所有学校饮用水的水质标准« Reuse world

成都市政府办公厅最近发出有关学校卫生检查通知进一步加强“。” “通知”的要求,没有取得卫生许可证和D级学校食堂,必须加大对10月8日,今年的投资和改革,完成食堂卫生标准的工作许可。


市教育委员会对各级教育有关的行政部门,并与“通知”要求,今天完成两项任务:{dy},各级各类学校和幼儿园要组织所有类型的学校食堂按照学校的所谓工人,向当地卫生防疫部门肛门拭子检查。没有检查检验结果或不合格的从业人员,将不得上岗;第二,卫生部门的幼儿园饮用水进行测试,以确保饮用水符合国家规定的标准。 06.9.18

Drinking water standards for all schools to

Chengdu Office of the Government has recently issued “on the further strengthening of school health inspection notice.” “Notice” requirements, not to obtain health permits and D grade school cafeteria, it is necessary to increase investment and reform, in the October 8 this year to complete canteen hygiene standard work permit.

In addition, the September 18 this year, be sure to complete the school canteen special medical practitioners, check out jobs to unqualified persons. Sampling of drinking water for all schools also must be completed by September 18, after the detection of non-drinking water standards in schools, the local government to ensure that its October 8, 2006 standards.

City Board of Education called on all levels of education-related executive departments and schools in accordance with the “notice” requirements of today to complete two tasks: First, all types of schools and kindergartens at all levels should organize all the school cafeteria workers, to the local health epidemic prevention departments anal swab examination. Did not check inspection results or unqualified practitioners, will not be allowed to induction; Second, the health sector’s kindergarten school drinking water tested to ensure that drinking water meet the state required standards. (06-9-18)

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