阿规则吃西餐« Live in China 混在中国





坐在座位的左边。当椅子被打开,身体几乎打表的距离站直,领位者将晋级谁椅子,背后的腿碰到椅子当你可以坐下。他吃,上臂*的椅子上,背部和腹部返回,并表保持一个拳头的距离。 *在盘腿坐在腿,{zh0}避免。












英美的(Midea)饮食习惯是不同的。肉类菜肴,英国左手叉,叉指出下来,领带到口的肉了,如果是在晚宴上燃烧刀柄餐叉腐烂的蔬菜料理拨进嘴里,与肉用同样的方式美国人,然后用鼠标向下刀叉吃,叉子朝上,插到肉的下面,没有刀,铲起肉,放入口中,吃腐烂的蔬菜,也是如此烧起来了铲子吃。吃饭时,对宝宝使用*吃了的勺子回来,虽然没有违反餐桌礼仪,但效果似乎不那么实在礼仪。喜欢吃煮饭,它是可以很自然的前线宝宝从食物中舀*,因为*宝宝与沉没的领域工作,是这个设计的。在这个时候,它可以使中的一个辅助动作一边用餐刀的使用。烹饪舀上不时板,使用刀Dangzhao分散的板块,以避免外来菜,这种方式可以非常灵活地舀从托盘食物。如果超过了酱料理,还可以用小刀刮下酱,然后汤匙酱油或勺子把嘴里的食物,与数据一起。正如* *宝宝的生活,然后勺与酱汁的食物后,它是错误的行动,因为这样一来,食物送到嘴里,酱油最终将蜱到处一片混乱。 *宝宝不时舀食物与* *在宝宝的嘴*到肚子前面放置食物的宝宝他的左手。在与朋友吃饭的场合轻松,如果你不需要使用刀,可以用餐右手*宝宝。赖斯应该是一个积极的,而不是* *从背面舀宝宝肚子,因此,这可能更容易吃,但也更优雅(Youya),自然。当食物内收集细碎板,用于刀Dangzhuo它们,然后宝宝* *从过去的{dj2}新闻。使用刀,而不是一个勺子就可以了。为了*宝宝会收集他们做饭的勺子,勺,然后放入口中的食物。勺勺酱油的和一般的使用是一样的。 *宝宝应被用来推入勺的粮食酱,而不是* *宝宝食品活得更长烹饪勺酱汁与酱油,因为后者是违反礼节。




白芷刀和8个餐,形,如果中途暂时休息用餐,可刀,然后*点盘中,刀具和*为“1”形或“8尖锐相对”形,刀*对自己,仍然继续吃。该病例是一个对话,你可以剑*,而不是下降,但如果作出的姿态,应该放下刀*刀*不要守志在空中挥舞摇晃。应当指出,无论任何时候,不能盘上,在其中一个*桌子上另一端的刀。 *除了烹饪刀,切进嘴里,还有一个很重要的功能。刀*是白芷传达一个“吃饭”或“结束时的饭”的消息。该服务是使用这种方式来判断客人的用餐情况,以及是否用具服务包下编写等,所以我希望记住的情节飞跃(Trans-Sport)餐具白芷积极的方式。特别注意的刀片一边去面对自己。柏直两种方式结束用餐:后膳食年底可*下方的向上和横向刀刀片在分*独生子女并拢,平行放置在板。接下来的白芷方式又分为英国和法国(Ulric-De-Varens)的风格,无论什么方式都可以,但最常用的是法语。处理板到尽可能,以便避免接触和秋季,服务员更可能回升。节日,出席婚礼时,不管如何餐具成一个“的位置上,只要”餐厅放置作为主餐厅客人为此,它们应立即把所有的菜放好。因此,宴会,记住,首先是中心的主要嘉宾。在宴会上,每一道菜吃用刀子*,权利的刀*脸,是可从外面向内依次为刀*,订货送达,每盘秩序。 *出刀运行,服务也结束了。必须中途谈话或休息,就应该提出了刀* 8形状的板块双方平面帧。相反,刀*处理并排对自己板的一面,那么这盘利用好,服务员会删除你的盘。开胃菜或甜点等,如果我们能够直接从* *宝宝吃的食物,没有必要用小刀刻意。在家庭内,晚餐或与朋友轻松用餐如同沙拉或蛋包饭,像软食物只能使用*宝宝吃。但是,在对刀的使用*,让人们更优雅(Youya),明确的正式宴会的感觉。此外,在欧洲和其它地方,你常常可以看到人们*宝宝的右手,左手持面包餐。无论多么整洁优雅(Youya)的可吃,只吃在家中或在流行的商店高级别餐厅,是{jd1}行不通的。不使用刀,因此可以在桌面上,服务员会自动被带走。虽然在板刀,*代表对脚吃饭结束并拢的消息,但没有必要把清洁染有特别板刀。餐具没有用来维持现状,可以在原来的地方放置,坚持与此相反,对规则的形式追求似乎有些奇怪。适应性强,根据当时的事情处理的情况是最正确的。即使失去了也不算难堪,但她弯腰捡起充分的耻辱。所以,当出所要求的服务,{zh0}的东西来拾起你。随时xx情况的客人服务,使他们很快便让我们使用新的餐具结束,没有发现,如果服务可以面向服务的手有点提高人们尽可能没有太多引起注意别人异样的目光。服务员的工作是让客户更满意吃饭,所以觉得有请他们






