Paiduyangyan the most in the super-food list what ah? « Industry ...

Category:catering food

Paiduyangyan best in the super-food list what ah?


1. sweet potatoes, potato contains
soft digestible fiber, can promote gastrointestinal motility, facilitate defecation. The best is to eat grilled sweet potatoes, and baked with skin together, eat together, taste sweet and refreshing.
2. mung bean can be antipyretic
detoxification, dehumidification urination, thirst Relieves summer heat and the effect of solution
more Helvdoutang help detoxification, reduces swelling, but the cooking time should not be too long, so that organic acids, vitamins are reduce the role of the destruction.
3. Oats Oats can Huachang
purge, prompting larger volume of feces, moisture increased with the fiber to promote gastrointestinal motility play a role in detoxification laxative. Jiang steamed oats labeled as juice as a beverage to drink is a good choice, whipping, we could also add other ingredients, such as apples, raisins, nutrition can promote bowel movements!
4. Adlay
Adlay can promote the blood circulation, water metabolism, play a diuretic effect of swelling, edema, obesity help to improve. Pearl Barley water is a good detoxification method, using water directly to the APF
Zhulan, the proper person to add a little taste of sugar, is a natural skin whitening skin care products.
5. millet
millet does not contain gluten and will not stimulate the intestinal wall, are more moderate fiber, easily digested meals are therefore suitable to use with detoxification. Millet gruel very suitable for detoxification, there is the effect of urine Qingre
, nutrient-rich, but also help to whitening.

6. Brown rice is a whole-grain brown rice
retain the rice bran is rich in fiber, with suction, liposuction, and a considerable role in satiety, can stabilize the digestive system to facilitate and help detoxification. Breakfast bowl of porridge every day to eat brown rice or a cup of brown rice milk is a good detoxification method.
7. Onobrychis Onobrychis
increase gastrointestinal motility, reducing constipation and promote urination. Electricity at bedtime will be red bean stew pot soak for some time, the adzuki bean soup the next day would be sugar-free drink of water when opened, can effectively promote detoxification.
8. Carrot Carrot
helpful in improving constipation, but also rich in β-carotene, can neutralize toxins. Fresh carrot detoxification results were better, because it Qingrejiedu, relax bowel, labeled as juice combined with honey, lemon juice, not only taste good they quench their thirst, but also beneficial to detoxification.
9. yam yam
can rectify the digestive system and reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, to avoid obesity, and increase immune function. With raw food detoxification best can be peeled and cut small pieces of white yam and pineapple, along with branded juice drink, with stomach and stabilize the digestive system function.
10. burdock burdock
can promote blood circulation, metabolism, and bowel function to adjust the effect of dietary fiber can be contained to retain moisture, softening stool and help detoxification, eliminate constipation. Could be made at any time burdock tea drinking, long-term use.

11. Asparagus
asparagus with a variety of nutrients, contains asparagine and potassium has a diuretic effect, can rid the body of excess water, favorable detoxification. Xun green asparagus tip of vitamin a, cooking can be sophisticated twilight the water, can save a maximum of nutrients, flavor also used.
12. onion
onions can promote gastrointestinal motility, strengthen digestion, and rich in sulfur, and protein binding of the cases the best, particularly useful for the liver, thus contributing to detoxification. Boil a pot of onion-based vegetable soup, add broccoli, carrots, celery and other high-fiber fruits and vegetables, can break down the toxins accumulate and help defecation.
13. lotus root lotus root
diuretic effect, can promote rapid discharge of waste body to purify the blood. Hot and cold food Safe lotus root, lotus root pressing will be labeled as juice, honey and seasonings can be added directly to drinking a little, you can also heat a small fire, add a little sugar, while hot and drink.
14. white radish radish
have a good diuretic effect, which contain cellulose can also be the promotion of bowel movements, which will help to lose weight. If you want to use radishes to detoxification, then the appropriate raw food, it is recommended to be labeled as juice or cold, pickled way to eat.
15. Shan Shan Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum
rich vitamin a, can maintain the liver, help to discharge toxins from the body. Hill Chrysanthemum and the oranges, tomatoes, carrots, grapefruit, apples, mixed nuts and other fruits and vegetables along with soup labeled as energy consumed, it is a good choice.

