离心泵的选择及安装- 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
离心泵的选择及安装 [转贴 2010-06-21 09:20:57]   

离心泵应该按照所输送的液体进行选择,并校核需要的性能,分析抽吸,排出条件,是间歇运行还是连续运行等。离心泵通常应在或接近制造厂家设计规定的压力和流量条件下运行。泵安装时应进行以下复查: ①基础的尺寸,位置,标高应符合设计要求,地脚螺栓必须恰当和正确地固定在混凝土地基中,机器不应有缺件,损坏或锈蚀等情况; ②根据泵所输送介质的特性,必要时应该核对主要零件,轴密封件和垫片的材质; ③泵的找平,找正工作应符合设备技术文件的规定,若无规定时,应符合现行国家标准《机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范》的规定; ④所有与泵体连接的管道,管件的安装以及润滑油管道的清洗要求应符合相关国家标准的规定。   

“ Centrifugal pump selection and installation ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Pump should be in accordance with the selection of liquid transport, and need to check the performance of suction and discharge conditions, is intermittent or continuous operation and so on. Centrifugal pumps should normally be at or near the manufacturers design requirements of the pressure and flow conditions run. Pump should be installed the following review: ① based on size, location, elevation should be consistent with design requirements, anchor bolts must be properly and correctly fixed in the concrete foundation, the machine should not have missing parts, damage or corrosion, etc.; ② According to the characteristics of the medium to the pump, if necessary, should check the major components, shaft seals and gasket materials; ③ pump leveling, alignment equipment, technical documentation should be consistent with the provisions of, if not requirements, should be consistent with current national standard "installation of machinery and equipment construction and acceptance of universal norms" requirement; ④ all connected with the pump pipe, tube installation and oil pipeline cleaning requirements should comply with the relevant national standards.

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