5,柏称小块面包到一般口,而不是拿着块面包咬。黄油和果酱时,你有他的{dy}个面包白城(China Baicheng)小前。








不要吹向(后)你的食物降温。 (不要对寻找食物的打击。)
不要指手划脚一把刀或叉时说。 (膳食,当发言,而不是手持刀或叉指示。)
不要坐在凌乱的状态桌前。 (当坐在桌子旁阶段应注意坐。)
没有达到桌子对面的任何东西。 (不Shenzhangshoubi采取更加遥远的事情。)
不要掖衣领的餐巾。 (不要堵塞在餐巾纸衣领。)在白领中的餐巾插头下垂,阻塞的胸部,是喂养婴儿时,自然难以露面董事会像样的东西和可以接受的。

A rule to eat Western food

to eat Western food to some of the specific requirements and pay attention to pay attention to what ah do

Western etiquette

hotel reservation

in the West, to a restaurant generally required in advance for dinner reservations, in the reservation, there were several pay special attention to make it clear, first of all to show the number and time, and secondly to indicate whether they want a smoking area or view a good seat. If it is birthday or other special occasion, you can tell the purpose of the banquet and budget. Arrive at the scheduled time is a basic courtesy. Re expensive casual clothes, are not at liberty to wear, when the restaurant is a well-dressed person s knowledge of Europe and the United States. To high-end restaurants, men s wear clean and tidy; Ms. wear suits and have been working with shoes. If you specify a formal wear clothing, then, men have to tie into the restaurant, the men should open the door, please, Ms. enter. Ms. should be invited to walk in front. Seating, meals end with it, letting the lady should be the priority. In particular, group activities, but do not forget to let the ladies go in front.

* seated with stress

of the most decent way seated seated from the left. When the chair is opened, the body almost hit the table the distance stand up straight, collar-bit those who would advance to the chair, the chair behind the Leg encounter when you can sit down. He eats, the upper arm and back to * to the back of a chair, abdomen, and the table to keep about a fist distance. * The sitting cross-legs are best avoided.

* Point of wine knowledge

at the senior dining room, there will be proficient in a single wine to the bartender Na Jiu. Pairs of people who know little about wine, it is best to tell his own selection of dishes, budget, taste like liquor, the main bartender to help the selection. If the meat should be the main course with red wine with white fish are. Before the meal, it may be a glass of champagne, sherry or wine Gill lighter wine.

* the order of serving a full set of formal

serving Western food order is: ① pre-fish, vegetables and soup ② ③ ④ fruit, meat, cheese ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ fruit, dessert and coffee, as well as aperitifs and wine. Is not necessary all-point, but eat too much rather rude. The standard of the restaurant a little point just before the dishes are welcome guests. Appetizer, main course (fish or meat, choose one) plus dessert is the most appropriate combination. A la carte is not the starting point from the previous dishes, but most want to eat the same as the first main course selection, adding suitable for the main course soup.

