吻是{zh0}的方法! !
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由山竹子,xxx和其他主要部件以实现强大的效果,这样,脸部,年轻的更详细介绍。使用新鲜的凝胶质地紧实发挥作用,并能实时细孔,显示新的光彩(Hi-Shine)的皮肤。使用后,面部皮肤将变得更加坚实,稳固,年轻。 650元
采用Pro -磷,使皮肤本身的xx发挥积极的重新功效,从内到皮肤时,变得更加紧凑,减少皱纹和精细模式,轮廓逐渐提升。对于由压力,超时工作,经常暴露在阳光(sunny)下或重量由皮肤松弛引起的变化是特别有效。 880
的面部xx面霜改性纤维的能力线,紧实的{dy}个三面的效果,轮廓分明,使皮肤有弹性。模型眼霜,包括生物,植物生物成分,Sculptine分子,细胞产生胶原纤维,使活力,重新光纤网络结构,由电梯所发挥的作用。此外,生物Sculptine公式丰富的贝亮肤霜紫外线因子,保护细胞免受紫外线-侵蚀。 700元
可以发挥立即和持久的深层滋润,加强和收紧皮肤,xx细纹,使皮肤光泽更加紧凑,外形更苗条,答复有充分的灵活性,恢复光泽紧凑。 520元
答: 针灸xx http://life.163.com/2004w11/12745/2004w11_1101179661168.ht做爱 市容和食品 硬,如果您尝试了所有的xx运动及xx方法是无效的,或者因为你即将参加一个重要事件需要立即拥有一个美丽的小脸,小脸化妆将能立即帮助你实现这个梦想,只是一个简单明了的化妆可以达到xx的神奇视觉效果。此外,面对一个利用各种升降机及日常护理产品可以起到一定的脸升的影响。在这里,我们向您介绍三种xx整容手术。 面对构成,其中之一:简单三部曲 1,收紧面部轮廓眉毛的修改,可以得到落实。眉毛是确定一个平衡的面部特征的关键,因此,即使只是轻微改变眉毛,人们会惊奇地发现,瘦削的脸庞变化,表情看起来更立体。在对侧线画眉峰延伸的眼中,梅卫稍长绘画,这是使眉毛看来纤细,身体健康。此外,要面对改变时,一定要挑高眉头才有效果。 ◆关键词:高 为椭圆脸或圆脸Tiaomei,不适合长期形的脸, 画提示: 1,高Tiaomei最重要的是确定一个好的美位置梅卫峰,注意眉毛不太长的尾巴。 2,如果眉毛有沿原来的底妆一直高大的类型,可以绘画。 3,如果眉毛细,不完整,你xx可以xx的眉毛后半部分,然后填充眉笔或眉笔。 2,蓝眼睛的阴影,整个脸看起来修长,整洁。较低的眼睑有点紧张彩绘可以使两眼,戏剧,脸变得苗条,明确的。第二,棕色眼睛的眼窝阴影刷,而且还要创造眼影技术。此外,沿上,下眼线,强调眼睛的存在,描绘的深蓝(Dark-Blue)色的眼睛。 3,玫瑰色的窄面的影响口红。 选择鲜艳的口红,可以使脸颊看起来较瘦的脸也小得多。它也使皮肤纹理细节,清晰,表达和美丽的效果。一些色彩明亮的口红应避免,只会使更多的嘴唇看起来更丰满。至于玫瑰的颜色,颜色的三维面部特征和面部美容口红,有非常明显的效果。但是,如果高亮度太白使用或玫瑰红色,所以他们将嘴唇增厚,而不是狭隘的嘴唇。 市容和两个整容:全面,精致的小脸,法国(Ulric-De-Varens)化妆品的基础 的用色,以便打好基础要面对的小脸化妆魔术更小。 突出模具的轮廓小脸 具体方法是:① 采取的白色T -选址的适当基础涂片,许多小撞开;眼睛的基础下使用一些白色。 ②使用的纸浆颜色会在脸颊和基础的组成部分仔细而均匀推; ③一层薄粉,在面对新闻界,然后用刷子伸进较深(比颜色深度)粉末或修容饼,弥补A的下巴线刷 强调高美丰,拉长的脸,面部轮廓线眉毛周围和面部特征的关键是平常心,如果眉毛画太长或太短,使脸部轮廓看起来短而宽。