Why should not drink Coke « Industry info 工业信息

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Why should not drink cola

can not drink.
inside the sugar, caffeine concentrations are very high. Drink bad for our health.
drank too much easy to gain weight, physical function is harmful.
upstairs has been said a lot of bad effects, and not repeat them here.

Delu Fu Coca-Cola has a famous former boss: 99.61% Coca-Cola is a carbonated, syrup and water, without advertising, then who else going to drink it?

both infants and adults were drinking cola harmful.
the University of Birmingham, Dr. Bideluoke article published in the British journal of dentistry that dental erosion in young people, drinking sparkling beverage (cola, soda) is one of the main.
cola ingredients with the risk of

carbonated drinks - affect your calcium and iron
carbonated drinks, including various types of soft drinks, flavoring soft drinks, cola, cola flavor, as well as various types of gas-bearing drinks.
carbonated drinks should not be drunk for four reasons:
carbonated drinks containing gases, namely carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide,
will stimulate gastric secretion, gastric acid too easy to feel bloating, reduce appetite, reduce diet feeding. If the nutrient intake in the diet will affect the normal growth and development, learning, sports results, performance and health.

carbonated drinks containing sugar
a can of Coca-Cola 355 cc, some containing 35 grams of sugar, equivalent to 140 calories, equivalent to half-bowl too heat. However, only heat equal to a difference of nutrients is large, because of sugar contains only calories and other nutrients is also not, a sheer empty calorie food or junk food cards, often drinking, will add up to weight gain, while is also easy to cultivate sweet bad eating habits, there are only like to drink sweet water, but not drinking water; another sugar on dental health is also adversely affected.

another carbonated beverage ingredient phosphoric acid
will reduce the absorption of calcium, affecting the normal bone growth and height growth. Period of positive growth and development of children and adolescents, the need for adequate calcium, so that normal bone growth and development, maintain good bone metabolism, bone density and to achieve the best conditions, so it can not drink carbonated beverages. In addition, the phosphate will also hinder the absorption of iron, iron is to create one of the main material of blood, once the iron is not enough, it will cause iron-deficiency anemia. The fast growth and development of children, but also is in need of sufficient iron to quickly blood. Especially adolescent girls, a higher iron requirements, since the monthly menstruation, loss of a large number of iron will be fixed. Therefore, carbonated beverage drinkers girls more prone to iron deficiency anemia.
all kinds of caffeine
cola contains caffeine will stimulate the heart muscle contractions to accelerate the heart rate and breathing; will stimulate gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal injury; have a diuretic effect, the elderly susceptible to the risk of dehydration; the long-term consumption of addictive, once the do not drink, I felt whole body wrong, lethargy or headache. If the long-term excessive drinking, that is, more than 200 milligrams of caffeine a day, there will be indigestion, headache, insomnia, nervousness, trembling, irritability, rapid heart beat, and other chronic poisoning. Of caffeine found in cola, tea and coffee in a can of Coke contains 355 cc of 65 mg of caffeine, a can of 350 cc with 80 to 120 mg of Oolong tea, a cup of instant coffee contains 85 to 200 mg; so a day, if they drink three Coke cans or more, or drink a can of Coke, plus a can of oolong tea with a cup of coffee on the intake of more than 200 milligrams of caffeine for a long time down would be susceptible to chronic poisoning.

dental erosion (protective layer thinning, teeth become fragile), is the role of acidic substances caused by tooth decay is caused by eating polysaccharide. Luokeboshi observed: daily drank 28 grams of sparkling beverage for 12-year-olds, was significantly affected by tooth loss; drink four cups a day sparkling beverage, 12-year-olds teeth damaged as high as 25.2%, 14-year-olds is as high as 51.3%.

