谁需要投保产品责任保险? - 船舶保险报价中心13005468644 ...
谁需要投保产品责任保险? [原创 2010-06-17 21:46:33]   



1 服饰 Wearing Apparels
2 帽子 Hats & Caps
3 雨衣 Raincoat
4 锁 Locks
5 人造花卉 Artificial Flowers
6 手套(不包括防护手套和医用手套) Gloves Excluding Protective and Medical
7 珠宝 Jewelry
8 钥匙链 Key Chain
9 相框 Photo Frames
10 雨伞 Umbrella
11 文具用品 Stationery
12 包/皮夹/手袋 Bags/Wallets/Handbags
13 头饰 Hair Accessories
14 浴室设备/卧室家具 Bath/Bed Room Furnishing
15 行李 Luggage
16 皮具 Leather Goods
17 香水 Fragrance
18 地板 Floor Covering
19 地毯、门垫 Rugs, Door Mats
20 照相机、数码相机、可携式摄像机 Cameras, Digital Cameras, Camcorder
21 CD机、DVD机、录像机等 CD's, DVD's, Videos etc
22 鞋(不包括工业用鞋、防护型鞋和带轮子的鞋) Footwear (excluding Industrial, Protective and Footwear with Wheels)
23 电话(不包括手机) Telephone (excluding Cellular Phones)
24 钟 Clocks
25 表 Watches
26 圣诞装饰物和长袜 Christmas Decoration & Stocking
27 工艺品 Crafts
28 家用装饰物 Household Decorative Items
29 瓷器 Porcelain
30 篮子 Baskets
31 玻璃制品、碗碟类的餐具、刀叉匙类的餐具 Glassware, Tableware, Cutlery
32 食物 Food Items
33 计算机及附件(包括打印机和扫描仪) Computer & Accessories including Printers and Scanners
34 厨具 Kitchen Utensils
35 烹饪用具(带电的和不带电的) Cookware (Elelctrical & Non-Electrical)
36 球和球类运动 Ball and Ball Games
37 钓鱼用具 Fishing Equipment
38 家用器皿(带电的和不带电的) Houseware (electrical & non-electrical)
39 宠物用品(不包括宠物食品) Pet Supplies (excluding Pet Food)
40 桌球 Table Games
41 瓶装罐装饮料包括酒类(不包括保健品和xx) Drinks in Bottles or Cans including Alcohol (excluding health goods or pharmaceutical)
42 体外用医疗设备/装置 Invasive Medical devices (external use)
43 灯罩 Lampshades
44 清洁剂(仅家用型) Detergents (for household use only)
45 照明器材(不包括射灯/卤灯) Lighting Fixtures (excluding Halogen Lights)
46 派对用具 Party Toys
47 望远镜 Binocular
48 吸尘器 Vacuum Cleaners
49 太阳镜 Sun Glasses
50 鸟食器 Bird Feeder
51 浴室用具 Bathroom Fixtures
52 园艺及附件(不包括带电的) Horticulture & Accessories (excluding electrical)
53 传真机 Fax Machine
54 手用工具和花园用的工具(不包括电动工具) Hand Tools and garden tools (excluding Power Tools)
55 硬盘及移动硬盘 Hardware , Pot Hanging Racks
56 电池(包括充电电池) Batteries (including rechargeable)
57 办公室自动设备 Office Automation Equipment
58 帆布 Tarpaulins
59 蜡烛和烛台 Candles & Candle Receptacles
60 半导体及其零部件 Semiconductor and components
61 缝纫机 Sewing Machines
62 热水壶/热水瓶 Hot Water Bottles/Vacuum Flasks
63 家用电器(包括电风扇、加热器、加湿器、干燥器、电冰箱) Household Appliances (electrical, including Fans, Heaters, Humidifiers, dehumidifiers, Refrigerators
64 家用电器(包括电视机、CD/DVD/录像机、卡拉OK设备、家庭影院、镭射唱机、MP3等) Household/Consumer Electronics (including TVs, DVD Players, Audio/Vedio products, Karaoke Systems, Home Theaters, Radios, CD Players, MP3 Players, etc.)
65 厨房器具(包括高压锅、电饭煲、咖啡机、煎锅、榨汁器等) Cooking Appliances (electrical, including Pressure Cookers, Rice Cookers, Coffee makers, Deep Fryers, Juicers, etc.)
66 洗护用品(非医用及内用)包括化妆品 Personal Care Products (non-pharmaceutical and non-invasive) including Cosmetics
67 寝室用品(亚麻布、毛巾、桌布、窗帘、被单和枕套、被子等) White Goods (Linen, Towels, Tablecloth, Fabric Curtain, Bed Linen, Quilts, etc.)
