What is the food pyramid? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

What is the food pyramid?

eating need to diversify, balance and adequate. The amount of various types of food to eat each day can be expressed through the food pyramid, food pyramid in the area to be occupied in the greater food intake, said more. Need for a balanced diet and habit persistence in time of peace before we can have a significant role in promoting health.

Chinese Nutrition Society pointed out that the food pyramid recommended per person per day suitable for various types of food intake is extended to the general health of adults, application should be based on individual age, sex, height, weight, labor intensity, season, etc. do adjusted appropriately.

spire is rich in fat, sugar and sweet foods, diabetic patients eat less.

second layer of food legumes, meat, eggs and dairy products, rich in protein, can be more appropriate to eat such food, but to remind ourselves that this is not the main menu.

near the bottom of the food pyramid of vegetables and fruits, as well as the bottom of the wheat, cereals and bread, diabetes patients should be the major food intake. These foods are rich in nutrients, the body can be easily used to provide energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals, but also more than the food pyramid at the top of the food categories that contain a low heat.


类别: 餐饮食品







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