宣纸的英文说法是rice paper,为什么要叫这个名字呢?
Rice paper usually refers to paper made from parts of the rice plant. However, the term is also loosely used for paper made from or containing other plants, like hemp,bamboo or mulberry.
宣纸有一些独特的性质:细薄光润,delicate and lustrous;纹理纯净,fine texture;润墨性强,perfect ink absorption。因为这些性质,宣纸才成为书法绘画艺术创作的{jj1}载体。
中国传统的文房四宝笔墨纸砚,就是:writing brush;ink stick;ink stone;rice paper
宣纸的英文说法是rice paper,为什么要叫这个名字呢?
Rice paper usually refers to paper made from parts of the rice plant. However, the term is also loosely used for paper made from or containing other plants, like hemp,bamboo or mulberry.
宣纸有一些独特的性质:细薄光润,delicate and lustrous;纹理纯净,fine texture;润墨性强,perfect ink absorption。因为这些性质,宣纸才成为书法绘画艺术创作的{jj1}载体。
中国传统的文房四宝笔墨纸砚,就是:writing brush;ink stick;ink stone;rice paper
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