芬Zhengrou怎么办? « City life wiki 城市百科


1 Ding丁分Zhengrou芬Zhengrou
丁酚Zhengrou材料和做法:选择硬排骨英镑,有脂肪薄,切成两指宽,2 Cunban长,半厚肉削减的;小米或糯米三钱,淘大净干,混合炒成黄色,一种香水,柿子辣椒卷开;糖六钱,面酱三钱,葱,姜,酱油一点点的良好开局调混合。夏甸肋骨,1碗10,上笼蒸疲惫。半透明红色的喜,实物,如水晶,香,诱人食欲。
2,削减大型集装箱猪肉,加生姜片,酱油,盐,辣椒油,豆沙,鸡肉,糖,拌匀,品尝自己的口味,什么是差异填充点。然后在米粉混合,(我买的是200克包装,可以与肉1000克混合)混合均匀,使每一块肉用米粉面涂层。 Banhao,如果有点干可适当加点油和水调匀。让腌10分钟,旁边的美味。





Fen Zhengrou do?

Fen Zhengrou do miss the college canteen, the above is also punched a whole egg on top. While the luxury price point, but the taste unforgettable

a Ding Ding Fen Zhengrou Fen Zhengrou
Xinzheng Fanzhuang began in the late Qing Ding, which is some hundred and twenty years of history, once the emperor pointing Mikuriya, will be the North-South flavor essence of the traditional dishes based on one created. Xinzheng ancient as “thoroughfare of nine provinces,” north-south thoroughfare, with pedestrians. Live in the city late Qing dynasty, “Cha Yuan,” and from the imperial capital, poor, often to the North Street Ding, “Cui Bin Lou,” with the rice, the north and south parts of flavors imperial government Culinary arrived here. Also after 100 years of continuous improvement of the Five Dynasties Ding increased, so that color, flavor, shape, quality getting better and better reputation growing. Producers are now five generations, Sun 68-year-old Ding Ding Guang-zhou masters (red case, two cooks). His superb skill to produce fine, maintaining the quality of dishes, can grasp the burning, Grilled, baked, relying on, frying, mixing, adjusting, slip, stew, etc. more than 40 kinds of cooking methods, dictation out of more than 600 kinds of dishes Name. The
Ding Fen Zhengrou materials and practices: selected hard-pound of pork ribs, there is fat with thin, cut into two-finger wide, two Cunban long, semi-thick cuts of meat that; millet or glutinous rice 3 money, Amoy net dried, mixed into a persimmon pepper fried yellow, a fragrance, roll-opened; sugar six money, flour paste 3 money, onions, ginger and a little bit of soy sauce mixed with a good opening tune. Xiadian ribs, a bowl 10, cage steam exhaustion. Translucent red on the Xi, kind, such as crystals, fragrant, seductive appetite.
two Hakka Fenzheng Rou Fen Zhengrou
many places in China, but could say only the delicious Hakka Fen Zhengrou.
must be sweet potato powder pink.
had eaten a Fen Zhengrou in Xi’an, with steamed flour, and dry the bowl is really hard to swallow. Back after a Szechuan Restaurant Fuzhou Fen Zhengrou see the point 1 up, but also disappointed. Cover the powder and meat thinly scattered, selling similar attitude should be discouraged. The real set was Hakka Fen Zhengrou combines pink meat, flour and meat, pink meat blend. Be able to achieve this state of the powder is only sweet potato flour can. Fujian Hakka area rich in sweet potatoes, dried sweet potato is well-known Liancheng the country, in order to be more pink heart made of sweet potatoes a good choice.
best pork meat.
Su Huangzhou good use made of pork Dongpo Meat spread to today. However, many people feel Dongpo Meat should not be eaten, although its has been advertised that they are not greasy, but the oil-Wang Wang’s face is there not a more zero distance. Hakka mountain pig is the main lines of business, and the pigs using less feed, even to a child once played ragweed. This is more sweet pork. Today, the city’s pork is not what Clenbuterol does have such kind of things to eat is always bad mood.
powder, meat and complete, all easy to handle.
pork, cut small pieces, pour soy sauce, monosodium glutamate to marinate for half an hour, and then poured into the sweet potato powder, hand blends. If you are using a lean meat, then put in the time point of mixing the oil, so steamed up and will not appear dry.
then the pot to steam on 10 minutes. Kai Guo pour a little hot water, stirring. Then has been steaming into the cooked.
steamed meat quickly when constantly wafting Meat, it is making major changes to the index finger!
Sheng on a bowl of rice, on the Fen Zhengrou, the emperor is also much better than this bar.
Fen Zhengrou
three meters of raw materials: 250 grams of pork skin, rice 100 grams, 1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, 1 tablespoon, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, fermented flour paste the appropriate amount, diced green onion, shredded ginger the amount of five-spice powder and a half teaspoon of , a little sesame oil.
system of law:
1, wash the pork cut into 1 centimeter thick film, on the pot, salt, Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, sugar, sweetened soybean paste, diced green onion, shredded ginger, five-spice powder and sesame oil mix to be use.
2, wash the rice, drain water after the frying pan into a slightly yellow fried in low heat, remove Liang Liang, the roll into a coarse flour.
3, the rice bowls of water into the pork, add a little water, so that rice and humid, so that each piece of meat can be coated with thick rice noodles, pork skin down, piece-by-yards in the bowl and put it into Steamer Lane steamed cooked, remove the buckle in the tray can be.
four sweet potato Fen Zhengrou
pork, rice noodles, sweet potato, ginger, soy sauce, salt, pepper oil, a little parapet County bean paste, chicken, sugar
1, the pork slices, do not too thin, sweet potatoes into cubes, ginger pelletizing spare
2, to cut pork on a large container, add ginger tablets, soy sauce, salt, pepper oil, bean paste, chicken, sugar, mix well, taste their own taste, What is the fill point of difference. and then mix in rice noodles, (I bought was a pack of 200g and can be mixed with 1000 grams of meat) mixed evenly, so that each piece of meat are coated with rice flour noodles. Banhao, if a bit dry may be appropriate to add a little oil and water and mix thoroughly. let marinate for 10 minutes next to tasty.
3, the cut sweet potato pieces are mixed with rice noodles point, but not too many can be properly Jiadian Tang, because Germany’s sweet potato is not too sweet, Jia Diantang taste better.
4, with a big point bowl, put the following meat, sweet potato, put the above code is good, put the pot steaming, the steam for about two hours. Chuguo Flip it on the plate after the and scatter points, green onion or parsley, you can and serve the!

Fen Zhengrou

raw materials: 250 grams of pork skin, rice 100 grams, 1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, 1 tablespoon, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, fermented flour paste the appropriate amount, diced green onion, shredded ginger the amount of five-spice powder and a half teaspoon of sesame oil a little.

system of law:
1, wash the pork cut into 1 centimeter thick film, on the pot, salt, Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, sugar, sweetened soybean paste, diced green onion, shredded ginger, five-spice powder and sesame oil mix well stand-by.
2, wash the rice, drain water after the frying pan into a slightly yellow fried in low heat, remove Liang Liang, the roll into a coarse flour.
3, the rice bowls of water into the pork, add a little water, so that rice and humid, so that each piece of meat can be coated with thick rice noodles, pork skin down, piece-by-yards in the bowl and put it into Steamer Lane steamed cooked, remove the buckle in the tray can be.
attached: pork should be fresh, be sure to clean up; mixed with pork and bean curd can be added to a few rotten milk; steaming bowl of pork used in order to be able to code, all of the pork pieces of good, good-looking into the dish before.

top friends very well and I have done to try,06-01-16

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