Overseas mining manganese ore 阿里巴巴gljwxkjxc的博客BLOG

     Now the overseas mining manganese ore universal situation is picks abandons the time superiorly, the choice number of degree 38 degrees above ores for the most important mining object, but I to the manganese ore opinion am: 38 degrees above ores are the fissure fillings generally, the peripheral ore majority is 25~35 between manganese ores. I with chatted in the overseas mining friend said that 30 degrees following manganese ores were using for to pave the way, let the human be somewhat surprised with were a pity. Is very difficult in the domestic manganese ore resources 30 degrees manganese ores to look, some place magnetic ore separator magnetism will have 30 degrees manganese ores not necessarily from now on. We when overseas mining manganese ore must waste not first has the potential raw ore. A manganese mine its number of degree has Gao Youdi, but mines highly time the ore, I thought that must first strip the low ore bedseam to seek for the main nerve ore, for does not create the waste financial resource ore resources, when mining should on several dozens deslimers (ore washer) escape 25~35 degree between personal status iron phosphorus low manganese ores the putty to pile in heaps cleanly in turn, although the eye prospect this personal status's ore causes your company not big profit, but it has the increment effect, the graduation magnetic separation will give your company to bring not the poor income! All ore resources have a process from high to low, the low ore will sooner or later have its value!

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