4.   ./ 安装

root@ubuntu:/home/yjm/phlinux_install# ./
Making directory /usr/local/phlinux...
mkdir: 无法创建目录 “/usr/local/phlinux”: 文件已存在
Copying data...
cp: 无法创建普通文件“/usr/local/phlinux/phlinux”: 文本文件忙
Runing phlinux for first configuration...
Peanuthull Linux-core 1.1 by, copyright 2006
No user configuration found, entering interactive mode automatically!

Peanuthull Linux-core Interactive startup.
Please input service address(press ENTER use


Note: Server address will automatically be retrieved by webservice!
this is just a backup address while you cannot connect webservice.
Please input server address(press ENTER use PH031.Oray.Net):   这里用
Please input username(press ENTER use ): yjmwxwx你的用户名,花生壳的
Please input password: 花生壳的密码
Save to configuration file (/etc/phlinux.conf)?(yes/no): y是否保存配置,保存在/etc/phlinux.conf
Log /var/log/phlinux.log opened.
2010/06/26 01:09:14.230| Init with user yjmwxwx/******
2010/06/26 01:09:14.329| Initservice OK!
2010/06/26 01:09:14.330| Soapinvoke begined with url: /userinfo.asmx/GetMiscInfo
2010/06/26 01:09:14.979| RESULT_NODE: GetMiscInfoResponse, , PID: -1
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: GetMiscInfoResult, 0, PID: 0
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: misc, , PID: 0
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: LastClientVersion,, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: PHDownLoadPageUrl,, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: ClientIP,, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: PHServer, PhLinux3.Oray.Net, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: ADPageUrl, Http://, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: PeanutBaPageUrl, Http://, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: NoticePageUrl, Http://, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: UserType, 0, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: EnableCnChildAdd, 0, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: CnAddChildPrompt, 由于域名管理机构的原因,中文子域名还不能支持域名解析, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: DomainQueryUrl,, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.980| RESULT_NODE: WebServiceVersion, 3.0.0, PID: 2
2010/06/26 01:09:14.981| ExecuteUpdate Connecting PhLinux3.Oray.Net.
2010/06/26 01:09:15.227| SEND AUTH REQUEST COMMAND...2010/06/26 01:09:15.227| OK.
2010/06/26 01:09:15.297| SERVER SIDE KEY "334 e4Jnh4HaugEkTFsQja7JxQ==" RECEIVED.
2010/06/26 01:09:15.297| SEND AUTH DATA...2010/06/26 01:09:15.297| OK
2010/06/26 01:09:15.403| ExecuteUpdate domain ""
2010/06/26 01:09:15.403| ExecuteUpdate domain "."
2010/06/26 01:09:15.403| SEND CNFM DATA...2010/06/26 01:09:15.403| OK
2010/06/26 01:09:15.471| ExecuteUpdate 250 Register successfully
2010/06/26 01:09:15.540| 250 2458183 129009247
2010/06/26 01:09:15.540| ExecuteUpdate nChatID:2458183, nStartID:129009247
2010/06/26 01:09:15.540| SEND QUIT COMMAND...2010/06/26 01:09:15.540| OK.
2010/06/26 01:09:15.608| 221 Good bye
2010/06/26 01:09:15.609| ExecuteUpdate OK, BeginKeepAlive!
2010/06/26 01:10:16.617| SendKeepAlive() 10
2010/06/26 01:10:17.618| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:50
2010/06/26 01:10:17.618| Keepalive response received, client ip:
2010/06/26 01:11:17.622| SendKeepAlive() 10
2010/06/26 01:12:18.627| SendKeepAlive() 10
2010/06/26 01:12:19.627| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:50
2010/06/26 01:12:19.628| Keepalive response received, client ip:
2010/06/26 01:13:19.634| SendKeepAlive() 10
2010/06/26 01:13:20.634| RecvKeepaliveResponse() Data comes, OPCODE:50
2010/06/26 01:13:20.634| Keepalive response received, client ip:
2010/06/26 01:14:20.639| SendKeepAlive() 10

5.添加开机自动启动 echo "/usr/local/phlinux/phlinux -d" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
6.可以用127.0.0.1:6160看运行状态,要是想结束就ps -A 打到phlinux的PID 然后kill -9 pid

郑重声明:资讯 【linux花生壳安装_百度{zh0}_百度空间】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku #或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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