
让锡吕.玛塔吉的话xx你{yt}的注意力。你可以提出问题,然后让无意识提供答案。生命是一场戏 —— 好好参与、享受及爱上它吧。


1.Be patient with your self and with others. 要对自己及别人有耐性。

2.You have to have compassion for people who cannot understand!你心须要对不理解的人有慈爱之心!

3.Love that is attachment cannot be love.有执着牵挂的爱不能是爱。

4.Modesty will let you grow inside and you will become beautiful!谦逊会令你在内里成长,你会变得美丽!

5.She the Kundaliniknows everything; you cannot hide things, but you have to work it out!她,昆达里尼(灵量),知道一切;你不能隐瞒甚么,而是要把它成就出来!   

6.Be aware about yourself and about your action. Dont think too much, be sahaja!当心你自己和你的行为。不要思考太多。要霎哈嘉!

7.You have to clear your problems, face yourself and introspect. Then the lotus that you are can spread.你必须要清理你的问题,要面对你自己而且内省。然后你这朵莲花便会舒展。

8.Respect yourself, you are the reflection of God Almighty!尊重你自己,你是全能的神的反映!

9.If you dont use your Kundalini power she stops to work! Use your vibrations and give it to everybody and everything who is alive.假如你不用昆达里尼的力量,她会停止作用!使用你的生命能量,把它给予每个人和每个生命!

10.It is not necessary to become ritualistic and fanatic, its dangerous, your action should come from the heart.没有必要变得拘泥仪式和狂热,这是危险的,你的行为应发自内心。

11.Pray with your heart. Prayer is a very great thing for a Sahaja Yogi!用心祈祷。对霎哈嘉瑜伽士来说,祈祷是一件大事!

12.You have to count how many people you love. All the Sahaja Yogis are in my heart.你需要数一数你爱多少人。所有霎哈嘉瑜伽士都在我心里。

13.How collective are you? How many people can you get along with? How many things can you laugh at?你有多合群呢?你可以跟多少人合得来?有多少事你可以一笑置之?

14.Money cannot replace reality, its just there.金钱不能代替实相。就是如此。 

15.If your heart is clean you can see other persons clearly through and through. Innocence is such a powerful thing.假如你的心轮是清净的,你能清澈通透地看穿其他人。纯真具有如此大的力量。   

16.Feel this beautiful peace and silence of your spirit. Though silence you can feel God, the Paramchaitanya.感受你灵体的这种美好的平安和宁静。借着宁静你可以感受到神,无所不在的生命能量。

17.However great a man may be in society, without love he will lack the force of gravity, the sweet fragrance of a flower.不论一个人在社会上有多伟大,若没有爱心,他会缺乏重心力,一朵花的芬芳。

18.If you are a compassionate person then you have the desire to give your love and your knowledge to others.假如你是个有爱心的人,你便会有愿望把你的爱心和知识传于他人。

19.Kaalateet. Beyond time. Timeless. Everything happens just in the right moment.Kaalateet。超越时间。永恒的。每件事会在合适的时机发生。

20.Confidence should not be confused with ego. It is complete wisdom, dharma, love, beauty, and is complete God.自信心不应与我执混淆。它是xx的智慧、正法、爱、美,和xx的神。   

21.When you are desireless, you are happy, because you are never disappointed.当你没有欲望,你会快乐,因为你xx会失望。

22.You have all the power!你拥有所有的力量!   

23.Feel joy and let this joy spread through you.感应喜乐,也要把这喜乐通过自己传遍开去。   

24.Be collective! Dont think that you are something special!要合群!不要自以为与众不同! 

25.The one who is not innocent is never wise. Wisdom comes only with innocence.不纯真的人xx会有智慧。智慧只会来自纯真。

26.Believe in yourself and your creative powers!相信你自己及你的创作力!

27.Feel your spirit and enjoy this wonderful lifethe life of a realised soul!感受你的灵,享受这美好的生命 一个得到觉醒的灵的生命!

28.Chitta Nirodh. Teach me how to avoid things that tempt me, that take my attention.Chitta Nirodh。教我怎样避开那些诱惑我,那些占据我注意力的东西。

29.Learn through your introspection to improve yourself and to become a better and loving personality.从自省中学习改善自己,成为一个更好、有爱心的人。   

30.Is an inside war, You have to fight the six enemies within yourself, then only you can rise and ascend in your spiritual growth.这是一场内在的争战。你要与自己内里的六个敌人对抗,只有这样你才能升进,在灵性上成长。

31.You have to have complete faith in yourself, and that yourself is nothing but innocence.你要对自己有xx的信心,那个‘你自己’不是其它,正是纯真。 

32.Where the women are respected and respectable, there resides the Goddess of our well-being.哪里妇女被尊重和值得尊重,哪里就有幸福女神存在。33.We have to share, we are one body, part and parcel of the whole!我们必须要分享。我们是一个主体,整体的一部分!

