印度打进世界杯只需五步走- TA小王子的日志- 网易博客

印度打进世界杯 只需五步走

2010-06-17 23:10:02 阅读21 评论0 字号:

非世界杯激战正酣,印度再一次作壁上观。早在1950年 巴西世界杯,一个不小心,我们进入决赛圈。我们决定不去。为什么?那得看你听到的是哪个版本的故事了。一方面,如果去了,我们就得光着脚踢球,可是国际足 联是不会让我们这么干的。另一方面,我们也没有足够的时间和金钱来练习把我们的球队送到巴西参加比赛。不管什么原因,我们失去了{wy}的机会参加世界上最伟 大的赛事之一。

在上个世纪50年代,印 度确实是亚洲足球强国。我们得过亚洲杯{gj},并且在1960年的墨尔本奥运会上拿到第四名。不过,从那以后,印度的足球水平就一落千丈,足球地位也从天堂 跌到了地狱。

印度人就这么度过了如金沉默般的半个世纪。下跌时间长了,就该反弹。我们有足够的反弹潜力。高盛公司在5月份公布的一份名为 “2010年世界杯和世界经济“的报告中就是这么说的。报告说,在这场游戏中,中国、美国和印度拥有最多的发展机会。

哎,潜力是一回事。 我们实在没有理由期待我们的球队能出现在下两届世界杯的赛场上。

这么怀疑不是没有根据的,罗列出来的理由都很寻常:板球是印度运动王国里 的国王、皇后和皇太子;印度足协没有信心;印度没有花足够的钱来支持足球运动员。但是,朝鲜也没有钱,一些非洲国家的足球协会也绝非效率和诚信的典范,在 澳大利亚和新西兰,足球不过是二三流的运动。可澳大利亚、新西兰、朝鲜和那些非洲国家现在却都在南非享受足球盛宴。

因此,与其花心思去想 为什么我们进不了世界杯,不如动动脑筋,来想想我们怎么才能参与其中。

解决的方法很简单,只要五个步骤就能找到如稀世珍宝的11名球员, 为印度赢得世界杯的入场券。

{dy}步,让阿迪达斯或者耐克或者彪马在印度全国范围内捐赠 一百万个足球,使得印度每个村庄每个城市都有一个足球。让这些公司每年都捐,连续捐10年。这样,足球就会变成{zpy}的运动项目。一个足球,一片草地甚至 泥地就能踢一场比赛。这些体育用品公司的成本费用最多也就1,000万美金。

第二步,让百事或者可口可乐在全国范围内分发这些球。既然他 们能把可乐销往全国各地,他们也一定有办法把足球分发到全国各地。

第三步,让Airtel公司、Reliance集团、诺基亚和三星等赞 助一场视频大赛。能够拍出球员展现{zy}美足球技巧的前11名胜出。视频拍摄者将得到一个新相机当奖品,而获奖的球员则有机会入选一个为期四周的足球训练 营。

第四步,让印度板球管理委员会举办一个为期一个月的足球训练营。印度板球管理委员会有资源组织训练营,有能力评估球员,并从中挑选出 {zh0}的。


在印度,各个村庄有足够的场地和年轻瘦长的双腿来培养出下一个贝利或 者米亚?哈姆(Mia Hamm)。到村庄上去走走,你会看到年轻的小伙子们每天都跑跑走走数英里,你会看到年轻的姑娘们能头顶罐子,保持平衡走很长一段路。只要这些孩子一有时 间,就让他们练习踢球、传球、带球或头顶球。

如此一来,在印度商界的帮助下,这11名球员将逐渐成长,并最终把印度带入世界杯。不管是穿 着鞋,还是光着脚,印度将在世界杯中赢得一席之地。希望很快就能实现。

Prashant Agrawal

(本 文作者Prashant Agrawal是总部在孟买的Indipepal.com公司首席执行长。)
The World Cup has begun and India will not be playing, again. We qualified, by default, in 1950. We decided not to go. Depending on which version of history you subscribe to, India didn't go because we either played barefoot and FIFA wouldn't let us play barefoot or we didn't have enough money or time to practice to send our team to Brazil for the World Cup. It doesn't matter what the reason was, we lost our only chance to play in one of the world's greatest team sporting event.

Yet, in the 1950s, India did manage to become the football powerhouse of Asia. We won the Asia Cup and finished fourth at the Melbourne Olympics in 1960. Since then, though, Indian football has dropped off the face of the earth.

It's been a golden half-century of silence. There is an upside to having fallen so far down; we have a lot of upside potential. Goldman Sachs said so in a May report called 'The World Cup and Economics 2010.' It said: 'China, USA and India offer the greatest growth opportunities for the game.'

Alas, potential is one thing. We have little reason to expect we will make it to the next two World Cups.

There is the usual list of suspects as to why India won't be there: Cricket is the King, Queen and Crown Prince of Sport; the All Indian Football Federation isn't confidence-inspiring; India doesn't spend enough money to support its football players. But North Korea is poor, some African football federations are hardly paragons of efficiency or honesty and football is a distant second or third-tier sport in Australia and New Zealand. But Australia, New Zealand, North Korea and several African nations are all in South Africa.

So rather than focusing on why we don't make it, it's time to focus on how we can make it.

There is a simple five-step solution to finding the elusive 11 Indian footballers who will get India an entry ticket to the World Cup.

Step One: Have Adidas or Nike or Puma donate a million footballs across India - a football for every village and city in India. Have them repeat this each year for the next decade. Football is the cheapest game to play. All it takes is a football and a field of grass or dirt. Cost to the sporting good companies: $10 million at most.

Step Two: Have Pepsi or Coke distribute the balls across India. If they can get soda across the country, they can get footballs across the country, too.

Step Three: Have Airtel, Reliance, Nokia and Samsung sponsor a video contest. The top 11 videos of players performing the best football tricks win. The video winner gets a new camera and the winning player gets a chance to attend a four-week football camp.

Step Four: Have the Board of Control for Cricket in India sponsor a month-long football training camp. The BCCI has the resources to fund a camp, evaluate new talent and then promote the best of the lot.

Step Five: Repeat each year for a decade.

Indian villages have the fields and the lanky, young legs to develop the next Pele or Mia Hamm. Walk across our villages and you will see young boys walking and running miles a day, you will see young girls balance heavy pots for long stretches. Let these kids kick, dribble, balance, and head a football in what little free time they have.

Surely, 11 Indians with the support of corporate India will emerge with the talent to take India to the World Cup. Sneakers or barefoot, India should earn a place at FIFA's top table - hopefully soon.

Prashant Agrawal

(Prashant Agrawal is CEO of Indipepal.com, based in Mumbai.)
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