占领中俄木材家具佛山市金东北走廊的“木材” « oursolo.net



佛山传媒集团今年度的”航行珠江,走进东北“,为媒体企业从”中国家具商业的活动互动论坛人生“ -乐从家具协会何深入牛牡丹江,黑龙江省研究沿家具行业的资源,这里的木材资源,市场,运输和全面的了解其他方面。



Occupation of the Sino-Russian timber Foshan Golden Furniture For the Northeast Corridor a “timber”

“Businessmen such as migratory birds, like along the direction of the market choose the most conducive to enterprise development and the survival of the region to invest and build factories, China’s wood furniture industry is also true of business. Forced the domestic industry increased competition, raw material shortages, rising costs, foreign markets snatch intense reality of trade barriers such as heavy pressure, the South wood enterprises in general such as migratory birds are migrating, looking for the development of habitat in southern China furniture industry has been the focus of northward trend. “

the media to promote interaction between the two industries

Foshan Media Group with this year’s “Sailing the Pearl River, walked into the Northeast,” an interactive forum for the activities of media enterprises, from “China Furniture Business of Life” - music from the Furniture Association, Mr Ho-depth study of bovine Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province along the furniture industry resources, here’s timber resources, markets, transportation and other aspects of a comprehensive understanding.

Journalist told him excitedly, Heilongjiang Dongning because of their unique geographical location, abundant timber resources, excellent supporting industries and relaxed environment for the development and many other advantages, will become China’s furniture industry as a northward important foothold. With wooden floor, Shunde nature first set up production bases in Mudanjiang, more and more enterprises will Foshan furniture look a piece of furniture industry development in the northeast of the land.

Today, Mudanjiang City, the first group arrived in Foshan, as a friendly visit two cities, and groups take part in 2007 China (Shunde) International wood, wood-based panel and veneer industry exhibition, furniture industry sales to Foshan Northeast a large number of fine timber, open the Foshan, northeast interactive furniture industry’s new prelude. (07-12-10)

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