4 库存信息管理模块:主要是对库存的管理,包括入库信息录入,出库信息录入,库存信息浏览等。
3 销售信息管理模块:这一模块的主要功能包括销售信息录入、销售信息查询和员工销售查询三大功能子模块。主要是完成对销售信息的管理。把销售的产品记录在档,可随时查阅。给商品销售的管理提供了方便。
1 基本信息设置模块:这一模块的主要功能包括供应商设置、商品设置、员工管理、客户管理、家电类型设置。
2 进货信息管理模块:这一模块的主要功能包括进货信息录入、按日期间隔查询、按日期查询汇总。是完成对进货信息的管理,包括进货商品的名称、日期、数量、价格等。

This article briefly analyzes the problem of DeHeng appliance company in the aspect of management at present, and analyzes the problems produced in the whole supply chain, combining the disadvantages of DeHeng appliance entering goods, saving goods and selling goods system, and finally get the conclusion that it is urgent to build up information-based management system for entering goods, saving goods and selling goods . The author designs a system for entering goods, saving goods and selling goods in accordance with the actual situation of Deheng company. The system carries out some parts of ERP function, attaining to cut the implementing cost, reduce the implementing risk, speed up implementing progress and increase the repay of investment .During the development of the system, the author focuses on the overall design of function mold and the development of merchandises sale mold. This system can be mainly applied to the management of selling information, the management of entering goods information, the management of storage information and comprehensive statistic.

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