Would like to travel two or three days, where better? « China tour ...

I was in Tianjin, the recent special heart trouble, I would like to go out散散心. 23 days time, I do not know where good, recommend places to help me?

personal recommendation: I am upset when not familiar with in a busy place but a trance, I have once before been in Tiananmen Square in Beijing for one night. In fact, I know where the important unimportant is happy to forget the troubles ………….

ad: do not look to see, by the people entrusted affairs Zhong hot ……….
08 years The summer just around the corner, where you vacation tourism? Maybe you are now, where is the intolerable heat of summer it may be a summer resort Beidaihe holy river of南戴河, today only 22 ℃. The following is a section of text I copied Perhaps you have seen, perhaps the first time you look at, but I believe that after you read the following text must come here and feel it ……..
(南戴河a total area of 20 square kilometers, with the famous Beidaihe is separated by a river and a bridge is developed in recent years off-treatment and tourist destination, under the jurisdiction of Qinhuangdao City抚宁县. here’s waterfront, sand soft tidal flat, wide beaches Shuiqing, tidal stability, clean air cool , a unique beach, a large number of tourists has been praised as “the best in the world bath.” shore, the forest green, tree-Yam, You hide the meantime, the summer such as the spring. it has the ocean, beach, air, sunlight, Green in today’s world of five elements of coastal tourism is the bathing, sunbathing, sand baths, air bath of the best natural places.
南戴河waters, is located in the north temperate zone, has a marine climate, so affordable and dry all year round clear, but no winter cold, summer without heat. The annual mean temperature was 10 ℃. summer maximum temperature of 35 ℃, the temperature throughout the year but not more than seven days. the hottest average temperature of 7-8 month 23 ℃ , the height of summer season, hot Hard, here is the sea breeze, cool and pleasant, very good for human health.
from wearing the mouth of the east, west Laohekou, 17.5 kilometers coastline南戴河. shore sand 100-250 m wide, spacious magnanimous , such as yellow gold, named Sands. it soft as a carpet, soft like cotton, the level distance, like golden waves. and that the waves washed away tens of millions of years the size of the Sands, extremely uniform, for the 20-80 head, buried depth of 26-30 meters, with the rate of less than 2% soil, sand up to a maximum temperature 38 ℃, the summer average of 31 ℃. When you are bathing, the beach, rolling in a number of rolling, or supine, or prone position on the sand , the great comfortable, fatigue顿消. Every spring, the beach promenade南戴河managers, but also to the beach with fine sand sieve sieve again, will be the first year of screening visitors dropped out of the debris, to clean up the beach sand.)
after reading feel? But this year a special case南戴河are some road dust return to truthfully pyronaridine,南戴河last year, is said to be unprecedented in the Changli南戴河gold the coast 12 kilometers of the coastal highway leading provinces have blocked traffic jam for half an hour along the 12 kilometers in the traffic jam. that I have long seen the team, I did not expect there will be traffic jam南戴河little time .南戴河However, in the Center section of the road has been opened in the summer before. you need not worry over the summer if (*^__^*)
following are questions I would argue that the travel and accommodation. Tourist can enjoy it low-priced ticket (is what I get from the students travel tickets, the price will be slightly lower number. Hush ~ ~ ~ Most people, I do not tell him). Another is the accommodation and resort-style garden apartment碧海嘉and prosperity in self-help family hotel.
* *碧海嘉Park Apartments for vacation, away from the beach 10 minutes walk from public beach (public beach the beach is not the money).南戴河resort is located, the environment good, clean, quiet, very comfortable. here referring to the next resort area and the difference between living areas,南戴河resort is the way forward for the resort area south of the South this is the direction towards the sea, gathered mainly in the major units of the nursing home. there is no crowd noise. Hotel Landmark with inter-type, a double bed, bedside cabinets, drinking fountains, water heaters, air-conditioning, color TV. not hostels hotel, but equipped to serve in place. However, the average price over the same period of relatively inexpensive hotels.
* rich and powerful family in the hotel * In fact, is my home, all the year round from their parents, the house is uninhabited, have been renovated,两室两厅, each room is equipped with double beds, no air conditioning but a fan, in fact, loaded in air-conditioned南戴河not many people because there is no need, it is cool. have solar water heaters. the so-called self-help, that is, able to cook, and do not have to eat outside, but also to buy their own processing of fresh seafood. themselves to buy a very cheap seafood Oh . the more suitable for your family for more than four people come to play, also lived here for 10 days half a month. If fewer short-term, it is located here, although the living quarters, more noisy, but convenient, cheap price .
In addition, I was a sales staff, ready to baby at home unemployed.南戴河property for more familiar with, but also studied tourism, if there is any need to consult me, very willing to serve you!
if南戴河you want to play well, please contact me!
If you want to eat well南戴河, please contact me!
If you want to live in good南戴河, please contact me!
If you want to wear in the South River to buy a house, please contact me!
Contact: QQ: 283594379
phone: 13933686572
fixed telephone :0335-7972291

a bad mood, it is necessary to find reasons, to find a strange place is a good idea散散心out;
can go to Dalian, to the seaside to see the wide ocean will let you start to feel Shu;
also can come to Shenzhen, while the sea here than in Dalian almost can not that bad, the key is also beauty here,养眼ah! can also

Shenzhen Overseas International Travel Service www.lvyou808.com above to see, and it does not fit, there are the Hong Kong tourism, domestic travel, overseas travel, where to go can be2008-06-04


08年 酷热的夏天即将到来,您将去哪里度假旅游呢?也许您那里现在已经是酷暑难耐了吧,可与避暑圣地北戴河一河之隔的南戴河,今天才22℃.下面是我抄袭的一段文字,也许您看过,也许您{dy}次看,不过我相信您看过以下文字以后一定想来这里感受一下……..
* 碧海嘉园*为度假式公寓,距海边公共浴场步行10分钟(公共浴场就是不要钱的浴场).地处南戴河度假区,环境极好,干净,安静,非常舒适.这里要说下度假区和生活区的区别,度假区就是南戴河前进路以南为度假区,这个南呢就是朝海的方向,聚集的主要是各大单位的疗养院.所以没有嘈杂的人群.宾馆标间式配备,有双人床,床头柜,饮水机,热水器,空调,彩电.虽非旅馆酒店,但是配备齐全,服务到位.但平均价格比同时期旅店相对便宜.
*富强里家庭旅馆* 其实就是我的家,因父母常年在外,房子无人居住,都已装修,两室两厅,每室配有双人床,无空调但有电扇,其实在南戴河装空调的人家并不多,因为根本就用不着,很凉快的.有太阳能热水器.所谓自助呢,就是可以自己做饭,而不用一直在外面吃,而且可以自己买新鲜的海鲜自己加工.自己买的海鲜很便宜的哦.这个比较适合您一家人四口以上人过来玩,也比较适合想在这里住个十天半拉月的.如果短期人少呢,这里虽然地处生活区,比较嘈杂,但生活方便,价位便宜.
联系方式:QQ: 283594379


还可以到深圳市海外国际旅行社 www.lvyou808.com上面去看看,又没有合适的,里面有香港旅游、国内游、海外游,想去哪儿都可以2008-06-04

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