Luokeboshi reminded: more young people drink less as far as possible sparkling beverage, it is best to drink milk and water, so as not to damage the teeth.
drinking water stronger than Coke
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http://www.scol.com.cn Sichuan Online (2005-06-29 11:13:59) Source: Qilu Evening News
nowadays, a variety of Beverage become an essential need. Different people should be based on need to select a different drink, play a relieve summer heat in order to quench their thirst, loss of the role of nutritional supplements. However, the expert that some people love to drink Coca-Cola Jieshu worried. CPPCC National Committee member of Jiangsu province, Nutrition and Rehabilitation Medicine Association Professor Wang Xudong, director of professional committee pointed out that cola carbonated beverages represented the beginning when it becomes available, because of its good taste, the resulting gas can stomach the heat out with them, giving the feeling of comfort and excitement. Drinking habits, people might have some dependence on carbonated drinks. In fact, carbonated drinks have no nutritional value.

According to reports, all kinds of carbonated drinks in the sugar high, long-term drinking easily lead to obesity. Coca-Cola contains caffeine and sodium benzoate, and caffeine similar, but also contain preservatives. Whether the content of these ingredients harmful to human beings, this is not hard to say, but certainly not in good health, and no nutritional value, long-term drinking these beverages there will be problems.

Wang Xudong recommended limiting consumption of carbonated drinks as far as possible, especially children, women and the elderly, the best drink. “In fact, China’s best beverage is our national drink — tea, especially green tea. Even drinking water, carbonated drinks stronger than the drink.”

Harmful for children to drink Coke. Cola contains caffeine, a bottle of 340 grams of cola-type drinks contain caffeine, 50 ~ 80 mg. It was done testing, an oral administration of caffeine in adults for more than 1 gram, can cause central nervous system excitement, rapid breathing, tachycardia, insomnia, vertigo, ringing in the ears. Even if a dose of 1 g of the following, due to gastric mucosa by the stimulation, there will be nausea, vomiting, dizziness, palpitations, chest pain and other symptoms of poisoning. Children are more sensitive to caffeine than adults, so do not give their children drinking cola beverage.

girl Beware of osteoporosis. A study shows that soft drinks will accelerate bone loss, particularly girls love drinking cola, fracture risk is not soft drinks by 5 times!

experts point out that the phosphoric acid in cola may be the cause easily cause fractures, phosphoric acid on bone is bad because of calcium phosphate metabolism and bone have an adverse effect. On the other hand, Coke young girls may be inadequate intake of milk, so that the body lacks calcium, and thus easy to fracture. Shen Coke

newlyweds. Physicians are advised to drink less, or married woman does not drink cola beverage. Because most of the cola-type drinks contain a high component of caffeine, caffeine in the body can easily absorb through the placenta into the fetus, would endanger the fetal brain, heart and other organs, the same will result in fetal malformation or congenital diseases. Therefore, the experts suggested that newly married couples and couples who want to have children, in addition to ban alcohol and tobacco, the cola-type beverages are also not suitable for drinking. Even if the baby is born, breast-feeding mothers should not drink cola beverage. Because caffeine can also indirectly enter the baby with the milk of the body against the baby’s health.

the elderly should not drink cola. Coke has a diuretic effect, allows the absorption of calcium reduced by half. Elderly people often drink caffeinated beverages, will exacerbate the lack of calcium the body, causing osteoporosis and fracture easily.

In addition, too much to drink beverages containing caffeine will lead to elevated blood lipids, easy to aggravate atherosclerosis. High blood lipids, high blood pressure in patients with polydipsia, will accelerate the deterioration of condition. In terms of smokers, caffeine, nicotine under the action of mutagenic substances, easy to make the body a mutation in some organizations, even lead to cancer cells. To avoid such hazards, should change the habit of smoking while drinking Coke.

Harvard research shows that drinking cola a girl Yi fracture

Source: Beijing 777 health network hit: 15 Update Time :2005-4-16

CHICAGO, according to a recent Harvard University study shows that teenage girls to drink Carbonated water, especially cola, is likely to lead to fracture.

Grice, associate professor at Harvard Medical School - Weisihake that adds to the growing Carbonated girls are often reluctant to drink milk, but milk contains large amounts of calcium necessary for bone growth. Weisihake also pointed out that the drink contains a substance called phosphoric acid, this substance is likely to soften bone.