* How to use the napkin

points, finished dishes, the former food during the pre-sent time to open the napkin, fold one third to the inside, so that two-thirds of tile in the legs, cover more than the knee some legs. Is best not to put napkins squeezed neckline.

* mix of drinking alcohol with food and food with

drinking what should be consumed with food, often haunt people for centuries, drinking and choosing the right foods seem to have formed one of rule. However, with the modern society of new foods and new wines continue to emerge, these rules become obsolete and increasingly less relevant. If we have a friend who told you to drink white wine to fish, then you can say now is the 21st century, those 19th-century rules were outdated. How drinking alcohol with food should first understand that personal preference, because their life is different from alcohol and food with no doubt should also mix and match with personal taste. You can taste the ordered according to their own wine and food, even if the rules are not allowed in, or dine at the same table with your friends resolutely opposed, they do not shy or embarrassed. In life there are many things that seem inappropriate to mix the composition with, or appeared so harmonious. However, the dinner should be what wine, you still undecided, the how should I do? Is not to resort to those rules with it? Over the years, I have accumulated some experience, you can solve your problems encountered. These so-called principle is not telling you what to drink when you eat, but note how it affects between food and wine, interact. When drinking with food is important that determined according to taste. Food and wine can be divided into four kinds of taste, which also defines the range of wine and food matching, namely: sour, sweet, bitter and salty.

Sour: You may have heard of wine and salad mix can not be because of the acid salad greatly damaged the wine mellow. However, if the salad and acidic wine with the use, the acid contained in wine and salads will be decomposed lactic acid, which of course is an excellent match. So, you can choose acidic wine and food with acidic foods. Acidic wine with salty food to share with the taste very good.

sweet: he eats, according to personal taste can also choose dessert. Generally speaking, the sweet sweet taste makes Dodge. If you choose California wine and a Nepalese Jardine small piece of grilled swordfish with consumption, the reception seems very sweet. However, if the fish into salads, wine and a lot of fruit will be subtractive. So, for dessert, the sugar high will be down-covered desserts, losing the original flavor is slightly sweet at one point should be chosen liquor. This wine in order to maintain the original taste.

Bitter: Still using the personal preference principle. Bitter taste with a bitter taste wine and eat food with the bitterness will be reduced. So, if you want to Dodge or remove the bitter taste can be bitter and with a bitter taste of food with food.

salty: general no salt taste wine, but there are a number of alcohol can reduce the salt flavor with salty foods. In many countries and regions of the world consumption of seafood such as fish, will be equipped with the lemon juice or alcohol, mainly due to acid can reduce the salinity of the fish, edible, the taste even more delicious.

* the use of a knife and fork way

Anglo-American eating habits are different. Meat dishes, the British left hand fork, forks pointed down, tie the meat up into the mouth, if it is burning rotten vegetable dishes on the dinner knife handle appropriated for dinner fork, into the mouth, the Americans with the same way as meat, and then right down knife and fork for eating, fork pointed upward, plug into the meat of the following, without knife, scoop up the meat, into the mouth, eat rotten vegetables and is also the case burning up shovels吃. At meal time, the use of * the child to eat up the back of the scoop, though not violate table manners, but the effect is indeed seem less decency. Like to eat rice cooking, it can be quite natural for the child to the front * scoop from food, because * the child is working with the sunken area is designed for this use. At this time, it can make use of a knife in the side of the auxiliary dining action. Cooking scoop on the plate from time to time, using a knife Dangzhao dishes scattered to the plate so as to avoid outside, this way can be very agile to scoop food from the tray. If topped with sauce dishes, and can also use a knife scraped sauce, then spoon or a sauce to spoon the food into the mouth, together with the data. As in the * child * to live, and then spoon topped with sauce after the food, it is the wrong action, because this way, the food sent to the mouth, the sauce will tick end up everywhere, a mess. * The child to scoop food from time to his left hand with the * son * son of the food placed in front of the * belly into mouth. In a relaxed dinner with friends occasions, if you do not need to use a knife, you can dine with the right hand * the child. Rice should be a positive rather than the * * belly scoop from the child on the back, so that may be easier to eat, but also more elegant and natural. When the plate inside the broken bits of food gathering, to be used knives Dangzhuo them, and then the child * * scoop from the past. Use spoon instead of a knife will do. To * the child will be gathered cooking spoon on them, and then spoon the food into the mouth. Sauce spoon by spoon and the general usage is the same. * The child should be used to push the food into the spoon sauce on the food, rather than the * child * to live longer cooking spoon sauce topped with sauces, because the latter is a violation of etiquette.