{zj0}眉毛长度,是连接不超过从鼻子一玮通过眼睛结束美玮的45度延伸。美丰有三维面部线条拉长的神奇功效,所以脸色视觉显着的眼睛小,美丰,外部3-5毫米。 具体方法是:在额头 刷①在网站上突出白色眼影一层淡淡的大纲;②为了使用眉毛眉毛刷;③用眉笔仔细地描绘了眉头;④发现美丰,和高天花板型即将到来的出路,一轮廓;⑤{zh1}慢慢扩展到美卫枚丰线。 流泪,人们忘记,面对罚款的眼线,长,厚睫毛的大小,以及对眼影深Yanmou制定出不同的色彩选择往往会使某些人酒醉后的放任注意自由放任的眼睛部,对脸部轮廓的大小相对忽视。 具体方法是:① 至浅棕色眼影均匀地刷上眼窝;②使用的笔形的睫毛根眼线,从眼睛和清洁光滑曲线略有{dy}张图片在{zh1}眼位起来,然后轻轻刷上睫毛膏。 使用的唇彩,使规模较小的脸视觉效果 三维图像唇唇线笔使用,并选择和颜色接近的口红的颜色,然后Chashang必须集中光线,强调立体感唇的唇彩,这样一来,嘴唇和视觉效果所造成的差距,面对使用,脸像一个较小的一般。 具体方法是:① 仔细唇线笔描绘上下唇的轮廓;②唇刷均匀地涂口红与使用,充分融合,以及嘴唇的细节;③投了中央唇彩。胭脂 请帮助一圆小脸 改变颜色,但接近脸红略低于从脸颊颜色庙斜刷的方式向利用视觉错觉暗使得拉长面部特征的影响。 具体方法是:① 倾斜的,脸颊,前额腮红刷,扩大到现场附近的寺庙的两旁,然后在{zh1}的粉轻轻刷了弥补的下巴刷②。 市容和三个整容:面对面部整形手术 小嘴唇显着的一个小技巧,深粉红色 容易收集的注意,面部,突出,并与光明(Guangming)唇彩和唇膏稍和解,他们使脸颊红润,充满活力,充满立体感Dunsheng。 首先,应用唇彩用手指在中央的嘴唇,使春风突出,嘴巴略微染粉红色。向中央唇彩涂嘴唇轻轻地用手指开放给双方光环,使唇丰富的立体感。唇彩唇刷适用于嘴唇利用自然三个主要部分三维唇就诞生了。 在一个小 面颊是塑造美丽的小脸蛋关键Panlian出色(Paco-Rabanne)的技巧。加入黄色的珊瑚粉红色{zj0}。眼睛的奶油角落建立三个与阴影,在浅绿色和粉红色眼影的立体效果的{zh1}一场比赛大纲完成。你不是在颧骨以下腮红画斜斜的方式圈涂,腮红应开放上下晕。腮红刷上后,浸渍纸毛巾上面,充分搅拌,然后涂在脸上轻轻刷。 的小脸,美国人眼里 涂完成后的基础,在对倒三角点的颧骨是具有高光的美白作用,涂有奶油眼睛周围你的手指,变得明亮,光滑均匀,以突出眼睛的轮廓部。在在与奶油涂阴影类似的颜色,焦点(Focus)底部轻轻擦眼睛和开放。在眼睑和角落办公室的配药,以生产高光效果的阴影霜,并快速扫描平滑。 眼影眼影 开放中对双方的光环,以取得平衡应在眼睛的内涂层更加光明(Guangming)的角落。横向上眼睑,下眼睑眼影应该穿,使眼角不留难看的空白。 班轮 绿色眼影从眼睛上眼睛钩班轮笔在顶部以下1 / 2的指尖将色晕开。然后开始学画从角落眼线至1 / 3提高亮度,双目会更加灵活。如果过厚衬垫,一定要使用的棉签擦拭,以确保自然明化妆利。 生活在市容和注意细节需要 事实上,在日常生活中,一个只要注意小细节很多,但也达到焕然一新的效果,但还xx了疼痛和手术费用。请记住,面对8原则: 1。远离酒精,烟草和酒精会破坏维生素C,对皮肤弹性构成威胁; 2。细嚼慢咽咀嚼食物,以行使面部肌肉; 3。用温水交替,以促进血液循环和新陈代谢冷水(Cool-Water)冲洗; 4。喝咖啡以帮助出多余的水规则; 5。吃薏仁,帮助身体新陈代谢水; 6。改变高枕睡眠习惯; 7。太夸张或面无表情讲话方法,需要加以改进; 8。定期保养皮肤,防止皮肤弹性和放松的损失。 小编提示:在紧急状态,使用化妆面临弥补不足之处,和其他人欺骗,欺骗自己,应该换上新装,通常要注意!
