什么是水果,宝宝能不能吃? « City life wiki 城市百科








参考: http://www.fgav.com/shop/productdetail/CAC6C9C8.html





大多数人根据自己的水果品种的偏好。但许多人不知道,不同的水果含有人类消费的不同职业不同的营养物质,据俄罗斯媒体报道。 “不同的水果有不同的。独特的功能”市民的共同选择报告柿子,菠萝,香蕉,梨,xx桃,葡萄,芒果进行了详细分析7。









What are the fruit, baby can not eat?

What are the fruit, baby can not eat?

persimmon persimmon

thin color fresh, sweet taste, is very fond of their children to eat fruit. Persimmon is rich in sucrose, glucose, fructose, vitamin C and calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of gelatinous material. If the child Hyperactivity cough, or dry stool, eat some persimmons will help to improve symptoms. However, if a large number of often before a meal to eat persimmons, persimmon persimmon plastic inside contains a large number of phenols, tannins and gum, they will encounter in the stomach acid-insoluble lump formed after the children. Lumps a few hours may be discharged with the feces, while a few larger lumps can not be discharged, and can only remain in the stomach to form stones in the stomach, showing discomfort stomach pain, vomiting and indigestion, if the child originally had gastritis, gastric ulcers, may also induce gastric perforation, bleeding and other dangerous complications. Therefore, the child can not be too much to eat persimmons, one can only eat 1 or 2, do not eat skin, to avoid the formation of persimmon stone disease.

sugar cane sugar cane

contains a lot of sugar into the gastrointestinal tract by the digestive enzymes break down later, can increase the body’s blood glucose levels, eating more higher. When the blood glucose concentration above the normal limits, it often can promote the growth and reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus on the skin, triggering a small effect on the skin swollen, or carbuncle swollen boils. If the bacteria invade the skin deep, but also may cause bacteremia. At the same time the child too much intake of sugar can drop their children the value of the blood PH to form acidic. Acidic the body’s immune function decline in children, easy to suffer from colds and occurrence of skin infections. Therefore, the child can not eat too much sugar, not more than 50 grams a day is best.

Citrus Citrus

contains large amounts of citric acid, malic acid, not only nutritious, but also qi and spleen, Huatanzhike contribute to the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory tract infections and indigestion. However, parents often mistakenly believe that to eat better, but willing to orange if you eat too much, it will cause the body carotene levels surge, causing carotenemia. Its performance as poor appetite, irritability, sleep is not practical, but also accompanied by night terrors, crying, saying such nonsense, and sometimes hands and feet palm skin is yellow. Therefore, the children to eat oranges have a reasonable limit, a maximum daily consumption of 2 ~ 3.

Reference: http://www.fgav.com/shop/productdetail/CAC6C9C8.html

too acid, do not the

what children can eat fruit, but everything can not be excessive.

child can not eat fruit or, in case-sensitive observation of children how to do
first reaction when you eat the fruit to let him to eat

Bo Lo

majority of people according to their own preferences of fruit species. But many people do not know, different fruits contain different nutrients for different occupations of human consumption, according to Russian media reports. “Different fruits have different unique features.” The choice of the public reported a common persimmon, pineapple, banana, pear, kiwi, grapes, mango fruit carried out a detailed analysis of seven.

Persimmon: tired of the manual and drivers. Because of fatigue in most cases because of ischemia caused by the persimmons li contains a lot of iron can stimulate the formation of hemoglobin. Ripe persimmon is a deep red (some brown), and very soft, evidently the same as if cooked too far. Persimmon can help the driver of the regular inhalation of exhaust rid the body of toxins.

Pineapple: I am very fit athlete. It has the role of inflammation and swelling, can improve blood circulation, promote tendon inflammation and injury rehabilitation.

banana: suitable for attendants. Bananas can make the consumer’s attitude waiter better, it can ease tension, improve work efficiency and reduce fatigue.

pear: the current white-collar workers sitting in front of the computer should eat, because it is rich in vitamins A, E and B2, beneficial to the eyes.

Kiwi: the elderly and children can eat some, because of its vitamin C content is twice as orange, we can better improve the resistance to avoid infection.

grape: There are expectorant effect, cough, I can still eat, but the diabetic patients unfit for human consumption.

Mango: suitable for women. Are rich in carotene, β and a unique enzyme that can make the skin elastic, and delay wrinkles generated, the most appropriate beauty of women.

Nowadays, readers of different fruit according to the above-mentioned characteristics, both suited to their career choice, but also suited to their taste fruit啦!06-01-17

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