沪江博客- BORN TO TRY - 【NPR】多主题听力训练 127 iPhone 4陷天线门 ...



New iPhone Owners Complain About Dropped Calls

Many of the new phones' owners are complaining of a glitch that drops calls.


MICHELE NORRIS, host: The new iPhone 4 has people lining up at stores eager to ____1____ one. Unfortunately, those who've touched it say if your fingers hit the rim in the wrong spot, phone calls drop.

NPR's Laura Sydell went to find out if it's true.

LAURA SYDELL: When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone earlier this month, he ____2____ the sleek steel rim that doubled as an antenna. But as soon as people got the phone, the complaints began to ____3____. Users claim that if you touched the phone just right on the left edge where there's a break in the steel rim, calls get cut off. So, I wanted to find out: Is it true?

(Soundbite of store crowd)

SYDELL: So, here I am at the Apple store in downtown San Francisco, and I am going to call my editor, Sara Sarasohn and we're going to see if there's a ____4____.


I'm moving my fingers around the rim.

So, are you there? Are you there? It does in fact seem to drop out.

I tried again just in case it was a fluke(侥幸,偶然的机会), and the same thing happened. Word is out on the street, and it's giving customers like Ryu Mizuno pause about buying one.

Mr. RYU MIZUNO: It's definitely caught my attention, yeah. I think I'll take a look at or wait a little bit more to hear more about it before I commit to buying the new one.

SYDELL: All over the Web, folks are coming up with some creative high-tech solutions. Fast Company magazine recommends Scotch tape in the little crack along the side. Other folks are recommending a ____5____ for the phone.

Apple is ____6____. In a statement the company said, gripping the phone will result in some attenuation(衰减,稀薄) of its antennae performance. The statement continued: This is a fact of life for every wireless phone.

Hmm. Steve Jobs himself responded. His answer was like the old joke about the guy who tells the doctor: Doctor, it hurts when I do this. The doctor says: Well don't do that. In this case, Steve Jobs responded, well, don't do that.

Laura Sydell, NPR News, San Francisco.

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