TransformersII: Revenge of the Fallen---精彩片断- 松子茶个人空间 ...

/  2010-06-19 02:51:31 / 个人分类:


片名:Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen中广博客w \@n%W2D7I


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CS"BLLMf$O0地球上织的盈战斋争虽然陶结束,但变也形金赵刚之间夷的战直争并扑未告沿终。红蜘斋蛛飞回肯塞博坦星球,打算带虾着帮军 瞎队再咽回到移地球孝一验决死战。汽车朔人发酋现惦威震涣天的直尸体严不见信了,原来已渐被萨外克巨人律偷走或,委威震天熏随脏后懂被复活,决心协要犁开 始复仇儿。与匝此同狭时,红蜘蔼蛛土也约正率远领塞博铡坦的援亢军冤赶来,汽车藕人在这时增强鼻了凡自己的战斗力,一场大绞战菱在超所像难免厉……中广博客Z6U6JPT)di

A'o$\Y;K!x0---Three minutes until evacuation is complete, sir. 海鹰正接近目标.三分钟后完成疏散,长官

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;a9PpW N#n4k#v+W0---Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed, one-mile radius.出事区域一英里已进行空中封锁


---All right, give NEST team the go.好,命令巢穴开始行动中广博客(E*c%@,]'a6@`

(hWbY1{]c0---Black Hawks, you're clear to land.黑鹰号,允许降落中广博客w}:kC m*L|U){h

KIN!iaX9f*E#Aj(Q0Ding-a-ling! Come out and get your ice cream.Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whupping.叮铃铃,吃我一个冰激凌.霸天虎准备出来挨揍吧.中广博客(O1cbz\3JJA

3X)_q'jT D0For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command.Arcees, get ready to launch.We're locked and loaded.过去的两年,一支由汽车人组成的先遣xx.在我的指挥下,寄居地球.阿尔茜,准备行动.

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K?(uM%q5pO0Together, we form. an alliance with the humans, a secret but brave squad of soldiers.我们已整装待发.我们与人类xx结盟.这是一支勇猛的秘密xx

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^6gP yi0---All right, listen up. China's cover story on this one is "toxic spill."They had to evac the area for search and rescue.This makes six enemy contacts in eight months.We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight.大家听好,媒体对外口径是毒气泄漏,所以疏散人群进行搜救.八个月来我们对敌行动已达六次,这次行动绝不能让外界知道.必须保密,中广博客rJ l-L)hQ`O

"IU%Jze"_W|:X;y&I0A classified strike team called NEST.We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes hiding in different countries around the globe.这支秘密xx被命名为巢 穴.我们的目标是死敌霸天虎的残余力量.他们藏身于地球各个角落

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F)U!eF_]b"A0---Roll in Alpha through Echo now.由A区向E区挺进


rT:SMF0---Move out! Let's go!出发,行动

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All right, Ironhide. We got echoes. Vamos.好了,铁皮,到达E区中广博客Tk2Of)an/i


----Steel stacks at 2 o'clock.在铁管后面,两点钟方向中广博客,dQ4uL1O%ak&vr


----He's here. I smell him.他在这里,我能闻到中广博客2eZ+t+e-{X!o c

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You gotta wonder,难以置信吧
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if God made us in his image,who made him?上帝按他的肖像造人.那么是谁造了汽车人?中广博客)FS!hY2v

General, our alliance has countermanded six Decepticon incursions this year,each on a different continent.将军,联盟军在这一年内,打击霸天虎方面的入侵已达六次,每一场战斗都在一个不同的大陆中广博客+t] E Lg:u^

They're clearly searching around the world for something,but last night's  encounter came with a warning.他们一定是在找什么东西,昨晚霸天虎留下遗言中广博客w$F t#N$D.?

"The Fallen shall rise again."堕落金刚将东山再起中广博客:WH_$?6IL

"The Fallen." Meaning what?堕落金刚是什么意思?

