智库学者建议中国领跑千斤顶国家联盟- 《大国金融方略》 - 徐洪才- 和 ...
智库学者建议中国领跑千斤顶国家联盟 [原创 2010-06-22 10:18:29]   


2010-06-21 23:41 来源:中国日报网 作者:付敬

   他建议成立“东亚千斤顶国家联盟”(JACK Eastern Asian Union),简称“千斤顶联盟”(JACK Union),国家包括通常讲的“东盟与中日韩(10+3)”。建立美国、欧盟和东亚千斤顶联盟,建立“三足鼎立”平衡机制,对于重构世界格局具有战略意义。

 中国日报网消息:中国国际经济交流中心研究员徐洪才近日在接受中国日报记者付敬{dj2}采访时建议国家决策者要对不结盟的外交政策进行重新定位,赋予传统的东盟与中日韩(10+3)以 “千斤顶”国家联盟的新内涵,创造一个全新的国际平台,提升中国的国际政治地位。

 他建议成立“东亚千斤顶国家联盟”(JACK Eastern Asian Union),简称“千斤顶联盟”(JACK Union),包括通常讲的“东盟与中日韩(10+3)”。其中,J指日本(Japan),A指东盟10国(Asean),C指中国(China),K指韩国(Korea)。将四个词首字母合在一起,就是JACK;由此13个东亚国家结成的联盟,即东亚“千斤顶”国家联盟。“千斤顶”国家联盟仿效“欧盟”模式,分步实现区域内经济、政治、安全和外交“一体化”的战略目标。


 因此, 他建议:对博鳌亚洲论坛进行“技术”改造。博鳌亚洲论坛自2001年成立以来,在为政府、企业和学者提供共商经济、社会、环境及其他相关问题高层对话平台方面发挥了积极作用;但潜力还远未得到充分发挥。他认为,可依托博鳌亚洲论坛,增加新元素,充实新内涵,建立东亚“千斤顶”国家联盟理事会,承担分步建立“千斤顶”国家联盟的具体方案设计和组织实施工作。



 建立独立的地区安全防务力量。高度重视地区周边安全,提高联盟军事实力和发展与美国的“平衡关系”,协调各国反恐政策和措施。总之,目前已经到了中国突破美国从海洋和陆地对中国实施“重重包围”、重新审视中国国家安全战略的时候了。(中国日报记者 付敬 编辑 潘忠明)


Alliances the road to influence: expert

By Fu Jing (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-06-22 08:12


Beijing - China's leadership should step back from its foreign policy of non-alliance and take the lead in forging an economic, political and defense union in East and Southeast Asia, said a leading researcher.

Xu Hongcai, senior researcher of the China Centre for International Economic Exchanges, believes such a union, together with the United States and the European Union, could become a force in the evolving tri-polar global order.

"My proposal may conflict with our government's foreign policy of non-alliance, but I think my country's leadership needs a theoretical breakthrough amid the new global circumstances," said Xu, who released his five-page proposal exclusively to China Daily.

Dubbing the alliance "JACK Union", Xu said the union would consist of 13 countries and evolve from the current framework of Japan, ASEAN, China and the Republic of Korea.

He said the major role of JACK Union would be to achieve regional prosperity and peace by containing American influence and realizing global checks and balances in Asia.

"The 13 countries can be tied together by learning from the experiences of European Union evolution," said Xu, adding that Japan and China should play an active role in forming the Asian union.

Xu has been thinking about the balance of the global order since the US became the world's only superpower after former Soviet Union collapsed in 1990, and the power shift since then has become prominent, especially after the financial crisis has been unfolding in Europe.

"The time is ripe for Asian countries to start the process of becoming a union," said Xu. "This will inject new energy and will be a peaceful factor in global geopolitical geography.”

While China is expected to overtake Japan and become the world's second biggest economy after the US, Xu said the country should "play an active role in Asia and the rest of the world" to maintain the region's prosperity and safety.

The 13 countries, Xu said, should gradually shape a non-border common market and enable the free flow of personnel, goods, capital and services, the same way China has entered into a free-trade agreement with ASEAN and is busy negotiating with Japan and the Republic of Korea on the issue.

"And most importantly, JACK Union should set up a timetable to introduce a regional currency," said Xu. "And I think economic and financial consensus can be reached relatively easily among the countries."

Xu said JACK Union is designed to be both a political and regional safety alliance. "These goals are hard to achieve but the politicians in Asia should have the courage and ambition to remove the barriers," said Xu.

In its beginning stages, JACK Union can work as a consulting platform for all 13 countries to coordinate diplomatic stances and gradually can "take common action and sound the same voice" on foreign affairs, according to Xu's blueprint.

The countries can begin with fighting terrorism, and "finally, the union can have its own defense force and contain the military presence of the US in the region," said Xu.

He even suggested that Boao of South China's Hainan province was an ideal choice for JACK Union headquarters.

 "This is mainly because the Boao Forum for Asia has already played an influential role during the past decade and the location is the gateway for the 13 countries," said Xu. (China Daily 06/22/2010 page23)


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