* and * the types of knives

knives, silverware, etc. * type are known as the Cut-lery. Knife, * further divided into meat to use, fish use, the former vegetable, dessert use, and apart from the former vegetable spoon, soup, use, coffee use, tea used, there are seasonings with spoons. Seasoning that is added with the spoon to use when seasoning spoon, used for dessert, or fish dishes. Today, eating utensils used in food in accordance with changes in the ever-changing. Western-style cuisine in a formal course, often depending on the characteristics of cooking using a variety of different shapes with a knife *, not a beginning, all put out. Speaking of complete, it is reminiscent of the table is packed with silver screen, but now mostly based on points with 2-3 Road la carte dishes are the way into the mainstream. Therefore, the table is packed with a formal dining silverware, ornaments, it may only be seen on a wedding. Recently, the use of a knife and * the situation become rare, and only 2-3 Road to eat more and more people before the dish, but it does not follow a knife * transform, mostly based on a group of knife * to eat and then brought before the dishes . While that on the shelf on the knife blade * and * (or spoon), and placed on the plate right side of the restaurant is also increasing. Meat dishes used in the shape of a knife, regardless of what a restaurant is generally the same, but the knife used in fish dishes, often vary according to the restaurant. In particular, more recently, the width of a knife and meat dishes fish dishes with a knife the same as seeing a gradual increase of the dumping of the trend, and the width of wider than this are common, there are some pieces of a knife blade part of a wider and, in addition luxury decoration fish dishes with a knife. In addition, there are restaurant spoon sauce instead of fish dishes with a knife. Knife * like the same as the Chinese chopstick holder. Sometimes with a knife * (or spoon) 2 as a group placed in the knife rack *; sometimes the knife, *, spoon 3 as a group placed in the knife rack *; sometimes with a knife * (or spoon ) 2 as a group placed on it, so that the Department of knife blade * do not touch the front of the Son to the tabletop.

* how *

Baizhi knife and meals for the eight-shaped, if a temporary short break midway meal can be a knife, then * points intraday, Cutter and * sharp relative as a shape or 8 -shaped, knife * towards themselves, that still continue to eat. The case is a conversation, you can swords *, not down, but if the gesture is made, it should be to lay down their knives * knives * Do not Shouzhi waving in the air shaking. It should be noted, regardless of any time, can not take the knife on the plate at one end of * the other end on the table. * In addition to cooking knife and cut into the mouth, there is another very important function. Knife * are Baizhi convey a dine in or end of the meal, the message. The service is to use this way to judge the guests dining situation, and whether the service pack utensils to prepare the next and so on, so I hope to remember the plot leap tableware Baizhi positive way. With particular attention to the blade side to face its own. Bai Zhi end dining in two ways: after the end of the meal can be * the child below the upward and lateral blade knife * within the sub-feet close together and parallel to the placed on the plate. The next Baizhi method is divided into British and French style, regardless of what other ways can, but the most commonly used is French. Handle into the plate as far as possible, so that avoid the touch and the fall, waiters are more likely to pick up. Feasts, when attending the wedding, regardless of how the cutlery placed into a dining in position, as long as the end of the main dining guests, they should immediately put all the dishes put away. So, banquets, bear in mind begin with the center of the main guests. At the banquet, each dish to eat with a knife *, right in the face of the knife *, is accessible from the outside in turn inward, as a knife * placing the order is served, the order of each dish. * Run out of knives, serving also to an end. Need to be half-way conversation or rest, they should be presented a knife * 8-shaped flat frame on both sides of the plate. On the contrary, knife * handle towards the side by side on their own plate, then this dish has used good, the waiter will take your plate removed. Appetizer or dessert and so on, if we can * directly * from the child to eat food, there is no need to use a knife must deliberately. Within the family dinner or a relaxed dinner with friends, like salad or Omurice like soft food can only use * son eat. However, in a formal banquet on the use of a knife *, give people a more elegant and clear-cut feeling. In addition, in Europe and other places you can often see people right hand * son, left hand and holding bread meal. No matter how neat elegant to eat, so eating only at home or in popular stores, in the high-level restaurant is absolutely not work. Not used the knife, and thus can be on the table, waiters will automatically be taken away. Although the knife on the plate and * represent the end of the meal on the feet close together and the message, but it is not necessary to clean the knife into the soiled plate in specially. Tableware not been used to maintain the status quo can be placed in its original place, insist on the contrary, the pursuit of the rules of the form seems strange. Adaptable, depending on the situation at that time dealing with things is the most correct. Even if the lost is not too embarrassing, but that she bent down to pick up the full disgrace. So, when the best thing out of the requested service come pick it up for you. Service at any time paying attention to the guests of the situation, so they quickly then let s use the new tableware over, did not notice if service can be service-oriented hands a little to raise about as much as possible not to arouse the attention of others disapproving glances. Waiter s job is to make customers more happy meal, so Feel to them upon request

