Rice or wheat? (Triticum aestivum L) or ((Oryza sativa)?)_slaxking ...
Bad News in Baby Rice?
by Roberta Kwok on April 30, 2008 12:00 AM

Baby rice, the bland porridge sold in supermarkets for weaning infants, can contain potentially dangerous levels of arsenic, according to new research done in the United Kingdom. The discovery calls for more attention to food-production sources, the authors say, but experts are divided on the value of the study.

High doses of arsenic in drinking water can cause cancer when consumed over long periods of time. In the European Union and United States, there are stringent limits on arsenic levels in water but fewer restrictions for food. Rice has come under scientific scrutiny because it soaks up arsenic from the soil more readily than other grains do. In fact, studies have shown that some people in the United States are exposed to more arsenic by eating rice than any other food, although the health hazards associated with it are uncertain.

Andrew Meharg, an environmental chemist at the University of Aberdeen, U.K., decided to measure arsenic levels in baby rice, a precooked, dried, and milled rice product that is a staple for weaning infants. Meharg and colleagues analyzed 17 samples of baby rice from three manufacturers, all taken from supermarkets in Aberdeen. More than one-third of the samples contained levels of inorganic arsenic--the more toxic of the two arsenic forms normally found in rice--equal to or exceeding the legal limit of arsenic in food in China, which has stricter regulations than the European Union and the United States. A baby eating one serving per day would ingest more arsenic per kilogram of body weight than an adult drinking water with the maximum allowed E.U./U.S. dose, the team reports this month in Environmental Pollution.

The finding highlights the need for the European Union and the United States to restrict arsenic in food as well as water, says Meharg. "You can't say you have to highly regulate one source and totally ignore another source," he says, adding that babies deserve special precautions. Manufacturers could reduce their products' arsenic levels by buying rice from less polluted areas of the world such as California and some regions of India and Spain.

The study is "extremely important," says Ravi Naidu, a pollution scientist at the University of South Australia in Adelaide. "It shows that we need much tighter regulation on ... where food comes from."

Other experts are more cautious. The research raises some "potential concern," but scientists still need to establish whether arsenic-containing rice is actually harmful, says Michael Waalkes, a toxicologist at the National Cancer Institute who is based in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. And Joyce Tsuji, a toxicologist at the science consulting company Exponent in Bellevue, Washington, warns that evaluating a baby's arsenic intake from rice against drinking water standards is an "apples to oranges" comparison because water standards are based on risks extrapolated from studies of lifelong, high-dose exposure, not short-term childhood exposure. "We should be careful before telling people to throw their rice out," she says.




有专家提醒,没有任何数据表明吃稻米会引起癌症。德克萨斯州 A&M大学所在地的农作物科学家理查德 Loeppert说“水稻中的砷含量确实需要降低,但水稻中含砷的问题不会即时对人产生危害。”北京生态环境科学研究中心的首席研究员—环境生物学家朱永关表示:“我们对此仍没有xx的研究清楚,但砷仍然是砷。”


朱永关和其他人没有等待,他们已经在寻找方法解决如何除去含有比小麦和其它谷物高10倍砷浓度的水稻的问题。可能采取的措施包括改变农场的做法,例如:在凸起的培育床上种植水稻以及采用遗传工程学的方法去除其中的砷等。这是一项紧迫的工作,有人说,由于全球的粮食危机,在矿场及冶炼厂附近种植的稻谷有所增加,而且在一些曾使用含有大量砷农药的棉花和其他作物种植地上种植的水稻也有所增加。与朱永关以及英国阿伯丁大学环境化学家的Andrew Meharg一起做研究的博士后研究员保罗.威廉说:“我们担心的是,越来越多被砷污染的贫瘠土地会被用于种植水稻。”




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