[招聘] 2008恒生银行管理培训生校园招聘- 信用卡资讯- adroits - 和讯博客
[招聘] 2008恒生银行管理培训生校园招聘 [转贴 2010-06-17 08:29:47]   
[招聘] 2008恒生银行管理培训生校园招聘

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来自   hangseng

Hang Seng Bank is a world-class financial institution and one of Hong Kong’s largest listed companies in terms of market capitalisation. In keeping with our name, which means "ever-growing" in Chinese, we are growing alongside our customers.

Our vision is to increase shareholder value by strengthening our position as a leading financial institution in Greater China, focusing particularly on Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Economic Rim regions.

Training Programme

Hang Seng China Management Trainee Programme is designed to groom PRC nationals who are university graduates to become leading bankers of tomorrow to support Hang Seng China's diversified business development.

Three streams of specialisation are incorporated in the Programme:
Corporate and Commercial Banking
Personal Financial Services
Branch Operations

The Programme involves training in Hong Kong as well as in mainland China, providing trainees with a valuable opportunity to gain exposure to an international banking and financial system. The Programme is divided into two stages:

Stage One
12 Months
In-house training courses on technical banking knowledge, product knowledge and management skills
On-the-job training in various departments
Assignment of work-based projects

Stage Two
Two to Three Years
Placement / Job attachment to consolidate knowledge acquired in the first year
Ongoing training and development in respective business streams

Career Path

The Programme provides a structured career path leading to a challenging and rewarding position. Upon successful completion of the Programme, you will take up an executive position in Hang Seng China on the Mainland.

Target Candidates

To become one of our valued Hang Seng China Management Trainees, you should possess:
An honours bachelor's degree or master's degree with a finance-related major
Strong self-motivation, with the ability to work independently and under pressure
Good communication, interpersonal and analytical skills
High proficiency in both English and Chinese


Rise to the challenge. Apply to the Hang Seng Management Trainee Programme today and together we will set the pace for banking excellence.

[Online Application]

Deadline for Application: 7 November 2007

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