Lunch can understand?

1, seated, the body should be upright, elbows on the table do not be enough to raise one s foot, with the distance from the table in order to facilitate better use of tableware. Dining table has gracefully eating utensils should not arbitrarily move back and forth. Gently fold the napkin in her lap.

2, using the knife and fork meal, from outside to inside access to knives and forks, to his left hand fork, the right hand a knife; cut something, hold down the left hand fork of food, cut into small pieces of their right hand to wield, use a fork to your mouth. The use of a knife, the blade can not be outside. Meal should be placed in the put down knife and fork into the eight shape, respectively, on the edge of plate. Edge towards itself, said that he would continue to eat. Each finished dish, the knife and fork close together on the disk. If it is conversation, can be holding a knife and fork, no need to put down. When no knife can be used right hand holding fork, but if the need to make gestures, it should be put down knife and fork, do not be waving in the air, shaking Shouzhi knife and fork, and do not single-handedly with a knife or fork, while the other teams hand and napkin Cazui , it is not in one hand and glass, another fork in hand to take food. Remember that at any time, can not be the end of the knife and fork on the plate, on the other side on the table.

3, soup Do not sip, eat, chew when to shut up. Do not Tianzui Chun or smack their voices heard. Such as Brussels sprouts overheating, you should wait until cooler temperatures before eating, do not blow through your mouth. When soup with a spoon scoop from the inside out, soup, soup intraday fast finish, the soup plate with his left hand to the lateral tilt slightly with spoon scoop net can be. Eating soup, it will remain in the soup spoon plate (bowl), the key to point to themselves.

4, fish, meat or bone meal with thorns, do not directly outside the spit can be used napkins Wuzui spat fork lightly into the plate. Remaining small amount of dishes, such as disk, do not use a fork scraping plate at the end, not to eat with your fingers help solve the problem should be based on small piece of bread or a fork help solve the problem food. When to use a fork to eat pasta noodles rolled up first, and then into the mouth.

5, Bai Cheng small pieces of bread into the mouth in general, not holding a block of bread bite. Butter and jam when you have small front of his first bread Baicheng.

6, chicken, the Europe and the United States many people for your chicken breast meat. Force to eat chicken bones should be removed first, do not hold hands to eat. Do not fish when the fish stood up to the top after eating the fish bones with knife and fork to eat lower meat after shaving, it is necessary to eat a piece of cutting the block can not be cut too large, or once the meat is cut into pieces .

7, drink coffee, if they wish to add milk or sugar, add a teaspoon to use after mixing evenly, the teaspoon of coffee saucers placed on. Drink cup to be right hand, left hand side, saucers, direct mouth to drink, do not use teaspoon to scoop a spoonful with a spoonful of drink. Eat fruit, do not hold the whole fruit, bite, they should first cut into four with a fruit knife with a knife and then remove the skin, core, using a fork to eat Chazhe.

