I would like to ask to buy a new motorcycle in the running as ...

Chunlan just bought a water-cooled cars motorized pedal 125. Open less than 20 minutes each time, jumped more than half of the thermometer on the engine is also very hot, the next check coolant and oil tanks are very full, merchants say that this is the new normal phenomenon during the run, had a few months nothing , and would like to ask under which you are a normal phenomenon? If not, how to deal with that? Is where the problems lie and need to be replaced to repair it?

you can rest assured that just bought the new car is in the running-in stage.
car parts all connected edges and corners are connected, after a period of time, binding sites will be a smooth phase, friction on the smaller, but also will not have the overheating, the former 1000km, the speed should not exceed四档40KM / H, file should not exceed five 50KM / H. To the regular shift, so the friction even after the car on the performance of all aspects of beneficial and will raise the car’s life ah. each use
not a very long time, that is not the beginning跑长途ah, such a car would overheat, causing local wear ah, will affect the car’s power system, transmission system, resulting in the phenomenon of the future can not afford cars. The most important

: for oil, my previous car was a 800KM for, 1800KM for the first time, huh, huh, and then after running the. Not necessary to the pursuit of good oil, changed the original car engine oil, such as your car after a run, could be considered, such as oil more than Kras.

Hello! Your problem is not difficult to buy because you are new, so should not happen unless the water tank temperature devices section, but I ask you is opened in summer or winter? If it is summer and that no problem! Instead there is the question!2006-06-06
刚买了辆春兰水冷125踏板摩托。每次开不到20分钟,温度计就跳了过半,发动机也很热,查了下冷却液 水箱和机油全都挺满的,商家说这是新车磨合期间的正常现象,过几个月就没事了,想问下这是属于正常现象吗?如果不是,那该怎样处理呢?是哪里出现问题,需要更换修理吗?



你好!你的问题不很难因为你是新买的,所以不应该有事,除非是水箱节温器坏了,不过我问你是夏天还是冬天开的? 如果是夏天那就没问题!反之就有问题!2006-06-06

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