Anji any specialty, the most of the things to buy for that? How ...

Anji what specialty, most of the things to buy for that? how the price is now?

Daxi Tianhuangping something Hengkeng Daxi
dock of the White Tea Hickory is also good, but the level of bad processing. Processing if they are good, and that crisp and very special flavor.

Anji bamboo products is not something most of them are coming from overseas, do not buy. Of course, Angie is still a lot of varieties of the bamboo mat, and can refer to a buy, but to be convenient with.

Anjibaicha White Tea Green Run golden color, lasting嫩香tea, brewing, the quadrimaculata Voss after another, Securinega jade white, veins green, like jade dance movie, undercover颗颗Baiyu drinking, the taste of鲜爽, lip-tooth flow Xiang, Sheng Jin sweet, memorable. White tea contains nutritious ingredients than regular tea, by the biochemical determination of amino acids up to about 6% -10%, more than two to four times the regular tea, tea polyphenol content of 10.7%, lower than half of regular tea, chlorophyll content is very low . As a result of rare white tea varieties, unique style, excellent quality. Since ancient times, white tea is held in esteem by the people of the world, your goods for no civil that as a “tea-Rui.” winter bamboo shoots in Anji

delicious winter bamboo shoots, not only the human body contains the necessary carbohydrates, protein, fat and cellulose, but also contains the nine essential amino acids, various vitamins and phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium and other elements. Therefore, all gourmet bamboo shoots past as “the first vegetarian products.” Winter bamboo shoots in Anji individual full color Huang Liang, shell thin, flesh white, tender meat,味鲜. Can be cut, drawing, cutting films, the production of a variety of delicious food is Anji “shoots into the feast,” the treasures of by the majority of consumers, selling domestic and foreign markets. Anji
dried Xitiaoxi located upstream, north West Tianmushan. More than the territory of mountains, mild climate and fertile soil, suitable for the growth of bamboo plant breeding, it is “Township” of. Anji dried head of days, using stone from the processing of bamboo shoots. Preserved bamboo shoots or dried, the color green, it is also called “green shoots” of Shanghai known as “flat tip.” Temmokus dried, a small species very, very bald, very fat,笋尖, baking out in first class. Its characteristics as follows: thick meat tender, the United States and form good color,味鲜mellow and rich nutrition. Table sauce with “open ocean” comparable. Carya illinoensis

origin Daxi Village Tianhuangping Town, Zhongshan in southern areas is a我县seeds of woody plants. Tall tree to tree, smooth white bark, seeds have a circle outside the yellow peel green hexagon. Bailu before and after the maturity of a year, after picking the number of processing procedures to produce the best fruit脆香. Daxi pecan is the traditional name Anji special products, rich in protein, fats, vitamins and other nutrients. Armstrong has a strong gluten waist, the effect of Jianpi Bushen. And its light thin味香, crisp, delicious with that reputation to enjoy Shanghai and Ning, hang around. Anji

Chestnut Chestnut is a tribute to the Ming Dynasty, the year 5000 kilograms gunda. Chestnut county existing 2.6 million hectares, mainly located in Yonghe, reeling homes,孝丰, follow mountain township, with an annual output of about 600,000 kilograms. Produced whenever the chestnut season, is located in Anji, Guangde Hang Tong at the junction of Chestnut Yungho market is busy, cars come to, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hangzhou merchants gathered around here, on sales during the peak period of more than 25,000 kg. Anji chestnut seed variety, good quality. Crossroads Town produced in the delivery of chestnut can be cut into shreds for the vegetables, making soup is not paste, it is not a chestnut.

Anji is the tea, one is bamboo. A little white tea, buy bamboo products, are a good choice, oh.

