在《杨贵妃秘史》热播的六月天,迎来了又一个“倍思亲”的端午佳节,我重温了一些有关端午的诗词歌赋,偶然发现唐玄宗的诗也颇有才情。翻译一下,也算是对才子佳作的一份心情诠释。 端午三殿宴群臣探得神字 唐 李隆基 五月符天数,五音调夏钧。 旧来传五日,无事不称神。 穴枕通灵气,长丝续命人。 四时花竞巧,九子粽争新。 方殿临华节,圆宫宴雅臣。 进对一言重,遒文六义陈。 股肱良足咏,凤化可还淳。 Dragon Boat Festival 【Tang】Tang tang May accords with fate, while coheres with tones. The old to preach the 5th,No matter not saying to god. General point pillow,Filament lives. Thousand flowers bloom all times, nine children battle for rice -puddings. Dragon Boat Festival comes, Fete ministers in the palace. Sincere words and earnest wishes, even powerful articles. Ministers around good enough, phoenix plain and Innocence.