanli of Southern Song also contributed many beautiful poems at Huizhou when he served for the government in Guangdong. Here is the quote of a classic one: “With lakes be the left side and river the right, three hills stand out in the center of the water. Watching the moon in every temples and pavilions on the hill peaks, Dongpo (Su Shi) was prevailed by the peace to give up his great ambitions.”

This work is born for sake of the fact that Huizhou has numbers of bridges, with 5 pieces of arching bridges placed in the grass field. The surfaces of the bridges are paved by characters composed of a collection of Su Shi and Yang Wanli’s poems. The thick Chinese characters are forged sticking out, and the poetic beauty of the parallel and rhythmic language trickily transforms to a visual charm. The Bridge of Poems welcomes visitors and allows kids play with and teach themselves when hanging out here. A way of expression as modern sculpture has given a rebirth to Chinese characters to reflect its beauty and position as the paving stone of our every footstep.  




Pavilion is a common language of Chinese architectural aesthetics, but a sculpture out of the pavilion shape is a wholly exception. The iron materials for walls, roof, and mutules are all made through a unique sculpture art approach of mini human figure looking like Chinese character “大”. The human figures are all welded and connected end by end from a point to a surface and the whole network. The author’s self-made “new material” is redefining the beauty of a pavilion design, by the denotation of either “breaking up the whole into parts”, or “making a mickle by many a little”, while the process of production, shall be a journey of repeated self-thinking and reflection on the cultural skin of the pavilion. This artistic method is a creative deconstruction to the completeness and super stability of Chinese architectural tradition, so its unusual state would be a refresh for eyes. Every single details of it are integrated into the environment, and on the contrary it absorbs the outer world within as well. Either visited or lived and displaying an open-minded and modest mindset, such a pavilion speaks a two-way renovation of architectural and sculpture conceptions. 






From artist Jiao Xingtao: 

How would the traditional culture with its symbols reflecting historical and cultural awareness meet modern elements? I attempt to feel the consequent conflicts, relations, and messages from a personal perspective. Many people have such experience like long-time staring at some Chinese character and studies of its structure would make one suddenly feel unknown about the familiar shape. The traditional art style has become a cultural symbol, when faced to the contemporary critics, the historical and cultural reflections are felt close, yet totally unfamiliar sometimes like the stared Chinese character. 

Made of human figures and any old and new symbols, the pavilion is a sculpture of architectural design. The dreamy and inexplicit sensation rightly fits in our scattered memories of the traditional culture and our understanding of the constantly changing, adjusting, self-supplementing nowadays. Any object in it becomes a part of the work. The independent space circled by quantities of mini-human forms pressure to the viewer like culture to us. The relationship between traditional elements and man is displayed with no reservation, and because of its perspective visual effects, it drinks in the beauty of the surrounding environment.

A strong contrast of the pure classical sculpture and enormous miniature human figures expresses a minding about the traditional and humanity, a rethinking of the traditional architectural symbols, and a perception of new angles of explanation and personal experiences on the development of traditional culture.


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