没胃口,有懒。 那就学学这道简单的黄瓜沙拉作为晚餐吧~
苹果醋(Apple cider)的好处,研究证实,饮用果醋会给身体健康带来很多好处。易感冒者,晨起喝“醋”,能提高机体xxx:冬天果汁醋加热喝,效果更好;上班族下午3点喝果醋能够xx疲劳;夜晚油脂分泌最旺盛,临睡前喝果汁醋美容,还可以xx,但是喝完一定要刷牙;饮酒前饮用果汁醋,可促进酒精迅速排出。 0 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.width;}}" src="http://growblackhair.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/apple-cider-vinegar-heinz.jpg">
Cucumbers can vary in their level of bitterness. Usually the older the more bitter, and the seeds are often more bitter than the flesh. Once you cut into a cucumber, taste it. If bitter, scrape or cut away the seeds. You might also want to soak the chopped cucumber in salt water to help offset the bitterness. The cucumbers we get are usually fine as is, but I have had some bitter ones. With regards to peeling, we almost always peel our cucumbers, but there are some varieties with thin, mild peels that you don't need to peel. Taste first if there is a question.
*To chop the basil, chiffonade it by stacking the leaves on top of each other, rolling them up like a cigar, and taking thin slices from one end to the other.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, toss to coat. Serve immediately, or make ahead (up to a couple of hours) and chill.
Serves 2-40 && image.height>0){if(image.width>=700){this.width=700;this.height=image.height*700/image.width;}}" src="http://simplyrecipes.com/photos/cucumber-salad-a.jpg">