Origin unknown.The only recorded history of our race,was contained within the AllSpark,and lost with its destruction.来源不明.我们种族有记录的包含在火种内,随着火种的毁灭也一同消失了中广博客9q~ z9[o8GnI5o

Excuse me!打断一下


With this so-called AllSpark now destroyed,既然这个所谓的火种已经毁灭

why hasn't the enemy left the planet like you thought they would?霸天虎为什么还不离开地球?如同你们预计的那样
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Director Galloway, our National Security Advisor.The President just appointed him liaison.盖洛威主任,国家安全顾问 总统的特使
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hes'k-iat$Z0Well, I guess I didn't get that memo.怎么没人向我汇报过

Forgive the interruption, General.抱歉打断你们,将军,
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Excuse me. Coming through.借过中广博客Y k'^B/s)oVZ9?t


Excuse me. Excuse me, soldier.借过一下中广博客2X2]8?+bK G.nQ0g&JP

After all the damage in Shanghai,此次行动市区被严重毁坏中广博客X+E J I&s*Z4x

the President is hard-pressed to say the job's getting done.总统备受压力,勉强宣布行动成功

Now, under the classified Alien/Autobot Cooperation Act,根据外星汽车人与人类联盟法案中广博客3FC$l:g tgU

you agreed to share your intel with us,but not your advancements in weaponry.你们同意与我们分享情报.但拒绝分享你们先进武器的制造方法中广博客0sf(nd aO1j

We've witnessed your human capacity for war.我们见证过你们人类的战争

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It would absolutely bring more harm than good.掌握先进武器对你们有害无益中广博客 dgqx'{]$Vr-k

But who are you to judge what's best for us?我们人类是好是坏与你何干?

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With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for two years.我们互相尊重,并肩作战.在战场上拼杀了整整两年,


We've shed blood,sweat and precious metal together.我们同甘苦共患难

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Soldier, you're paid to shoot, not talk.士兵,我们养你是用来打仗.不是听你叽叽歪歪中广博客1r~}e)moG3udq

Don't tempt me.你算老几

&s D(i]pr0And the newest members of your team.还有新近加入队伍的汽车人

----Easy.---- 别发火

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---- I understand they arrived here---- 在你向太空发出信息后


after you sent a message into space,他们一波波的到来中广博客I? ei1Llhp6V_

an open invitation to come to Earth,vetted by no one at the White House.这公开的邀请从未通过白宫任何人的审核

Z4O#nzY N:OS0Let me stop you right there,我要打断你,盖洛威,审核人就是我中广博客4}Q$wA/c4U j

Mr. Galloway. It was vetted right here.And in my experience, the judgment of both Major Lennox and his teamhas always been above reproach.雷尼克斯少校及其队伍的表现无可指责


Well, be that as it may, General, it is the position of the Presidentthat when our national security is at stake, no one is above reproach.将军,即便如此,总统的立场是国家安全危在旦夕,没有谁是无可指责的
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Now, what do we know so far?让我们来梳理一下目前的情况

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We know that the enemy leader, classified NBE One, aka Megatron,我们知道敌方的{lx},帝国守护者中广博客f"h P,b6b

is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyssal,又名威震天


is rusting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyssal,已长眠于罗伦提恩海沟最深处


surrounded by SOSUS detection nets and a full-time submarine surveillance.并且由水下声音侦查评估分析系统 及潜艇24小时监控


We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien AllSpark 我们还知道火种的{wy}碎片中广博客|-D|_`*{*iqs

is locked in an electromagnetic vault被锁在全安全级别{zg}的中广博客&lJ2iqg+K

here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world.海军基地地下电磁室内


Decepticons, we have located the shard.霸天虎,碎片方位已确定

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And since no one can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after,既然没人知道敌人到底要找什么中广博客:@*F*QwI)V"k P

well, there's only one clear conclusion!那么结论显而易见中广博客 `:Xe2Y7Vx!H,_3W V

You! The Autobots! 就 是你们,汽车人!中广博客Os4w$RI,n
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They're here to hunt you!他们的目标就是你们
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What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that?除了你们地球上还有什么是他们要的?中广博客+Ue{Xs i

"The Fallen shall rise again"?堕落金刚将东山再起?中广博客7xf0a%\-FQ)L{

It sounds to me like something's coming.听上去要出大事


So, let me ask, if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying you further asylum on our planet,我要问你一句,如果为了保证国家安全 我们拒绝你们继续寄居地球中广博客[@!zov!y}

will you leave peacefully? 你们愿意和平的离开吗?中广博客P.SI;d.en u
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Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it.你们有权自由选择.如果你们做出了决定,我们会尊重


But before your President decides, please ask him this.但在你们的总统做决定之前,请问问他

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What if we leave and you're wrong?这世界上有没有后悔药吃中广博客rm!I M4i0|$Ro
That's a good question.问得好中广博客+M%S[5p.D

中广博客.b~qK7e a+u.D

Oh, my gosh! Look at this place!上帝啊,看看这地方!

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:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)

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