鑸舵潵鍝丳I锛?strong>principal investigator锛夊埗鏈€杩?0骞存潵閫愭笎琚澶氬浗鍐呭ぇ瀛︺€佺爺绌舵満鏋勬墍寮曞叆锛岃澶氱鐮旈櫌鎵€鏀瑰彉浜嗘暀鐮斿銆佺涓讳换涓轰綋绯荤殑绉戠爺鏈哄埗锛岃浆鑰屽疄鏂戒簡绉戠爺PI璐熻矗鍒讹紝鎹㈠彞璇濊锛孭I灏嗚礋璐i」鐩殑浜猴紙绉戠爺鍔╂墜銆佺爺绌剁敓绛夌鐞嗭級銆佷簨锛堝疄楠岀鐞嗭級銆佽储锛堢鐮旂粡璐圭鐞嗐€佺爺绌剁敓鍙婁复鏃舵妧鏈汉鍛樼殑鍔冲姟鏀嚭绠$悊绛夛級鐨勮嚜涓荤鐞嗐€傝繖灏卞拰BOSS娌℃湁澶ぇ鐨勫尯鍒簡锛屼笉绠$埍鍚笉鐖卞惉锛岀幇鍦ㄥ浗鍐呭瀹為獙瀹や腑灏嗘暀鎺堢О涓鸿€佹澘鐨勫凡鏄父鎬併€傦紙褰撶劧褰撻潰绉板懠澶氫负XX鑰佸笀锛夈€?/font>
鎸夌洰鍓嶅浗鍐呯殑绉戠爺缁勭粐绠$悊鏈哄埗锛屼竴鑸彧鏈夊叿鏈夐珮绾ц亴绉扮殑浜烘墠鍙互鎴愪负PI锛屼絾浜嬪疄涓婂苟闈炴墍鏈夌殑鏁欐巿/鍓暀鎺?鐮旂┒鍛?鍓爺绌跺憳鍧囧彲浠ユ垚涓篜I銆?span style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">PI鐨勪腑鏂囩炕璇戝濠変竴鐐圭殑鍙互绉颁负锛氶」鐩礋璐d汉銆備笉濮斿灏辩О涓猴細椤圭洰棣栧腑绉戝瀹躲€傛帴涓嬫潵灏卞嚭鐜颁竴涓洶鎯戯紝鑾峰緱鍥藉鑷劧绉戝鍩洪噾闈掑勾椤圭洰鐨勮甯?鍔╃悊鐮旂┒鍛樿兘鍚︾О涓篜I锛熻幏寰楃渷鍩洪噾绛夐」鐩殑鐢宠浜鸿兘鍚︾О涓篜I锛?/span>
鏍规嵁鍥藉鍚岀被鏈烘瀯鐨勫畾涔夛紝鍙鏄敵璇蜂汉鑾峰緱浜嗛」鐩祫鍔╋紝灏卞彲浠ヨ涓烘槸璇ラ」鐩殑PI锛岃€屼笉绠″叾鏄姪鐞嗘暀鎺堛€佸壇鏁欐巿杩樻槸鏁欐巿锛屽彧瑕佹湁瓒冲鐨勭鐮旂粡璐瑰氨鍙互鎷涘崥澹€佸崥澹悗鍜岀鐮旀妧鏈汉鍛樻潵骞叉椿銆備笉搴旇鐢辩敵璇蜂汉鎵€鍦ㄥ崟浣嶈鏀挎満鏋勬潵鎺堜簣杩欎竴璧勬牸銆?span style="font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">鑰岀洰鍓嶅浗鍐呯爺绌舵満鏋勭殑PI鍒朵技涔庢洿澶氭剰涔変笂琛屾斂鑹插僵姣旇緝閲嶏紝鏇村姞鍋忛噸浜庡疄楠屽璐熻矗浜轰竴绫荤殑瑙掕壊锛屼笉鏄湡姝f剰涔変笂瀵规煇鍏蜂綋绉戠爺椤圭洰璐熻矗鐨勪汉锛屼篃灏变細鍑虹幇PI鏈繀绛変簬椤圭洰璐熻矗浜虹殑鐜拌薄銆?/span>
闄?锛歅rincipal investigatorFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the context of from agencies such as the or the , the PI is the person who takes direct responsibility for completion of a funded project, directing the research and reporting directly to the funding agency. For small projects (which might involve 1-5 people) the PI is typically the person who conceived of the investigation, but for larger projects the PI may be selected by a team to obtain the best strategic advantage for the project.
The term is often incorrectly spelled as "principle investigator", which would refer to someone who investigates principles or precepts. The correct term is "principal investigator", where "principal" means 'primary' or 'leading'.
References See e.g. NSF Grant Policy Manual 210f 'Definitions: Principal Investigator', available: ; NIAID (NIH) 'Glossary of Funding and Policy Terms and Acronyms', available:
PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT DIRECTOR (PI/PD) is the individual designated by the grantee, and approved by NSF, who will be responsible for the scientific or technical direction of the project. The term "Principal Investigator" generally is used in research projects, while the term "Project Director" generally is used in science and engineering education and other projects.