16. sweet potatoes leaves
potato leaf fiber texture of soft, non-bitter, likely to have satiety, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation. Wash fresh sweet potato leaves picked up after the scalded with boiling water and cooked with chopped garlic and a pinch of salt, oil and mix well, that is a delicious refreshing mix of garlic, sweet potato leaves!
17. radish leaves
radish leaves are rich in vitamins and fiber, can promote appetite, active role in the intestine, but also can improve constipation. Drain the wash of fresh radish leaves labeled as juice, then add a little honey with the drinking, drunk to detoxification and health care.
18. 7
Chuan Chuan leaves contain seven hypoglycemic effect of the composition, and can treat habitual constipation, reduce the burden on the body. The Sichuan Aescin, tomato, alfalfa, yellow sweet pepper, kiwi and other fruits and vegetables, combined with mixed nuts and a little passion fruit juice or apple cider vinegar mixed labeled juice drink.
19. yogurt
yogurt contains a lot of rich in lactic acid bacteria can improve constipation, stomach and stability. In addition to the original plot of the toxins in the intestinal tract but also because of the role of lactic acid bacteria, while the easy discharge. Yogurt drink or eat cheese salad are all excellent good choice, it is best to eat breakfast before fasting, using yogurt to increase satiety and reduce food intake for breakfast.
20. vinegar
vinegar beneficial to the body’s metabolism, the body can be discharged acid fatigue, as well as diuretic laxative effect. Used morning and evening meal, the drink off a diluted vinegar, moderate drinking can help health.


1. sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes contain fiber
soft and digestible, can promote gastrointestinal motility, facilitate defecation. The best is to eat grilled sweet potatoes, and baked with skin together, eat together, taste sweet and refreshing.
2. mung bean can be antipyretic
detoxification, dehumidification urination, thirst Relieves summer heat and the effect of solution
more Helvdoutang help detoxification, reduces swelling, but the cooking time should not be too long, so that organic acids, vitamins are reduce the role of the destruction.
3. Oats Oats can Huachang
purge, prompting larger volume of feces, moisture increased with the fiber to promote gastrointestinal motility play a role in detoxification laxative. Steamed oats will be labeled as a beverage drink juice is a good choice, whipping, we could also add other ingredients, such as apples, raisins, nutrition can promote bowel movements!
4. Adlay
Adlay can promote the blood circulation, water metabolism, play a diuretic effect of swelling, edema, obesity help to improve. Pearl Barley water is a good detoxification method, using water directly to the APF
Zhulan, the proper person to add a little taste of sugar, is a natural skin whitening skin care products.
5. millet
millet does not contain gluten and will not stimulate the intestinal wall, are more moderate fiber, easily digested meals are therefore suitable to use with detoxification. Millet gruel very suitable for detoxification, there is the effect of urine Qingre
, nutrient-rich, but also help to whitening.

6. Brown rice is a whole-grain brown rice
retain the rice bran is rich in fiber, with suction, liposuction, and a considerable role in satiety, can stabilize the digestive system to facilitate and help detoxification. Breakfast bowl of porridge every day to eat brown rice or a cup of brown rice milk is a good detoxification method.
7. Onobrychis Onobrychis
increase gastrointestinal motility, reducing constipation and promote urination. Electricity at bedtime will be red bean stew pot soak for some time, the adzuki bean soup the next day would be sugar-free drink of water when opened, can effectively promote detoxification.
8. Carrot Carrot
helpful in improving constipation, but also rich in β-carotene, can neutralize toxins. Fresh carrot detoxification results were better, because it Qingrejiedu, relax bowel, labeled as juice combined with honey, lemon juice, not only taste good they quench their thirst, but also beneficial to detoxification.
9. yam yam
can rectify the digestive system and reduce subcutaneous fat deposition, to avoid obesity, and increase immune function. With raw food detoxification best can be peeled and cut small pieces of white yam and pineapple, along with branded juice drink, with stomach and stabilize the digestive system function.
10. burdock burdock
can promote blood circulation, metabolism, and bowel function to adjust the effect of dietary fiber can be contained to retain moisture, softening stool and help detoxification, eliminate constipation. Could be made at any time burdock tea drinking, long-term use.