Weisihake The study was in the Boston high schools, 460 Year 9 and Year 10 female students at school investigation arrived at. The results published in this month’s issue of “Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,” on. The study also showed that girls who drank carbonated drinks the risk of fracture 3 times higher than the same age girls, while girls drinking cola the risk of fracture is 5 times higher.

Weisihake During the investigation, found that 57 girls who were not drinking cola has experienced only five fractures, while claiming to be regularly drinking cola in the 107 girls and 38 people had been broken off.

Prior to that, the United States that some experts have issued a similar warning that the Americans are now daily intake of calcium is far below the normal standard, in part because they often drink soft drinks instead of milk. The other survey, Weisihake also found that carbonated beverages adds to the growing fracture of the possibility of adult women are relatively high.

because Coke is an American product, it should drink less.

not drink. Coke itself is not much nutrition. Add water to drink plenty of water.


类别: 餐饮食品






一罐355 c.c.的可乐,大约含有35 公克糖,相当於140 卡热量,相当於半碗饭的热量。不过,只有热量相等,营养素却相差大,因糖只含有热量,其他营养素一点也没有,是空有热量的空卡食物或垃圾食物,经常饮用,会积少成多,使体重增加、同时也易养成嗜甜的不良饮食习惯,只喜欢喝有甜味的水,而不喝白开水;另外糖对牙齿健康也有不良的影响。

xxx会刺激心脏肌肉收缩,加速心跳及呼吸;会刺激胃酸分泌,伤害肠胃;具有xx作用,老人容易有脱水的危险;长期饮用会上瘾,一旦不喝,就觉得浑身不对劲,无精打采或xx。若长期过量饮用,即每日xxx超过 200 毫克,便会有xxxx、xx、xx、神经质、发抖、易怒、心跳加速等慢性中毒现象。xxx存在於可乐、茶和咖啡中,一罐 355 c.c.的可乐含有xxx 65 毫克,一罐 350 c.c.乌龙茶含 80 ~120 毫克,一杯即溶咖啡含85~200 毫克;因此,{yt}若喝三罐以上可乐,或喝一罐可乐,再加上一罐乌龙茶与一杯咖啡,就摄取xxx超过了200 毫克,长久下来便容易发生慢性中毒现象。

牙齿受到腐蚀(保护层变薄、牙变易损), 是酸性物质作用所致,龋齿则是吃过多糖引起的。洛克博士观察发现:每天喝28克发泡饮料的12岁青少年,牙齿明显受蚀;每天喝4杯发泡饮料,12岁的青少年牙齿受损高达25.2%,14岁的青少年则高达51.3%。


http://www.scol.com.cn 四川在线 (2005-06-29 11:13:59) 来源:齐鲁晚报










文章来源:北京777健康网 点击数:15 更新时间:2005-4-16

芝加哥消息 ,据美国哈佛大学一项{zx1}研究表明 ,十几岁的女孩喝碳酸水 ,尤其是可乐 ,很有可能导致骨折。

哈佛医学院副教授格莱斯 -威斯哈克称 ,常喝碳酸水的女孩往往不愿意喝牛奶 ,而牛奶中含有大量的骨头生长所必须的钙。威斯哈克同时还指出 ,可乐中含有一种名叫磷酸的物质 ,这种物质很有可能使骨质变软。

威斯哈克这项研究是在对波士顿高中学校的 460名 9年级和 10年级在校女学生调查之后得出的。研究结果刊登在本月出版的《小儿科与青少年医学杂志》上。该研究还表明 ,喝碳酸饮料的女孩骨折的危险要比同龄女孩高 3倍 ,而喝可乐的女孩骨折的危险更是要高 5倍。

威斯哈克在调查期间发现 , 57名没有喝可乐的女孩中有骨折经历的只有 5人 ,而自称经常喝可乐的 107名女孩中有 38人曾经骨折过。

此前 ,美国一些专家也曾发出这类似的警告 ,认为美国人现在每天所摄入的钙远远达不到正常标准 ,部分原因就是他们经常喝软饮料 ,而不是喝牛奶。而另外一次调查中 ,威斯哈克还发现 ,常喝碳酸饮料的成年妇女骨折的可能性也比较高。



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