How to face down the meat thin Question: Answer: Answer: Answer: products currently on the market there are many face-lift, so that you confine your own question to select the appropriate product, such as reduction of Lian Xing, Pai fat, compaction and so on. However, before use, you must recognize is, there are numerous face-lift and products are only for the relaxation in the face skin edema, which is due to expansion of skin cells and fat can be eliminated contraction. If you are born with a large face, large frame, it is how product and massage rubbing face-lift can not be changed. Except in early childhood development when bones are not sleeping position to change the use of massage or facial, or else you ll have to find an adult to do Xiaogu plastic surgery doctor in order to achieve little face effect. Products Recommended Clarins: Contouring Facial Lift fiber US Shaping Facial Lift by mangosteens, caffeine and other major components to achieve strong effects, so that a more detailed outline of the face, young. Use, the fresh gel texture Firming role to play in real time and can fine pores, show new luster to the skin. Facial skin after use will become more solid, firmer, younger. 650 yuan HR Helena Rubinstein: Face Sculptor dynamic repair Yan Essence using Pro-Phosphor to make the skin s own hormones play an active re-efficacy, and the skin from the inside out, becoming more compact, reducing wrinkles and fine pattern, contour gradually enhanced. For by the pressure to work overtime, often exposed to the sun or weight changes caused by relaxation of the skin is particularly effective. 880 Christian Dior: Model Lift Cream fiber capacity lines for the modification of facial slimming cream, Firming first triple the effectiveness of the face, chiseled to make the skin resilient. Model Lift Firming ingredients including Bio-Plant Bio-Sculptine molecule, cells produce collagen fibers to give vitality, re-fiber network structure, the role played by Lift. In addition, Bio-Sculptine formula is rich in SPF10 UV factor, protecting cells from UV-eroded. 700 yuan Shiseido: Benefiance Facial Lifting hope Korea grace Renew Essence can play an immediate and lasting deep moisture, enhance and tighten the skin, eliminating fine lines, so that the skin even more gloss compact, contour even more slender, reply with full flexibility to restore the luster compact. 520 yuan VICHY VICHY Firming Cream this fiber capacity Firming Cream with fiber capacity of health activity of two complementary elements: living in the cold Antarctic waters and algae essence, to restore dermis - epidermis connection, so that to reproduce the smooth skin; while soy protein extracted from the plant protein, can promote mucopolysaccharide and collagen protein synthesis, the consolidation of leather - the epidermis to connect to fundamentally reduce wrinkles. After 4 weeks of continuous use, skin plasticity +39% stretch of +11%, skin compact +26%. 268 yuan. is more sports bar, if necessary, consult orthopedic specialist Answer: face-lift exercises divided into four sections, but doing it only takes 10 minutes. Do as long as three months straight, it will be effective, but more importantly is that it not only face-lift, but also can promote the blood circulation of the face to make your skin smooth and elastic. Answer: acupuncture massage with simple massage The difference is that, before wiping a face-lift face-lift massage cream, and then press the point, and massage. Steps are as follows: http://life.163.com/2004w11/12745/2004w11_1101179661168.ht做爱 face-lift and food hard if you have tried all of the face-lift and exercise and massage methods are ineffective, or because you are soon to attend an important event requiring immediate possession a beautiful little face, little face makeup will be able to immediately help You achieve this dream, just a plain and simple makeup can achieve a face-lift of a magical visual effects. In addition, the use of a variety of face-lift and daily care products can play a certain amount of face-lift effect. Here, we introduce you to three kinds of face-lift and cosmetic surgery. face-makeup, one of: simple trilogy 1, modification of eyebrow tightening facial contour can be given effect. Eyebrows is to determine the key to a balanced facial features, so even if only