2010南非世界杯主题曲“Wavin' Flag”旗帜飞扬_无心无滞_新浪博客

xx:K'naan    索马里裔加拿大人

K'naan 出生在局势动荡的索马里,在首都摩加迪沙度过了他的童年。他的名字 Keinan 在索马里语中是“旅行者”的意思。1991 年索马里内战爆发,13岁的 K'naan 随家人移居加拿大。虽然身处异乡,K'naan 仍心系祖国,他创作的许多歌曲都与索马里的局势相关。

Wavin' Flag 的原始版本带有浓郁的非洲气息,表达了对这片充满战火、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。相较之下,原版更为深情,表达了对美好生活充满向往和希望。

Wavin' Flag (飘扬的旗帜) 原本是加拿大xx K'naan 的专辑 Troubadour (游吟诗人) 中的一首歌,用作世界杯主题曲的版本经过重新填词、编曲,由南非世界杯赞助商可口可乐公司推荐作为世界杯主题曲之一。相比原始版本,世界杯版的歌词更简短,更加朗朗上口,并且加入了热烈的欢呼和更多的鼓声,更让人感受到非洲的热情。

K'naan - Wavin' Flag
(Anthem for World Cup 2010 in South Africa)

Give me freedom; give me fire; give me reason; take me higher
See the champions take the field now.
Unify us; make us feel proud
In the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition.
Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around us
Staying forever young, singing songs underneath the sun
Let's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day.
We all say
When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag
When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag
So wave your flag. Now wave your flag......
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh.....

 Give you freedom; give you fire; give you reason; take you higher
See the champions take the field now.
Unify us; make us feel proud
In the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition.
Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around us
Staying forever young, singing songs underneath the sun
Let's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day.
We all say
When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag
When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag
So wave your flag. Now wave your flag......
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh......
We all say
When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flag
When I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flag
So wave your flag. Now wave your flag......
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh......
And everybody will be singing it.Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh...
And we all will be singing it.



















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