In the past 10 years the property market experienced the longest ...

“Judging from the current situation, China’s real estate market will usher in at least the past 10 years the longest wait-and-see period, which is likely to continue to wait and see first half of this year. “21st century real estate, senior analyst on China’s economy Mengqi Times reporter said that since last October, the national real estate market into a wait-and-see posture collective, which has become a consensus. The strange thing is, apart from Shenzhen, Guangzhou housing ring than there is a clear trend, other cities in a rare occurrence in the Central than the decline.

According to the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Bureau of Statistics recently released survey data show that in April, 70 medium-sized cities nationwide housing sales price rose 10.1 percent, than the Central rose 0.2%.

Among them, new home sales prices rose 10.8 percent, than the Central rose 0.1%, or lower in March than the 0.2 percentage point; second-hand housing sales price rose 10.3 percent, than the Central rose 0.3%, or more than in March 0.3 percentage points.

Price Change from the embodiment of the ring than in terms of important data, regardless of new houses or second-hand housing, the national average house prices have not dropped, but a slight rise in second-hand housing and ring up higher than the new house.

data also showed that in April, Beijing, new houses and second-hand housing prices of 0.2 percentage points, the figures for Shanghai were 0.2 and 0.3 percentage points. Beijing and Shanghai, housing prices are rising than Central.

Shenzhen prices of new houses in April dropped 2.2 percent Central, or ranked first in the country. According to Shenzhen国土房管Bureau data, in January this year, Shenzhen’s residential average price of 15080.25 yuan / sq m, in March to 13,618.42 yuan / square meters, in April for 11,900 yuan / square meters, in April than in March than in Central dropped by about 13% drop is even more shocking.

Mengqi told reporters, although since April, especially in the holiday, Beijing appeared in a number of properties for sale discount phenomenon not seen for many years, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities are also discounted as a trend. However, statistical data shows that overall prices did not fall, but were still slightly up, indicating a discount, price is one of the few acts of the properties for sale, there is in fact a number of real estate prices, but volume is still behind the fell sharply.

“to the end of May, the property market has been going on this round of wait-and-see period of seven months. “Mengqi pointed out that such a nation-wide cycle time wait-and-see posture, at least since 1998, not seen since the housing reform. Prior to the wait-and-see time, usually after the introduction of control policies as well as two or three months of 2003 “SARS” when three or four months time.

“Judging from the current situation, China’s real estate market will usher in at least the past 10 years the longest wait-and-see period, which is likely to continue to wait and see first half of this year. “21st century real estate, senior analyst on China’s economy Mengqi Times reporter said that since last October, the national real estate market into a wait-and-see posture collective, which has become a consensus. The strange thing is, apart from Shenzhen, Guangzhou housing ring than there is a clear trend, other cities in a rare occurrence in the Central than the decline.

According to the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Bureau of Statistics recently released survey data show that in April, 70 medium-sized cities nationwide housing sales price rose 10.1 percent, than the Central rose 0.2%.

Among them, new home sales prices rose 10.8 percent, than the Central rose 0.1%, or lower in March than the 0.2 percentage point; second-hand housing sales price rose 10.3 percent, than the Central rose 0.3%, or more than in March 0.3 percentage points.

Price Change from the embodiment of the ring than in terms of important data, regardless of new houses or second-hand housing, the national average house prices have not dropped, but a slight rise in second-hand housing and ring up higher than the new house.

data also showed that in April, Beijing, new houses and second-hand housing prices of 0.2 percentage points, the figures for Shanghai were 0.2 and 0.3 percentage points. Beijing and Shanghai, housing prices are rising than Central.

Shenzhen prices of new houses in April dropped 2.2 percent Central, or ranked first in the country. According to Shenzhen国土房管Bureau data, in January this year, Shenzhen’s residential average price of 15080.25 yuan / sq m, in March to 13,618.42 yuan / square meters, in April for 11,900 yuan / square meters, in April than in March than in Central dropped by about 13% drop is even more shocking.

Mengqi told reporters, although since April, especially in the holiday, Beijing appeared in a number of properties for sale discount phenomenon not seen for many years, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities are also discounted as a trend. However, statistical data shows that overall prices did not fall, but were still slightly up, indicating a discount, price is one of the few acts of the properties for sale, there is in fact a number of real estate prices, but volume is still behind the fell sharply.

“to the end of May, the property market has been going on this round of wait-and-see period of seven months. “Mengqi pointed out that such a nation-wide cycle time wait-and-see posture, at least since 1998, not seen since the housing reform. Prior to the wait-and-see time, usually after the introduction of control policies as well as two or three months of 2003 “SARS” when three or four months time.

Chinese version:楼市遭遇10年来最长观望期 广州房价环比狂降


















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