slightly changing eyebrow, people will be surprised to find that thin face changes, facial features appear more three-dimensional. In the eyes of the extension of the lateral line thrush peak, Mei Wei slightly longer painting, which is to make the eyebrows appear slim and healthy. In addition, want to face change hours, be sure to lob his eyebrows before there are results. ◆ Key words: high Tiaomei for oval faces or a round face; not suitable for long-shaped face, painted tips: 1, high-Tiaomei the most important is to determine the location of a good Mei Feng and Mei Wei, pay attention to eyebrows not too long tail. 2, if the eyebrow has always been tall type, along the original looking finish can be painted. 3, if the eyebrow thin and incomplete, you can completely eliminate the latter part of the eyebrows, and then padded eyebrow or eyebrow pencil. 2, blue eye shadow to entire face look slender and neat. The lower eyelid a little intense color painting can make eyes deep, dramatic, face becomes slender, clear-cut. Secondly, with brown eye shadow brush on the eye socket, but also to create eye shadow techniques. In addition, along the dark blue eyes painted on the upper and lower eyeliner, to emphasize the existence of the eye. 3, rose-colored lipstick with narrow face effect. Choose brightly colored lipstick can make cheeks look thinner than the face are also much smaller. And it also makes the skin texture detail, with clarity, expression and so beautiful effect. Some bright lipstick colors should be avoided, it will only make more lip look more plump. As for the color of the rose-colored lipstick, for the three-dimensional facial features and facial grooming, there are very significant results. However, if the use of high-brightness Taibai or rose red, so they will lip thickening, rather than narrow the lips. face-lift and cosmetic surgery of the two: a comprehensive, exquisite little face makeup foundation of France the use of color, in order to lay the foundation wanted to face little face makeup magic to become smaller. highlight the contours of mold little face specific method is: ① take appropriate foundation smear on the white T-site, and many small pushes open; eyes also use a little white under the foundation. ② the use of pulp will be color in the cheeks and part of the foundation carefully and evenly pushed; ③ Powder thin layer to the press in the face, and then use the brush dipped into the darker (than the color depth) Powder or Xiu-Rong cakes, make up brush in the jaw line of a. emphasize the high Mei Feng, elongated face, facial contour lines around the eyebrows and the facial features is the key to sense of balance, if the eyebrows painted too long or too short, make facial features appear short and wide. Best eyebrow length, is no more than connecting a Meiwei through the end of eye from the nose to the Mei Wei s 45 degrees extension. Mei Feng has a three-dimensional elongated facial lines magic answer, so the face looks visually noticeable small, Mei Feng in the eyes where the outer 3-5 mm. specific method is: ① in brow brush on the site to highlight the faint outline of a layer of white eye shadow; ② order to use eyebrow eyebrow brushes; ③ the brows with eyebrow pencil carefully portrayed; ④ find Mei Feng, and to high-ceilinged type coming out of the way, a contour; ⑤ Finally slowly extended to Mei Wei Mei Feng lines. watery eyes, people forget that face, the size of the fine eye liner, long, thick eyelashes, as well as the selection of different shades of eye shadow, drawn out of deep Yanmou often cause people drunkenly to the attention of a laissez-faire eye Department, the relative neglect of the size of the facial contour. specific method is: ① to light brown eye shadow brush evenly on the eye socket; ② the use of pen-shaped Eyeliner in the roots of lashes, from the first picture of an eye sleek and clean curves slightly at the end of eye position up, and then gently brush mascara on the eyelashes. use of lip gloss, so that smaller face to produce visual effects use of three-dimensional Lip Lip Liner picture, and select and color close to the lipstick color, and then Chashang have to focus light, emphasizing three-dimensional sense of lip The lip gloss, this way, the use of lips and face of a gap caused by the visual effects, the