15万居民停水9小时- 嘉德阀门- 嘉德阀门- 和讯博客
15万居民停水9小时 [转贴 2010-06-17 10:26:47]   

原文:150 000 residents without water 9 hours
Day morning, and county water supply hotline were members of the public off the hook because all of their taps are put not out of the water, and then someone from the Internet, the information that I learned that the county-wide City without water. County Water Authority 获悉 "big water cut is Engelhard water company Yangtze a pump 2 switch cabinet fire cause" the situation, immediately organized personnel access to post, to inform the public without water causes and repair 情况. The day is holiday time, the county government Web site staff rushed from home to rush unit, has sent an urgent notice: Engelhard water company a pump house suddenly burned down, resulting in water supply and is expected to at night to bottled water. Without water to the public inconvenience, please understand. It is understood that Engelhard water company is the UK one in and the county-owned enterprise in 1996 to the county investment, in 2000 the formal water supply, production capacity of daily supply 100,000 tons, is on the water supply 50,000 tons. Operating time of 20 years, has been in operation for 10 years. Day, reporters rushed to the enterprise, factory areas empty. Reporter linked to the corporate executives, the head of evasive to the county Water Authority. Later, in the county Water Affairs Bureau Xiashan Tang's leadership, the journalists arrived from the factory 6 km of the river a pumping station on fire scene. In the scene, the reporter saw, pump room 2 switch cabinet facilities and wires have all been burned, a messy, chest wall were burned black. According to reports, burned two switch cabinet is water soft-start part of all imported parts that are difficult to change that very difficult to repair.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:150 000 residents without water 9 hours



是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海嘉德阀门制造有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)


当日一大早,和县的供水热线被市民打爆了,因为他们的所有水龙头都放不出来水了,后来有人从网上看到信息,才知道是和县全城大停水。   该县水务局获悉“大停水是安格水务公司长江一级泵房两个开关柜着火导致”情况后,立即组织人员上网发帖,告知市民停水原因和抢修情况。当日正是放假时间,县政府网站工作人员火速从家里赶往单位,在网上发出紧急通知:安格水务公司一级泵房突然烧毁,造成停水,预计夜间可以送水。停水给广大市民带来不便,敬请谅解。   据了解,安格水务公司是英国一家在和县的独资企业,1996年来和县投资,2000年正式供水,生产能力日供水10万吨,现日供水5万吨。经营时间20年,已经营10年。   当日,记者赶到该企业,厂区内空无一人。记者联系到该企业负责人,该负责人推托到该县水务局。后来,在该县水务局局长夏善堂的带领下,记者赶到离该厂6公里的江边一级泵房着火现场。在现场,记者看见,泵房内两只开关柜内的设施和电线已全部烧焦,一片狼藉,柜子内壁被烧黑。   据介绍,被烧毁的两个开关柜是供水的软启动部分,全是进口零件,国内很难换到,十分难修。

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