AICPA备考技巧之BEC - CMA专业培训美国注册管理会计师认证- 头文字L ...
AICPA备考技巧之BEC [原创 2010-06-28 16:28:13]   
The business Environment and Concepts section tests knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate an understanding of the general business enrironment and business concepts. The topics in this section include the knowledge of corporate governance; economic concepts essential to understanding the global business environment and its impact on an entity’s business strategy and financial risk management; financial management process; information systems and communications; strategic planning; and operations management.
The outline below specifies the knowledge in which candidates are required to demonstrate proficiency:
Corporate governance: Rights, duties, responsibilities, and authority of the board of directors, officers,and other employees; Control environment
Economic concepts and analysis: Changes in economic and business cycles; Globalization and local economies; Market influences on business strategies; Financial risk management
Financial management: Financial modeling, projections, and analysis; Financial decisions; Capital management, including working capital; Financial valuations; Financial Transaction processes and controls
Information systems and communications: Organizational needs assessment; Systems design and other elements; Security; Internet—Implications for business; Types of information system and technology risks; Disaster recovery and business continuty.
Strategic planning: Market and risk ananlysis; Strategy development, implementation, and monitoring; planning techniques

Operations management: Performance management and impact of measures on behavior; Cost measurement methods and techniques; Process management; Project management.


    专业财务咨询、培训就在自成咨询、国际知名财经资格认证,尽在自成会计培训(CMA培训|AICPA培训|美国CPA|CMA|AICPA|美国注册管理会计师认证|财务英语|财务猎头)aicpa培训| aicpa|aicpa培训|aicpa考试时间|aicpa论坛|aicpa教材|aicpa费用|aicpa|aicpa|美国aicpa|aicpa培训|aicpa|aicpa考试时间|CMA培训|AICPA培训|美国CPA|CMA|AICPA|美国注册管理会计师认证

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