face is like a smaller general. specific method is: ① carefully depicted with Lip Liner, on the contours of the lower lip; ② lip brush evenly coated with the use of lipstick, and full integration, and lip detail; ③ cast in the central lip Gloss . Blush Please help make a round little face change color, but with close to blush slightly darker than the color from the cheeks to the temple brush slanting manner to the use of visual illusion makes the effect of elongated facial features . specific method is: ① slanting to the Blush brush on the cheeks, forehead, extending to both sides of the temple near the site; ② on final and then brush lightly over powder make up brush in the chin. face-lift and cosmetic surgery of the three: face facial cosmetic surgery smaller lips remarkable skills in a small dark pink easy to gather attention, the face, prominent, and with the bright lip gloss and lip color slightly to reconcile, they make rosy cheeks, full of vitality, three-dimensional feeling Dunsheng. First, Apply lip color with your fingers to the lips of the Central, so Chun Feng prominent, mouth slightly stained pink. To the central lip color painted lips gently with your fingers open to both sides of the halo, so that lip-rich three-dimensional feeling. Lip Gloss Lip Brush to Apply to lips using the central part of the natural three-dimensional lip was born. Panlian remarkable skills in a small cheek is the key to shaping beautiful little face. Add yellow coral pink best. Corner of the eye cream to create a three-dimensional effect with the shadow, the final match of the pale green and pink eye shadow outline to complete. Do not Blush painted circle in the cheekbone following sidelong manner Tu, Blusher should be opened up and down halo. Blush brush after dipping the brush gently on paper towels on top, mix thoroughly and then painted cheeks. little face-American Eyes Tu finished after the foundation, in the cheekbones on reverse triangle point was coated with a high light the role of whitening cream, with your fingers around the eye becomes bright and smooth evenly over so as to highlight the eye Department of contour. In the eye at the bottom of the focus point of the shadow of similar color coated with cream, and gently rub to open. In the eyelid and the corner office dispensing to produce the shadow effect of high light cream, and quickly scan smoothing. eye shadow eye shadow open from the middle to both sides of the halo, in order to achieve a balance should be coated on the inside corner of the eye more bright. Lateral upper eyelid and lower eyelid should be wearing eyeshadow, so that corner of the eye without leaving unsightly gaps. liner green eye shadow eye liner pen on the hook from the eye at the top of the following 1 / 2 with the fingertips will be colored halo-opened. And then began to draw from the corner of the eye liner to 1 / 3 to increase the brightness, binocular will be more flexible. If too thick liner, be sure to use the swab wipe to ensure that the makeup of the natural Ming-li. life on the face-lift and the need for attention to the details of In fact, in everyday life, a lot of small details as long as we pay attention to, but also to achieve a face-lift effect, but also eliminates the pain and cost of surgery. Remember, face-8 principles: 1. Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and alcohol will destroy vitamin C, a threat to the skin elasticity; 2. Eat slowly chew food in order to exercise facial muscles; 3 . alternating cold water wash with warm water to promote blood circulation and metabolism; 4. drink coffee in order to help rule out the excess water; 5. eat Adlay, help the body water metabolism; 6. to change the high pillow to sleep habits; 7. too exaggerated or face expressionless speech method that needs to be improved; 8. regular maintenance of the skin, preventing the loss of skin elasticity and relaxation. Xiaobian Tip: In a state of emergency, using make-up faces make up the deficiencies, and deception of others, deceive themselves, should do a face-lift usually pay attention to!05-01-05
9。沿额头xx眼皮。 2眉毛用食指在眼结束沿眼睛上方骨,xx轻压。也做了3次,每次3秒。
me do not get fat, but more fat face, I would like to know how to cut the meat under the face
wash his chin tilted upward when the hand-cis-push Multi-Massage
kiss is the best way! !