11. Asparagus
asparagus with a variety of nutrients, contains asparagine and potassium has a diuretic effect, can rid the body of excess water, favorable detoxification. Xun green asparagus tip of vitamin a, cooking can be sophisticated twilight the water, can save a maximum of nutrients, flavor also used.
12. onion
onions can promote gastrointestinal motility, strengthen digestion, and rich in sulfur, and protein binding of the cases the best, particularly useful for the liver, thus contributing to detoxification. Boil a pot of onion-based vegetable soup, add broccoli, carrots, celery and other high-fiber fruits and vegetables, can break down the toxins accumulate and help defecation.
13. lotus root lotus root
diuretic effect, can promote rapid discharge of waste body to purify the blood. Hot and cold food Safe lotus root, lotus root pressing will be labeled as juice, honey and seasonings can be added directly to drinking a little, you can also heat a small fire, add a little sugar, while hot and drink.
14. white radish radish
have a good diuretic effect, which contain cellulose can also be the promotion of bowel movements, which will help to lose weight. If you want to use radishes to detoxification, then the appropriate raw food, it is recommended to be labeled as juice or cold, pickled way to eat.
15. Shan Shan Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum
rich vitamin a, can maintain the liver, help to discharge toxins from the body. Hill Chrysanthemum and the oranges, tomatoes, carrots, grapefruit, apples, mixed nuts and other fruits and vegetables along with soup labeled as energy consumed, it is a good choice.

16. sweet potatoes leaves
potato leaf fiber texture of soft, non-bitter, likely to have satiety, but also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation. Wash fresh sweet potato leaves picked up after the scalded with boiling water and cooked with chopped garlic and a pinch of salt, oil and mix well, that is a delicious refreshing mix of garlic, sweet potato leaves!
17. radish leaves
radish leaves are rich in vitamins and fiber, can promote appetite, active role in the intestine, but also can improve constipation. Drain the wash of fresh radish leaves labeled as juice, then add a little honey with the drinking, drunk to detoxification and health care.
18. 7
Chuan Chuan leaves contain seven hypoglycemic effect of the composition, and can treat habitual constipation, reduce the burden on the body. The Sichuan Aescin, tomato, alfalfa, yellow sweet pepper, kiwi and other fruits and vegetables, combined with mixed nuts and a little passion fruit juice or apple cider vinegar mixed labeled juice drink.
19. yogurt
yogurt contains a lot of rich in lactic acid bacteria can improve constipation, stomach and stability. In addition to the original plot of the toxins in the intestinal tract but also because of the role of lactic acid bacteria, while the easy discharge. Yogurt drink or eat cheese salad are all excellent good choice, it is best to eat breakfast before fasting, using yogurt to increase satiety and reduce food intake for breakfast.
20. vinegar
vinegar beneficial to the body’s metabolism, the body can be discharged acid fatigue, as well as diuretic laxative effect. Used morning and evening meal, the drink off a diluted vinegar, moderate drinking can help health.


类别: 餐饮食品



3. 燕麦
4. 薏仁
5. 小米

6. 糙米
7. 红豆
8. 胡萝卜
9. 山药
10. 牛蒡

11. 芦笋
12. 洋葱
13. 莲藕
14. 白萝卜
15. 山茼蒿

16. 地瓜叶
17. 萝卜叶
18. 川七
19. 优格
20. 醋


3. 燕麦
4. 薏仁
5. 小米

6. 糙米
7. 红豆
8. 胡萝卜
9. 山药
10. 牛蒡

11. 芦笋
12. 洋葱
13. 莲藕
14. 白萝卜
15. 山茼蒿

16. 地瓜叶
17. 萝卜叶
18. 川七
19. 优格
20. 醋

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