Anjibaicha White Tea Green Run golden color, lasting嫩香tea, brewing, the quadrimaculata Voss after another, Securinega jade white, veins green, like jade dance movie, undercover颗颗Baiyu drinking, the taste of鲜爽, lip-tooth flow Xiang, Sheng Jin sweet, memorable. White tea contains nutritious ingredients than regular tea, by the biochemical determination of amino acids up to about 6% -10%, more than two to four times the regular tea, tea polyphenol content of 10.7%, lower than half of regular tea, chlorophyll content is very low . As a result of rare white tea varieties, unique style, excellent quality. Since ancient times, white tea is held in esteem by the people of the world, your goods for no civil that as a “tea-Rui.” Anji white film

(green tea)

quality bamboo shoots in Anji Juice tender, crisp, white color is located in Anji
upstream Xitiaoxi West Tianmushan north. More than the territory of mountains, mild climate and fertile soil, suitable for the growth of bamboo plant breeding, it is “Township” of. Anji dried head of days, using stone from the processing of bamboo shoots. Preserved bamboo shoots or dried, the color green, it is also called “green shoots” of Shanghai known as “flat tip.” Temmokus dried, a small species very, very bald, very fat,笋尖, baking out in first class. Its characteristics as follows: thick meat tender, the United States and form good color,味鲜mellow and rich nutrition. Table sauce with “open ocean” compared




白茶 安吉白茶色泽金黄绿润,茶香嫩香持久,冲泡之后,茶芽朵朵,叶底玉白,叶脉绿色,似片片翡翠起舞,颗颗白玉卧底,饮之,滋味鲜爽,唇齿流香,甘味生津,回味无穷。白茶内含有营养成份高于常茶,经生化测定,氨基酸含量高达6%—10%左右,比常茶高二至四倍,茶多酚含量10.7%,比常茶低一半,叶绿素含量甚低。由于白茶品种珍稀,风格独特,品质{jj0}。自古以来,白茶为世人所推崇,贵为绝品,民间谓为“茶瑞”。

冬笋 安吉冬笋美味可口,不仅含有人体所需的糖类、蛋白质、脂肪和纤维素,而且还含有九种人体必需的氨基酸,各种维生素和磷、铁、钙、镁等元素。因此,历代美食家都把竹笋列为“素食{dy}品”。安吉冬笋个体丰满、色泽黄亮、壳薄、肉色白、肉质嫩、味鲜。可切块、拉丝、削片,制作多种美味佳肴,是安吉“进笋宴”中之珍品,深受广大消费者青睐,xxxxx市场。
笋干 安吉地处西苕溪上游,西天目山北麓。境内多崇山峻岭,气候温和,土壤肥沃,适宜竹类植物生长繁育,因此有"竹乡"之称。安吉的天目笋干,用石竹笋加工而成。笋脯即笋干,其色绿,所以又称"绿笋",上海人称为"扁尖"。天目笋干,品种有小挺、秃挺、肥挺、笋尖、焙熄头等。其特色为:肉质厚嫩、色美形佳、醇香味鲜、营养丰富。调味佐餐可与"开洋"媲美。

山核桃 大溪山核桃产地天荒坪镇大溪村,是我县南部中山地区一种木本植物种子。树为高大乔木,树皮光滑发白,种子外被有圆六角形青黄色果皮。每年白露前后成熟,采摘后经数道工序加工,制成脆香的佳果。大溪山核桃是安吉县传统名特产品,含有丰富的蛋白质、油脂、维生素等多种营养物质。具有强筋壮腰、健脾xx之功效。并以其亮薄、味香、松脆、鲜美著称,誉享沪、宁、杭各地。

板栗 安吉板栗于明代即为贡品,年贡达5000公斤。全县现有板栗2.6万余公顷,主要分布于永和、缫舍、孝丰、皈山等乡镇,年产量约60万公斤。每当板栗出产季节,位于安吉、广德交界的永和桐坑板栗市场更是一派繁忙景象,车来人往,江苏、上海、杭州各地客商云集于此,日销量高峰时期超过2.5万公斤。安吉板栗良种繁多,品质优良。产于递铺镇十字路的板栗可切丝作菜,煮汤不糊,更是栗中一绝。


白茶 安吉白茶色泽金黄绿润,茶香嫩香持久,冲泡之后,茶芽朵朵,叶底玉白,叶脉绿色,似片片翡翠起舞,颗颗白玉卧底,饮之,滋味鲜爽,唇齿流香,甘味生津,回味无穷。白茶内含有营养成份高于常茶,经生化测定,氨基酸含量高达6%—10%左右,比常茶高二至四倍,茶多酚含量10.7%,比常茶低一半,叶绿素含量甚低。由于白茶品种珍稀,风格独特,品质{jj0}。自古以来,白茶为世人所推崇,贵为绝品,民间谓为“茶瑞”。


安吉清汁笋 质嫩、松脆、色白


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