

2010-05-08 21:07:15 阅读7 评论0 字号:


昊星公司本着团结拼搏、敢于{lx1}的方针,凭借坚实的基础,不断的创新, 现拥有多项国家专利,拥有一批精良加工机械和专用配套设备。以科技创新求发展,以质量信誉求生存的经营理念。专业致力于设计、开发、制造、销售食品机械设备、制药机械设备、化工机械设备、乳品饮料机配套设备及机电类产品:胶体磨[colloid mills立式胶体磨(直连式)、分体式胶体磨(傍立式)、卧式胶体磨(整机、单机)、管线式胶体磨、全封闭式胶体磨、双冷却式胶体磨、分散均质胶体磨]、多功能研磨机、钛白粉研磨机,多功能研磨机组、湿式超微粒粉碎机、胶磨机、磨浆机、水粉混合器,THJ-L/F系列混合机、MC18混合机、打浆机、均质机、高剪切乳化均机、ZB3A系列胶体泵(转子泵、凸轮泵、三叶泵、蝶型泵、不锈钢容积泵、万用输送泵)、乳匀机、螺杆泵、钛白浆料输送泵、单螺杆浓浆泵、气动浆料泵(皮革喷浆泵、打浆泵浦、插桶泵、浓浆泵)、高剪切分散乳化泵、固液混合泵、钛白粉浆料泵、超高压均质泵、饮料泵、板式换热器、各种过滤设备、洗罐球、清洗旋转球、自动喷球及卫生级卡箍、活接头、阀门管道配件,产品服务领域覆盖了工业、农业、交通、能源、建筑、轻工、汽车、船舶、矿山、冶金、陶瓷、钛业、高校科研院所重点实验室、航空航天等国民经济重要产业领域,为全球140多个国家和地区提供专业化服务。


昊星公司秉承求新、求学、求和的企业精神,致力于把企业打造成学习型组织,实现员工和公司共同成长。面对新一轮经济贸易的挑战,企业全面推进以战略人力资源管理为重点,从劳动密集型产业向技术密集型产业转移、从商品经营向商品与资本并举转移、从国内市场向国内与国际市场并重转移的发展战略,为实现CN.HAOSTAR中国昊星五年创国内{yl}、十年创世界品牌的宏伟蓝图而奋斗。 Wenzhou Hao star Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has always been at home and abroad pay attention to the quality of titanium dioxide titanium dioxide titanium dioxide manufacturer of grinding machines have an advanced screening equipment, improved technology, to improve the production environment, ground equipment installations technical innovation, quality and ability to cross the border to the titanium dioxide has played an important determinant of titanium dioxide pre-production work if done well, if the left the grinding equipment such as participation, the quality will obviously be greatly reduced titanium dioxide, which in turn affects the titanium dioxide "worth" and the manufacturer of terminal sales. In fact, domestic producers are aware of this fact, while the original capital invested in recent years really are willing to spend post-processing equipment, titanium dioxide is only a few relatively large domestic manufacturers, such as the use of Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. manufacture of new products, titanium dioxide patented technology Grinding Machine HSJM-W250AC-2; HSJM-W250Ad-2; HSJM-W320AC-2 and so on pipelined dedicated machine, pipe-line connections, can be sealed through the pipeline system of uninterrupted take titanium dioxide, the first to use mechanical equipment Hao Xing Grinding Machine Manufacture Co., Ltd. of titanium dioxide are Dong Jia, Hao P, Ti sea, Hing Mau, South titanium, in Kuo, Lung-based, titanium, titanium dioxide production of Viagra and other domestic leading enterprises, their previous grinder mainly from the introduction of Germany, about 40 units, respectively, grinding cylinder volume of 500 liters 1000 liters each half to produce the follow-up due to maintenance and spare parts consumption of large and inconvenient. Most of the other companies on to the basic domestic titanium dioxide primary grinding equipment, or even eliminate the post-processing costs of enterprises, the current strong market conditions proved that, after grinding through the fine production of titanium dioxide fine after more than a simple cursory treatment on the titanium dioxide products sold should be Qiaoxiao much more. After the economic crisis, high-quality titanium dioxide 8000-10000 yuan / ton and ordinary titanium dioxide 800-3000 yuan / ton world of difference between the market treatment to a lot of manufacturers believe that the quality titanium dioxide was the last word, forcing them from price competition to quality competition means strategy, in that many manufacturers began to focus on titanium dioxide product quality improvements, including a lot of titanium dioxide industry, "New Horizons", such as titanium dioxide company also joined the new Fu quality innovation wave. It is understood that major national manufacturers titanium dioxide production period and the result of the financial crisis, hardship cases, the new Fu Dioxide Company "by the brain innovation" is committed to increase value-added products, its a way for the upgrading of titanium dioxide products of special quality and excellent performance . In order to make the product better dispersion performance, the new good fortune Company specially imported from Germany worth more than 2000 million yuan grinding equipment, and spared no expense to send R & D and technical personnel flew to the DuPont titanium dioxide and other advanced business study tour, after grinding and other processing techniques, we can see, not only Titanium leading enterprises, domestic enterprises have also begun to focus on small-scale titanium dioxide through the post-processing equipment to improve the grade of products to enhance the market competitiveness. However, this technological transformation operation does not cause the suspect to the enterprise itself, the cost of follow-up on the commission, and grinding equipment, great maintenance costs while reducing their competitiveness.
As a result, Wenzhou Hao Xing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. HS Titanium grinding machines and other post-processing equipment will be more concerned about the titanium dioxide manufacturer, can be quite optimistic about its sales prospects. With the domestic titanium dioxide special grinding equipment manufacturing technology continues to break the market opportunity to show his face more and more. According to China's own technology development potential and momentum point of view, before long time, I post-processing equipment, grinding titanium dioxide plant is expected to achieve dramatic improvements in terms of quality, or even to a certain extent, to replace the imported equipment. At that time, Wenzhou Hao Xing Hao Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The Star Titanium Grinder HSJM-W-2 series, the titanium dioxide colloid pump HSJM-P-2 series, titanium dioxide into the after-treatment devices will be widely applied prospects.

商务热线:+86-577-86999999 86830999
真:+86-577-56848111 86827859
号:739 000 120 198 999 999




一、   我公司所生产胶体磨(钛白粉胶体磨、研磨机)等产品均属专利新产品,专利权人:杨剑英。另温州市七星乳品设备厂自2004年以来与我公司杨剑英签订《专利实施许可合同》已于20091130日全部合同满终止,故此从200912月以后本公司杨剑英与温州市七星乳品设备厂没有签订《专利实施许可合同》,所以无任何关系了,如温州市七星乳品设备厂今后生产胶体磨、研磨机等产品和配件含该专利技术,属仿冒伪造。

二、   希望广大用户采购相关产品和配件时,必须注意考虑其相应后果,请与我公司联系。否则,今后本公司将对其相关产品维护等方面无法予以支持。

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