
        一、OEM内容OEM Products

1.人体香水:自创研发香型或国际xxxx香型,并跟据客户要求给产品风格打造个性化包装形象。Body perfumes: Perfumes that are researched, mixed and developed by our professional team, or in conjunction with worldwide famous brands, design of special packaging upon the client’s requirements and in accordance with the style and requirements of the product.

2.汽车、家居及环境香水:与世界同类产品技术同步,在保持产品潮流优势的同时兼顾东方审美趣味,突出市场竞争力。Car, home and outdoor perfumes: We apply the same technology in production with international standards and strive to keep the product’s popularity as well as the different tastes of both the East and West and seek to give prominence to competitiveness in the market.  

3.香膏:公司除加工传统香水剂型外,近年又新开发出香膏、香纸片等固体香薰产品,{zd0}程度的满足市场需求。Note: Balm: Apart from traditional perfumes, in recent years, our company has also been developing new solid aromatic products, such as balm and fragrant slip, etc., in order to met and extend market demand.    

 二、OEM加工方式 OEM Business Formats

1、我公司负责生产客户指定香型香水产品,并按客户要求设计与制作包装材料,并完成产品灌装生产。 Our company holds all the responsibilities to mix and design the designated products in line with the request of the client, as well as design and production of the packaging materials in accordance with client requirements and finally, responsibility for bottling and production of the final product.

 2、我公司负责生产客户指定香型香水产品,由客户自行完成包装材料的设计及制作,让我公司代为灌装。Our company holds all the responsibilities to mix and design the designated products in line with the request of the client.  The client is responsible for design and production of the packaging and our company will be responsible for bottling and production of the final product.

3、我公司负责生产客户指定香型香水产品,由客户自行完成产品灌装及外包装工序。Our company is responsible for design and mixing of the products in line with the request of the client and the client is responsible for design and production of the packaging as well as the bottling and production of the final product.

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