看看那吵人的呜呜祖啦是啥玩意儿_山姆译社——— Sam Translation 专业 ...

The vuvuze ( ), also known as lepatata (its name) and stadium horn, is a typical 65 cm (2 ft) plastic that produces a loud, distinctive monotone note. A similar instrument, known as the corneta, is used in and other Latin American countries. Many types of vuvuzela, made by several manufacturers, may produce varying intensity and frequency outputs. The intensity of these outputs depends on the blowing technique and pressure exerted.

The vuvuzela is most used at matches in . It has become a symbol of South African football as the stadiums are filled with its loud and raucous sound that reflects the exhilaration of supporters. The intensity of the sound caught the attention of the global football community during the 2009 Confederation Cup in anticipation of South Africa hosting the 2010 World Cup, though its frequent usage during sporting events raised health and safety concerns.

The vuvuzela has been the subject of controversy. Its high sound pressure levels at close range can lead to permanent hearing loss for unprotected ears after extensive exposure. In one test, the maximum sound output varied between 113 and 131 . In response to the controversy, a new model has a modified mouthpiece that reduces the volume by 20 dB. However, international commentators, players and audiences call to ban vuvuzelas at football matches.

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