8, a bone with the knife and fork to eat the meat of the meat has bones, you can hold hands to eat. If you want to eat more elegant, or a good knife. The whole piece of meat with a fork fixed (can be a fork facing up, suppressed the meat with a fork back), and then inserting a knife along the bone, the meat cut. The best eating is cutting edge. Must be hand to eat, we will attach a hand-washing water. When the wash water and the meat along with bones came, when the means, Please hand to eat. Take something to eat with your fingers, will be mounted on a finger bowl of water wash hands. To eat vegetables in general, if you put your fingers dirty, but also could be invited to the waiter-side water to wash your hands, pay attention to when gently wash hands.

9, bread can be dipped in sauce to eat with no sauce left, is courtesy of chef. Be careful not to put bread plate licking very clean, but rather use a fork fork to live has been torn to small pieces of bread, then dip in sauce to eat a little, is the practice of decency.

very particular about what to eat Western food, and this is only one small part of the other but also you have lot of research ah

Western must comply with the rules
Western generally refers to Western Europe dishes in some countries, it is multi-purpose chicken, shrimp, beef, potato-based material system to do so, pay attention to juice raw materials, pay attention to nutritional health. Western cuisine first, the soup, after the main course, and then the dessert fruit, the staple food is bread.
to eat Western food must comply with the following rules and regulations, otherwise they will be perceived as uncivilized, rude, Buwen Ya.
1. Should not be loud when the urge to eat vegetables urge somebody to drink, not smoke (except when drinking coffee).
2. Shall not be left half-way.
3. Soup when you can not be issued Xichuo sound, use the spoon to your mouth from Sheng.
4. Fish should shut up and chew slowly, to avoid the sound.
5. Take food, the cutlery and plates can not have a crash.
6. Chicken, chicken should not be picked up by hand and eat with knife and fork should Tiqu the bones and then use the knife and fork feeding
7. Using both knife and fork should be a knife in the right, fork on the left.
8. Hiccup is a meal in the taboo, can not help but use the napkin or handkerchief when you cover your mouth and say anything as small as possible.
9. Application of knife and fork when eating noodles rolled up to eat, can not pick to eat.
10. Fruit skin, bone and other miscellaneous spit into the water first, and then into the toast dish, not directly spit in the plate.
11. Gracefully utensils should not be any mobile.
12. After eating, to a knife resting on the fork above, to show that fresh graduates.

how to eat Western food?

Sanbrina (text)
Don t blow upon.
usually something we eat, if you find food too hot, often mouth blow it cool, this is not surprising. However, if the taste for Western food, I might have to be careful, there is a taste for Western food in manners rule is:
Do not blow over (upon) your food to cool it. (Do not blow about looking for food.)
Western reason why there This rule mainly refer to blow like an ugly mouth, it erred on etiquette.
there a rule is:
Do not gesticulate with a knife or fork when talking. (meals, when to speak and not hand-held knife or fork indicative.)
Westerners believe that surgery or moving fork, less civilized.
Economic Journal, there is still a story, one to eat lunch, the waiter brought three kinds of fruit platter, there was a woman eat fruit out fork to fork in a variety of fruits, but also quite proud, but I do not know the rules according to the West This is the gaffe move. The West, said:
Do not load up your fork with food.
Western manners, we should note that there are still many, for example:
Do not sit down in an untidy state at the table. (When seated at the table next to the phase should pay attention to sit .)
Do not pick up your bread with your fork. fork may be feeding, but not to take bread. Western of the knife used to cut meat category, fish and another fish knife.
Do not reach across the table for anything. (not Shenzhangshoubi take a more distant things.)
Do not tuck your napkin in your collar. (Do not plug in the collar in the napkin.) plug in the collar in the napkin hanging down, blocking in the chest, is feeding the 宝宝 when the appearance of naturally difficult for the board something presentable and acceptable.
Well, there are many rules do eat Western food. However, after all, our own Chinese people the chance to eat authentic Western food too little bar on the right when learning English.

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