34.You have to give realization,to bring your light outside into society. You have the responsibility.你必须为别人带来自觉,把你的光传入社会。你有这个责任。

35.Allow your heart to be drenched in your Mothers love. Just allow. See how much I love you.容许你的心被母亲的爱所浸透。只需容许就成。看看我多么爱你。

36.No use feeling guilty. If you have done something wrong just face it.感到内疚没有用。假如你有做错事,就只需要面对它。

37.It is all myth that upsets you. Just throw it away!令你沮丧的都是幻象。就把它抛弃吧!

38.In thoughtless awareness nobody can touch you, that is your fortress.在无思虑的觉醒中,无人可以伤害你,那是你的堡垒。

39.Introspect and let go all the negative feeling inside the collectiveand only feel love towards each other.自省,且让所有集体内的负面情绪离去……只要去感受彼此之间的爱。

40.How does a tree grow? By itself. Allow you to grow by yourself, through introspection and meditation.一棵树怎样生长?它自然而生。借着自省和静坐,让你自己成长吧。

41.I need this, I need thatWe should know what other people need. What is their need?‘我需要这个,我需要那个。’我们应该知道其他人需要甚么。他们需要甚么呢?

42.If there is a disappointment, just smile at it and know it is for your good.假如有甚么失望,只要一笑置之,要知道那是为了你的好处。

43.You have to meditate and try to go into the state of thoughtless awareness!你必须静坐,而且要尝试进入无思无虑觉醒的境界!

44.We have to be tolerant with others and accept all the differences.我们必须对别人宽容,接受所有的差异。

45.You have to be connected with me, then this feeling is so satisfying, so joy-giving, that you feel this joy for yourself and others.你必须与我连接,这种感觉如此令人满足、如此令人喜悦,以至于你会为自己和他人感到这喜悦。

46.A person who thinks she is very exclusive and special should not come to SY, you have to become a part and parcel of the whole.一个人如果自视孤傲和独特非凡,就不应来到霎哈嘉瑜伽。你要成为整体的一部分。

47. Please keep me away from ego, that gives the idea that I am superior to others. 请让我远离那个使我自视高人一等的我执。

48.If you could make yourself stronger than your memory, then nothing can possess you...假如你能使自己强过自己的记忆,便没有甚么东西可以摆布你...

49.Love is the life-giving force of the family. It binds, nourishes and sustains the family.爱是家庭的生命力。它凝聚、滋养和支撑着家庭。

50.When you become thoughtlessly aware then you become completely peaceful within.当你变得无思虑的觉醒,你就会变得xx的在内里有平安。

51.Your own attention is important, not the attention of others.你自己的注意力很重要,而不是他人的注意力。

52.As soon as you decide to please others, the tongue becomes different, it becomes sweet, like honey.一旦你决定要取悦别人,你的语言也会不同,它变得甜美,如蜜糖一般。

53.All the drama is played to prove the existence of that great power,the power of God.所有演绎的戏剧都是要证明那个大能的存在,神的能力。

54.The biggest thing one has to know is to bend down towards the Mother Earth.一个人必须要明白的{zd0}件事,是向大地之母折腰。

55.Talk to everyone with an open heart.以开放的心来与所有人交谈。

56.Why are you wasting so much time with trivial and unimportant nonsensical things? What is you destiny?为何你浪费那么多时间去理会琐碎的不重要的无意义的事呢?你的天命是甚么?

57.You are here to do the work of Adi Shakti, the work of transformation of human beings.你在这里是做太初之母的工作,转化人类的工作。

58.Forgive everyone completely and do not react. Ego itself has many reactions. Establish your witness state.xx宽恕每一个人,不要起反应。我执本身就有很多反应。建立你的旁观见证的境界。

59.Put ones attention on problems and having the faith that the Divine Power will work it out will solve all your problems.把注意力放在问题上,且有信心上天的大能可以处理它,能够解决你所有问题。

60.You are a very special type of human race and beautiful patterns are showing in your life, in your lifestyle, in your behaviour.你们是人类之中非常特别的一类。在你们的生命,你们的生活方式,你们的行为举止中,显现出美丽的模式。

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