外商急购家畜干饲料生产设备及原料-乌兹别克- Windows Live


乌兹别克商人ANWAR ABDUHALIKOV求购家畜干饲料生产设备及原料,设备功率为50-150千克/时,其原邮件等如下:
  Тел: (+99871) 2841-50-40
  联系人: Исанова Саодат Муратбековна
  Анвар Абдухаликов

Thank you so much for your letter. We would like to send our offer and we will wait for your answer.
We have contacted with Ukraine company "Ekko" : website:
and we need the same equipment , not same but in this direction . The price of this company's equipment isn't acceptable for us (too high).
We need two type of equipment:
1. for manufactures of dry feed
2. for manufactures of meat-bone meal as the main raw material.

Best regards,

Dear Jim,

Let me express my respect, and apply with mutual beneficial offer.
At first, I would like introduce by myself. I am Uzbek businessman planning to organize company for manufacture of dry feed for home animals (cats, dogs). Nowadays I carry out search of the equipment for dry feed manufacturing (for home animals).
I would appreciate it, if you give information under following questions:

1. List of the equipment
2. What material used as the basic raw material? We are more interested in meat-bone meal;

3. Can your company deliver additional equipment manufacturing meat-bone meal from waste products (meat, bone, bowels, skin, etc.) or mentioned equipment is included into the main equipment list?

2. Cost of the equipment, condition of payment

3. Capacity of the equipment. We are interested in the basic equipment with capacity from 50 up to 150 kg / h.

4. Premise’s requirement (utilities).

5. Which part of equipment we can buy in local market for reducing total cost of project?

6. Because of we are not so competent in recipes questions, we ask you to help as to recipes define

8. Will you give us equipment’s technical conditionals (specifications)?

9. Period of manufacturing and delivery.

We would appreciate it if you sent commercial offer to us.
Contact person is Saodat Isanova.
Tel-(+99871) 281-50-40
Sincerely yours,
Anvar Abduhalikov.






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