more massage! !
from a biological perspective, the decision of the strong degree of skin from the intensive and structural integrity of the dermis. But the course of time considerable period of time, age, growth, and the skin began to sag and relaxation. This is the reason for the change Lian Xing profile. These can be through a face-lift to improve the product or campaign. To improve the facial muscles on the cover of the adipose tissue, is the key to reducing the fat, round face.
to do a face-lift gymnastics bar:
Section I: shut your mouth, her face slowly lifted, carried to see the extent of the ceiling to stay for 5 seconds; after recovery slowly. This mesh is to strengthen the jaw muscles, tighten the chin to the neck line to tighten.
Section parade in three parts: Part I, first of all palms forward, make a fist with the index finger near the press zygomatic muscles, while massaging movement until the ear. Second part of the belly-press in the chin with the thumb hole, and then move up to the bottom of the ear. These two parts of the parade actually have to remove the excess moisture and the old face of waste material. To exclude the old waste material will be concentrated in the ear area. Part III: Using thumb and index finger from the ears down to squeeze the upper part of the order to the neck, so that the old waste material was discharged completely from the face to the neck. The neck is a great daily activity, so the old waste material discharged very easily have been resolved, and would not stay in the neck.
Section III: both his hands on the face side, slightly squeezing force to the middle, so stay around 30 seconds after a slow release hands. The purpose of this section speaks to rectify our faces, let s face look, there is a symmetrical beauty.
the last one: with one hand by hand on the face of zygomatic root of the highest point, the other hand support behind, slowly afterburner, by 20 seconds. The purpose of this section is to ensure that you are speaking face of the zygomatic become compact, sleek.
Reference: Happy Life think alike program
a face-lift:
1. Painted a face-lift cream, relax facial muscles. Massage starting from the jaw to the ear, and then to his forehead as the focal point massage to the lateral. Eye massage is done on both sides from the nose to the corner of the eye rotating massage.
2. with the palm or fingers, press the clavicle depression, stimulate the lymphatic. If the nail is too long, then use finger belly fir做爱y suppress the clavicle of the depression, three seconds after release fingers to do a row 3 times.
3. from the top jaw with the thumb on both sides of depression. Will head to support the weight of all-thumbs, that is, hold up his head with the thumb, each action three seconds to do the same 3 times.
4. will be lower jaw depression upward pressure. Along the lines of the face upward pressure, so that facial lines gradually clear up, action should be strong, but to avoid injury chin poke depression, has also done three times, each time to do 3 seconds.
5. from the jaw to the ear gently stroked. From the lower jaw to the ears back, and then from the nose to the cheekbones on both sides under the depression and finally back to the ear, making a smooth massage back and forth, making 10 round-trip.
6. massage forehead. With the index finger, middle finger, ring finger three fingers, gently massage the forehead horizontally, making 10 round trip, so that stretch to the forehead.
7. within a corner of the eye pressure with the thumbs down. Tightly with the thumb down the inside corner of the eye pressure, so that the eyelid muscles more compact and solid, but the attention to your eyes to relax, to do three times, each time 3 seconds.
8. from the inside corner of the eye to gently press the outer corner of the eye. Firming Eye Contour, be sure to follow the line down the bone beneath the eye pressure. From the inside corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye, from the inside to the outside press, doing three times, each time 3 seconds.
9. along the brow massage eyelids. 2 eyebrows soft reduction with the index finger to the top of the eye along the bone, massage at the end of eye. Is also done three times, each time 3 seconds.
a map, you can also go and see.
corn, winter melon soup: This is because fat melon and corn has to go to edema, and this soup pot Brewing is also very simple, continuing to drink one to two months, will certainly bear fruit.
first step is to learn to play foundation, use of dark contract, light-inflation theory, in the more prominent parts of the use of a white T-foundation, emphasizing facial features the three-dimensional effect, and can cause visual concentration. The use of color in the cheeks foundation, make cheeks look more lean. In addition, the use of the face around a bit deeper than the color of the repair capacity of cake or Powder, more modified lines of my face, giving the impression that little face.