Milk and milk consumed at the same time there is a conflict ...

Category:catering food

remember that occasionally a book that said what the composition of these two substances will play a kind of conflict, can also been argued that all right, in the end how to drink should we do?

bogey milk and soy milk Tongzhu

nutritional value of milk and soy milk are high food. Some people think that milk and soy milk mixture Zhuhou drinking, can play a complementary role in enhancing the nutritional value. In fact, this is not science. Because milk contains trypsin inhibitor, can stimulate gastrointestinal and inhibit trypsin activity. This substance is required at 100 ℃ environment, in order to be destroyed after a few minutes. Otherwise, not been fully boiled milk, food poisoning, after people easily. The continuous high temperature in the milk if boiled, it will undermine the milk protein and vitamins, to reduce the nutritional value of milk is actually a waste. Therefore, milk and milk should not be Gong Zhu.

milk and honey can be paired up with.

for adults, the set of nutritional value and medicinal value of honey in one of the human body is helpful. However, higher sugar content in honey, heat is also high, therefore, diabetes, obesity, and some patients with high blood lipid unfit for human consumption.

Honey is a potential alkaline-forming foods, can promote digestion of food, for hyperacidity and gastritis, gastric ulcer have a certain therapeutic effect. Honey can kill typhoid fever, dysentery, enteritis and other bacteria. In addition, honey also applies to hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, neurasthenia, chronic bronchitis, and constipation and other diseases.

to note that the preparation method of honey to be appropriate, do not use prepared and the water temperature is too high, because honey contains vitamins and enzymes will be destroyed at high temperatures. So it is best to use warm water, cold water preparation in the summer can also be used.

soy milk is a nutrient-rich beverages, 1-2 drink daily bowl of milk on human health and helpful, but it also requires attention to drink milk everyday easily overlooked.

not drinking or cooking Health drunk. Consumption of raw and non-cooking the soy milk, can cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

should not be mixed with brown sugar added. Organic brown sugar and the milk’s protein binding, producing degeneration of harmful sediments.

washed eggs should not be added to drink. Egg white and soybean trypsin inside the combine, resulting in the material can not easily be absorbed by the body, can not increase the nutrition.

not fasting drink. Fasting drink soy milk, soy milk proteins inside the city transformed into heat in the human body has been consumed, can not fully play a role in replenishing.


类别: 餐饮食品













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