68 玩具(不包括自行车、滑板、飞镖、投掷类、发射玩具、帐篷、儿童游戏屋、游泳用品、救生用品、水上用品 单脚滑行车、气球、溜溜球、玩具高跟鞋、高跷、溜冰鞋) Toys (excluding Bicycles, Skateboards, Ride-On/In Toys, Dart Set, Guns, Pistols, Projectile Toys, Tents, Playhouses, Swimming Accessories, Life-Saving Equipment, Water Amusement Equipment, Scooter, Balloons, Yo-Yos, Playshoes, Pogo-stick, Roller-skates)
 Ride-On/In Toys, Dart Set, Guns, Pistols, Projectile Toys, Playhouses, Water Amusement Equipment, Pogo-stick 儿童用车,飞镖,飞射性玩具,儿童玩具屋,水上娱乐器具,弹簧单高跷
 Christmas Light Set 圣诞灯具
 Amusement Rides 游乐园用机械游乐设备
 Watercraft 水上器械
 Tank Building or manufacturing – Pressurized 高压罐及桶
 Sporting goods & athletic Equipment – Protective Equip.健身器具 ,设备---- 保护设备
 Folding Furniture, Ladder, Rocking Chair, Bunk Bed 折叠家具,梯子,摇椅,双层床
 Heavy Machinery (including elevators, crane, hoist, escalators) 重型设备(包括电梯,起重机,吊车,自动扶梯)
 Industrial detergents and industrial cleaning agents 工业用清洗剂或工业用净化剂
 Over-the-counter drugs 非xx药品
 Chemical manufacturing including Paint, varnishes, Surface coatings, Lacquers, enamels & allied products 化学品包括涂料,油漆,表面光漆,釉漆,陶瓷及相关产品
 Fire Extinguishers & Suppression Systems 灭火器及灭火系统
 Forklifts 铲车及升降机
 Furnaces – GAS 燃气锅炉
 Machinery Equipment – Mining 采矿用机械设备
 Mobile Home or Trailer, Motor Home or Recreational Vehicle 活动房屋及拖车
 Playground Equipment 运动场设备
 Inflatable Swimming Pools & Accessories 吹气游泳池及相关产品
 Gas Valves 燃气阀门
 Veterinary – Pharmaceutical/Medicines for animal use 动物用医药
 Asbestos and asbestos contained Products 石棉及含石棉的产品
 Automobile including critical operating parts (i.e. brakes, steering & safety equipment, etc.) exported to USA/Canada/Europe/Australia/New Zealand 出口到北美/加拿大/欧洲/澳洲/新西兰的 汽车包括关键性操作部件(如刹车板,方向盘及安全装置等)
 Aircraft and Aerial Devices manufacturing( including parts with flying capability) 航空,航天器械(包括任何与飞行有关的部件)
 Cigarette and Tobacco Products 烟草产品
 Bicycles including critical parts exported to USA/Canada/Europe/Australia/New Zealand出口到北美/加拿大/欧洲/澳洲/新西兰的自行车(包括关键零部件)
 Motorcycle, motor scooter, motorbikes (including critical component parts) exported to USA/Canada/Europe/Australia/New Zealand出口到北美/加拿大/欧洲/澳洲/新西兰的摩托车,电动滑板车,电动自行车(包括关键零部件)
 Child Restraint Devices for Use in automobiles 车用儿童控制安全器械(如儿童座椅)
 Explosives (including ammunition, fuses, fireworks, cartridges, powder, nitrogen or any explosives) 爆炸物品(包括导火线,鞭炮烟花,火药,氮及其他易爆物)
 Firearms and weapons 军需品及武器
 Prescription Pharmaceutical Products 需医生xx的医药产品
 Permanent implantable (Invasive) Medical Devices {yj}性植入人体内的医疗器械
 Protective safety body equipment (vest, masks etc) xx器具(如防护衣,面具等)
 Chemicals/Petrochemicals of an explosive, toxic or noxious nature 含有易爆,有毒,有害物质的化学品及石化产品
 Insecticides, Pesticides, Fertilizers, Herbicides, Fungicides and/or agrochemicals 农药,杀虫剂,化肥,除草剂,xx剂及农用化学制品
 Animal Feeds with Chemical Additives 掺有化学成分的动物食品
 Latex Products – Gloves, Condoms 橡胶制品(如手套,避孕套)
 Tyres or Inner Rubes 轮胎及内胎
 Scooters, Skateboards and Roller Skates 滑板,滑板车及轮滑鞋


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